Simply get to know more and learn what it is like to study at a university abroad - a semester abroad, usually lasting one or two semesters, opens up many new perspectives.
As part of the Erasmus+ programme, you can study at one of our partner institutions in Europe. The good thing about this programme is that you receive a monthly scholarship and are exempt from tuition fees and other charges. Studies and achievements acquired at the host institution will be recognized by your home institution upon prior request. In addition, the host university will support you in finding accommodation and assist you with all the formalities related to your studies.
If you want to study abroad outside of Europe, you will usually have significantly higher costs. Most of our partner universities charge tuition fees. You should therefore apply early for Bafög and other grants such as PROMOS or OTH International. You can find out more about this under "Funding opportunities".
Find out well in advance which insurance policies you need to take out for your stay abroad. The health insurance card is valid for the whole of Europe, but you should still consider taking out additional insurance to be able to finance the necessary medical treatment and repatriation to Germany if necessary. You can find information about the necessary insurance cover and about low-cost group insurance on the DAAD's information pages.
An International Student Identity Card (ISIC) may also prove useful for your stay. This card entitles you to discounts on flights, accommodation, travel, shopping and entertainment worldwide. For more information on the ISIC, click here.
For studies in Australia, Canada and the USA, proof of language ability (like TOEFL, IELTS) is usually required. Our partner universities also accept the so-called DAAD certificate, which you can take at the Language Centre or the International Office of the OTH. Simply make an appointment.
Wen kann ich kontaktieren, wenn ich ein Semester im Ausland absolvieren möchte?
Sie interessieren sich für ein oder zwei Semester an einer unserer Partnerhochschulen?
Dann kontaktieren Sie uns bitte – Cornelia Eichinger ist dabei Ihre Ansprechpartnerin.
External counselling offers
ISO: Kostenlose Webtutorials zum Auslandsstudium in Canada, Australien oder den USA
The International Student Organisation (ISO) offers recurring web tutorials on studying abroad in Canada, Australia or the USA. The following universities are available
- International College of Management, Sydney
- Vancouver Island University
- National University
- University of North Carolina, Wilmington
IEC: Webtutorials for the semester abroad
Find out more on the FAQ pages of the International Education Center (ICE) on study opportunities and funding programmes.
GOstralia!-GOmerica - Study in Australia, New Zealand, the USA or Southeast Asia
Every semester, GOstralia!-GOmerica! organises lectures, workshops and information events throughout Germany and is also a guest at many university fairs and International Days. Of course, everything revolves around the topic of "Studying in Australia, New Zealand, the USA or Southeast Asia".
For example, you will be provided with information on the various study options and their financing and receive numerous tips on studying, living and working Down Under. You will also have the opportunity to meet the experts from GOstralia!-GOmerica! in person and receive individual advice on site.
The events are open to students of all disciplines and are free of charge.
Information on the pages of GOstralia! GOmerica!
Asia Exchange - Study, Live, Learn
Asia Exchange offers study abroad opportunities in China, Bali, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea and Vietnam.
Through Beyond Abroad, we also offer study abroad in Europe, Africa and the Americas.
All our partner universities have been carefully selected and are among the best in their respective countries.
World of Students
Looking for the perfect study abroad programme?
Then you've come to the right place! Find your university now and spend the time of your life at one of our many partner universities worldwide.
Our service is completely free of charge and without obligation for you.
Start your search and have only the results relevant to you and your studies displayed directly. With us you will find many universities from all over the world - either directly via the search with filter function above or via our menu.
Procedure of the semester abroad
As a student at the host university, you gain an insight into a different study system and have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of the subject matter and supplement it with courses that may not be offered at your home university. And don't forget: you can brush up on your foreign language skills, expand them and make yourself fit for your career - after all, experience abroad has become more and more in demand in recent years.
Fancy it? Then please feel free to contact us.
We will advise you on the many possibilities of studying abroad and support you along the way.
In order to plan your study abroad early and successfully, please read the following information carefully.
In the following, we will give you a general overview of the possibilities of studying abroad, clarify common questions and show you important steps that you need to take when preparing.
Choice of university
In advance, you have to think about where you would like to go.
Basically, all options are easy to plan, but they do have general conditions:
- Exchange within Europe
This works via an exchange programme with a partner university in another European country.
You can then also participate in the Erasmus programme. The application is done through us, the International Office of the OTH Amberg-Weiden. - Exchange outside Europe
There are also partner universities outside Europe. In this case, however, you will unfortunately not be able to receive Erasmus funding, although there are other alternatives.
In order to clarify this and to apply for this exchange, you should also contact the International Office of the university. - Freemover
If you have chosen a particular university, but it is not one of our partners, it is possible to spend a semester abroad:
This requires more initiative, time and financial resources. The application for this goes directly to your chosen university. However, we will be happy to give you advice if you need it.
Preliminary thoughts
- When would you like to go abroad and for how long?
- Which partner universities come into question?
- What are the terms and conditions of the university you want to go to?
- Do you want to take part in an exchange programme or go abroad individually as a so-called freemover?
- How will you finance your semester abroad?
Please plan your semester abroad with a minimum lead time of 12-6 months!
- Own research
- Consultation with the IO and, if necessary, with the representatives in the degree programme
- Decision/Application procedure
- Nomination / contact with the partner university
- Organisation of the stay (accommodation, courses, etc.)
- Learning Agreement / Erasmus/Promos documents
- Submitting applications to the IO