Kompetenzzentrum Künstliche Intelligenz Georg-Grammer-Straße 2 92224 Amberg Tel.: +49 (9621) 482-3625 E-Mail: ikki @ oth-aw . de Contact Person Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Schäfer Contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Schäfer
separate discount scale for color copies/prints (see price list ). Please complete the copy order and e-mail it to the mailroom or drop it off directly. Opening hours Monday – thursday: 8 – 15 Friday: 8 – 12
note We look after both locations in Amberg and Weiden. Please send us an appointment request by email in advance so that we can arrange a telephone, online or face-to-face appointment with you. Appointment
und Career Service for a personal consultation on studying. We are also available by telephone or e-mail.
mobile app: Create a free account at nytimes.com/passes using your OTH email address. Click on the link in the confirmation email. Download the NYTimes mobile app at: nytimes.com/mobile If they see the [...] branch)", please contact us with the details of the book (author, title, year or ISBN). Preferably by e-mail to: bibwen @ oth-aw . de . We will be happy to order the title for you via interlibrary loan from [...] search by date (via "calendar") Download and print Any more questions? Feel free to contact us via e-mail to bib @ oth-aw . de ! Going green@your library - more sustainability on campus Going green@your
oth-aw.de/en/zatocil/translate-to-englisch-prof-dr-ing-heiko-zatocil/ Hours: Nach Vereinbarung per Email Subject areas: Elektrische Antriebe, Leistungselektronik, Modellbasierte Softwareentwicklung mit Matlab
Technische Hochschule Amberg Weiden z. Attn: Kathrin Morgenstern Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 23 92224 Amberg E-Mail: k.morgenstern @ oth-aw . de
addition to professors and the Alumi team. Support request Submit a ticket surname * given name * email address * problem generic problem login digital teaching hardware/printers it security/data protection
Application document check If you would like advice or an application document check, please write an email and make an appointment. Events in summer semester 2024 16.04.2024: Job interviews in Germany. Convince [...] Salutation * --- male female diverse First name * Last name * postal code * place of residence * Email * country of origin * Study program * Bitte Studiengang auswählen Angewandte Informatik (AI) Angewandte
Salutation * --- Ms. Mr. not specified Title First name * Last name * Company Address ZIP City Phone Email * Select the category that best suits your request * Please choose Generell / Don´t know Student Advice
Buddy or would you like to get supported as an international student? Then get in contact with us :) Email: isc @ oth-aw . de Documents Download – Registration for Participation in the International Buddy
Registration Salutation * Bitte wählen Herr / Mr Frau / Ms divers / diverse First name * Last name * Email * Phone Geburtsdatum/ Date of Birth * Geburtsland/ Country of Origin * Angestrebter akademischer
answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQ . Please note! For all questions please contact us via Email: welcome @ oth-aw . de . Head of Study Program Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Laura Denise Fischer Contact Prof
both university locations on a rotating basis and will be happy to advise you. Please contact us by email or by phone with any questions or to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you
and Monday to Thursday 13.00 to 15.00 (and by appointment). For an enquiry, please just send an email! Your Team International Office Dr. Annabelle Wolff Contact Dr. Annabelle Wolff Zum Profil Schließen
(currently available) * Telefonnummer // Phone number * Bitte Handynummer // Mobile Phone Email-Adresse // Email address * Weiter / Continue
de https://www.oth-aw.de/en/meiller/prof-dr-dieter-meiller/ Hours: Online by prior arrangement via e-mail Meeting room: https://vconf.oth-aw.de/meiller Subject area: Media Informatics Research areas: Web
https://www.oth-aw.de/en/schaefer-ulrich/about-prof-dr-ing-ulrich-schaefer/ Hours: by appointment (email) Subject areas: Media Informatics, Mobile Computing, Natural Language Processing Research area: Natural
software until an account has been created for you by the university (you will receive an invitation via email). https://www.splashtop.com/de/downloads Use of the software Under "Planned access" you can see your
Advisory Service gladly assist you with help and advice. For all questions please contact us via Email: welcome @ oth-aw . de Questions concerning your application For questions concerning your application
and carry the bulletin board for your degree program digitally with you. Also included in the app: E-Mail Moodle Chat Menus To-Do-Lists Student ID PRIMUSS Moodle MyOTH (including timetable) Room finder Corona
Nähe der Universität finden. Ich bin eine saubere Person, verantwortungsbewusst und Nichtraucher. Email: abdallahhesham640@gmail.com Read details Stadthäuschen mit 6 WG Zimmern zu vermieten Offer 16.11 [...] Amberg in the end of November 2023. If anyone has any accommodation please get in touch with me on my email: muhammadsaaad10@gmail.com Read details
, please use our network drives! FAQ/Wiki Support Request Submit a ticket surname * given name * email address * problem generic problem login digital teaching hardware/printers it security/data protection
schools Consultations on scholarship models for schools Schule * Ansprechperson (Vor- und Nachname) * Email-Adresse * ggf. Telefonnummer für Rücksprachen Ich wünsche eine Beratung zu... * Hier können Sie angeben
Further education offers Junior staff acquisition Contact (current) Terms of use Contact Send an e-mail to the alumni team Alumni Koordinatorin Anja Wurdack Contact Anja Wurdack Head of OTH Professional