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Hochschule Wismar -
University of Applied
Sciences, Technology,
Business and Design
DE, Germany University of Bern CH, Switzerland
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• Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) can be potentially designed to serve the
interests of society in better ways than private alternatives do. However, due to
date 2024-04-10T06:27:07Z
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Day 1: Arrival international students
Day 2: Ice-breaking, introduction to the challenge
and Design Thinking
Day 3: Inspiration, ‘Deep dive in the challenge’,
insights/problem definition
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BIP Service design flyer
Blended Intensive Programme
Monday 18/11 - Friday 22/11, 2024
Where [...] 2024-06-20T05:23:18Z
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competence: Profound knowledge of the scientific principles required for the understanding, analysis, design and
operation of conventional and renewable energy systems.
• Methodological competence: [...] n-based-post-combustion-capture-of-carbon-dioxide
• Thomas, W. J: Adsorption technology and design; Reed Educational and Professional Publishing; 1998;
date 2024-04-02T13:50:25Z
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dc:title Spiritu
Ingenieure N. Häring 2 alle 3 Kl 60 min 50 Ergänzung MHB AWPM/SSW (WS 2023/24)
Parametrisches Design Dr. Julian Raabe 2 alle 3 ModA 18 x
Industrielle Computertomographie zur vollständigen Messung
date 2024-04-16T13:26:32Z
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them in accordance with legal and normative requirements. 2They acquire the
ability to plan and design medical technology products and to analyse, integrate and optimise
complex mechanical, electronic
date 2024-05-06T09:47:34Z
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dc:title A2_Pl
electives like Robotics, IoT Technology or
Digital Image Processing.4 of 13
2 of 6
3 of 9
Design your own study programme
OTH Amberg-Weiden – Industrial Engineering - Prof. Dr. Kris Dalm
Welt vorantreiben. Wir arbeiten
Hand in Hand mit der Industrie, um Simulationsmodelle für den Design dieser Anlagen zu
entwickeln. Dabei betrachten wir alle Bestandteile der Prozesskette; von den [...] to a zero-emission world. We work closely with industry to develop simulation models
for the design of these plants. In doing so, we consider all components of the process chain;
from renewable
Corporate Governance,
Compliance & CSR
International Strategic Management
New Business Models &
Design Thinking
Environment, Climate Change
& Ecology
International Projects –
Processes & Change
• Research traditions (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, design of experiments (DOE))
• Research designs (e.g., experiment, survey, field study, numerical computer simulations)
[...] research methodologies, enabling them to design robust empirical studies. This includes understanding
the strengths and limitations of different research designs, statistical analyses, and how to apply [...] groups:
• The compulsory modules (10 ECTS) The compulsory modules of this certificate course are designed to
provide doctoral students with a solid foundation of knowledge, skills and ethical principles
Several employees of a company in the "standard course", i.e. the course is not individually
designed for the company if the company pays
(In-house training courses are not included, these are