Warschau, Polen, September 2017, DOI H. Zatocil , H. Nannen, "Objektorientierte Laborautomatisierung", Design und Elektronik , August 2017 H. Nannen, H. Zatocil , "Sensorless start-up of soft starter driven
Amberg Marketplace (Lerning Partner Exchange, Offer/Search, Apartments Templates in OTH Corporate Design can be found at W:/Projekte/OTH_CI_Stud CoffeeLounge Weiden E-Charging Car Points Car Registration
Publications in books/collective volumes Malik, A., Fürstenau, B. & Hommel, M. (2023) User Interface (UI) Design of Banks’ Web Pages and Its Influence on Forstering Financial Literacy of Users Through Informal
Learning – Konzeption von Lehr-Lern-Umgebungen für die Hochschullehre und Erfahrungen aus der Praxis [Design of learning environments for higher education teaching and practical experiences]. Presentation within [...] Entwicklung], Dortmund. 13.05.2022. Malik, A., Fürstenau, B. & Hommel, M. (2021). Banks’ Webpages Design as Means of Effectively Communicating Information about Financial Products to Customers. Conference: [...] Hommel, M. (2021). Aufgabenkultur und Aufgabengestaltung in Online-Formaten [Task culture and task design in online formats]. Presentation at the Didactics Forum, OTH Amberg-Weiden, 20.04.2021. Hommel, M
date/time Access method Access success accessed resource Volume of data transferred Web browser designation In the access logs created by the web server, the IP address of the user is processed and stored
Medientage München on 26.10.2012 at the invitation of MedienCampus Bayern e. V. Lecture: Generative Design with Processing. Medientage München on 21.10.2011 at the invitation of MedienCampus Bayern e. V. [...] form for future educators and students. The main objective is to optimize the didactic and media design of the historical content and to use the latest intelligent technologies for this purpose. Through [...] development project of the OTH-AW and the BHS came in. The subject of the project is the analysis, design and development of new user interfaces for the control of industrial plants. The core objective is
OnCampus offers an online course "Pronunciation training for Syrian learners of German". The course is designed to teach people who speak Syrian Arabic how to pronounce German by means of short videos: http://mooin
technology and to derive recommendations for scalable solutions. The use of 5G technology will be designed, implemented as a model and evaluated in selected use cases and key topics (healthcare logistics
are taught. The program enables a practical and application-oriented education, in which you will design and prototype AI systems in practical projects in small groups. You will be taught by professors
Contents Contact Teaching language: German! General Information: This interdisciplinary programme is designed to combine the core competences in mechanical and electrical engineering with the profound knowledge [...] Communication Competence/Presentation Techniques Technical and Legal English The last semester is designated for the completion of the final research paper (Bachelor’s Thesis) which may also cover research
profile Close Logistik & Supply Chain Management Are you interested in procurement, eProcurement, design and improvement of business processes, the conception of smart distribution strategies or Supply [...] Management 4.0? We will show you how you, as a logistician and supply chain manager, can creatively design innovative, agile processes with domestic and foreign suppliers, your colleagues and customers, accompany [...] management that you need for this. You will also learn important aspects of digitalization and process design and optimization. You will also learn how to assess the profitability of your planning and ongoing
flexible selection of subject combinations guarantees that the course of study can be individually designed according to your interests and needs. In addition to the specialization modules in your chosen
what can companies learn from it? How do you identify suitable applicants? How do you successfully design change processes? If these questions interest you, our Bachelor of Applied Organizational Psychology [...] consumption-related issues. In the process, you will develop concepts for consumer-oriented product design or change management, among other things. With this know-how, you can assess economic situations
Modules Mathematics Physics Basics in Chemistry and Biology Materials Science Technical Mechanics and Design Electrical Engineering & Information Technology Application-oriented Modules Thermodynamics and Fluid [...] Management Environmental Management Environmental Law Innovation Management The last semester is designated for the completion of the final research paper (Bachelor’s Thesis) which may also cover research
Medienformatik, Fakultät EMI, OTH Amberg-Weiden, Amberg, 2023. Schmidt, Ferdinand: Konzeptionierung, Design und Implementierung einer Frontend-Applikation zur Abwicklung von Lagerlogistikprozessen in der SAP
Multimedia Systems Interactive presentations Usability Interaction design Computer art Aesthetics 3D visualization Communication design An important characteristic of the fields of interest in the teaching [...] Prof. Dr. Dieter Meiller General areas of interest of Prof. Meiller (teaching & research) are: Web design, web engineering Mobile applications Information visualization visual analytics Machine Learning [...] in such a way that they can understand it cognitively efficiently. The area of interplay between design and computer science is in the focus of interest. Contact me also at Xing or LinkedIn Kontakt Prof
1985–1989 Education as technical designer 1992–1993 Free study at the Institute of Art and Design in Neustadt a.d. Waldnaab 1994–1998 Graduated with a degree in communication design (Diploma) 2002–2007 Study
a marketing manager or as a management consultant, for example. However, you will also be able to design and coordinate state-of-the-art data strategies in cooperation with the development, production and
and development projects, in order to manage and successfully complete projects which are usually designed for a longer period of time. Due to its extended contents, the degree programme prepares you in
centers, in e-learning companies or in self-employment. You will work as a manager, media officer, designer of digitally supported teaching, developer of digital learning environments, producer of learning
structure of the research situation & structure of the theoretical part , structure of the research design & structure of the empirical part and presentation and defense of the thesis . Bachelor's and Master's [...] theoretical framework? 4.4. & 11.4.2024: 17 bis 18:30 Uhr - (3) How do I create a feasible research design? How do I structure and write a suitable results/empirical part? 18.4. & 25.4.2024: 17 bis 18:30 [...] 2 Single selection * 4.4. & 11.4.2024: 17 bis 18:30 Uhr - (3) How do I create a feasible research design? How do I structure and write a suitable results/empirical part? no interest in topic 3 Single selection
Intelligente Energie und Smart Home Intelligente Robotik und intelligente Medien Media production and design Digital media Information visualization Image and product film
includes the following modules: Machine Elements Strength of Materials / FEM Product Engineering and Designing with Plastics Project Management Mold Making Laser Materials Processing Digital Production Innovation [...] comprises the following modules: Thermodynamics – Fundamentals Technical Fluid Mechanics Calculation and Design of Unit Operations in Process Engineering Process Engineering – Fundamentals Chemical and Biological [...] Biological Reaction Technology Chemical and Biological Process Technology Computational Fluid Dynamics Design of Experiments (DoE) Air Soil Water Recycling and Waste Management Process Engineering – Deepening
require a previous degree in Computer Science. Instead, as a consecutive course, it is primarily designed for graduates of a bachelor's program in Industrial Engineering or similar bachelor's programs with
with immediate effect and will mainly work in the area of media production, especially with graphic design, video production and video post production. We wish her a good start and a warm welcome to the team [...] Above all, the updating of the content, the desire for a more intuitive usability and a more modern design were the focus of the redesign. Of course, we welcome your feedback and are just as grateful for