Original: "Sustainable development is development that
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future genera-
tions to meet their own needs."23
Daraus folgt, dass Nachhaltigkeit [...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] auf das Grundprinzip
für Nachhaltigkeit und Ökonomie.
The Shared Value approach is a current test to bridge the gap between business
and corporate responsibility. The question behind is about the re
from an equilibrium with perfect to one with imperfect information, high-ability workers
have to invest more in education to separate themselves and move from point B to point C in Figure
page [...] productivity-enhancing effects of education. To
this extent there is a huge amount of literature which tries to test which of the two theories is correct
by trying to separate empirically the purely prod [...] salaries of workers in occupations relevant to their educational qualification
to those with the same qualification working in jobs not directly related to their qualifications.
• An experimental
OTHmag 2018.01
OTH Vision
Die Nächte der großen Ideen
meetDigitals Start-up Nights an der OTH Amberg-Weiden
Bei den beiden meetDigitals Start-up Nights an der OTH in Weiden
und Amberg kam zusammen [...] Start-up Night in Weiden
Mehr über meetDigitals erfahren Sie
unter: www.meetdigitals.com
Alexander Hofmann, Louis Bauer
und Tobias Walbert von meetDIGITALS
5. – 6. März 2018 [...] gearbeitet haben.
Die Teilnehmenden der 1. Indo-German Summer-Winter-School
OTHmag 2018.01
OTH Campus
Der von der Studier
learning, didactics, and human resource development
are custom-tailored to the different life stages and therefore are able to
ensure sustainability of employability.
Schlüsselwörter: [...] had been given to questions of disposition – the
development of attitudes and values, and the emotional component of human
experience and learning. There was a strong desire to move forward from [...] ichnis 39
• Moseley, J. L./ Dessinger, J. C. (2008): Older worker-learners (OWLS) are
here…and they are here to stay; In: Performance Improvement, Vol. 47, Nr. 19, S.
5-8; Abrufbar unter
resilience to power outages, cyberattacks and crises.
• Private monies and systems may contribute to efficiency but are profit-driven, which
limits the extent to which they can contribute to the public [...] cash and, establish rights to access and pay in cash.
The cash infrastructure must be adapted to the needs of cash users, who otherwise will have
no option but to shift to electronic payment alternatives [...] important for people who find it difficult to make ends meet.
• Cash provides tourists and foreign visitors to a country with a certainty about being
able to pay.
In light of these benefits, many
supply factors to demonstrate that
cash has to keep a vital role as a means of payment not only to maintain its status of a highly liquid
store-of-value but also as an efficient tool to combat crises [...] population is still accustomed to banknotes and coins in its payment habits. In addition,
there must be a robust cash infrastructure to ensure a well-functioning cash cycle to meet the
demand for cash [...]
declined from 2009 to 2020 from 54% to 21% and stayed roughly at that level in the following
years. Interestingly, the value shares also fell from 2009 to 2020, from 23% to 9%, but
2018.02 Editorial
gemeinsam mit über 200 Besucherinnen
und Besuchern habe ich im November die
meetDIGITALS Inspiration & Start up Night
an der OTH Amberg-Weiden besucht. Wie
viele Gäste habe ich [...] Viele Grüße
Prof. Dr. Andrea Klug
Präsidentin der OTH Amberg-Weiden
Gründerszene Oberpfalz:
meetDIGITALS Event an der OTH in Weiden
Prof. Dr. Andrea Klug, [...] Deutschland
gehen. Florians Traum, Musik zu machen
und davon leben zu können, geht in
„Schon am ersten
Abend in Hamburg gab
es Standing
en Beförderung
Soft Skills
Bildungsregion Nordoberpfalz
OTH Friends OTHmag 2020.01
Für nähere [...] Stock, Raum
308, gleich neben dem Aufzug.
Ein Ort um die Seele baumeln zu lassen
„I want to ride my bicycle“
Die Wege an der OTH in Amberg und Weiden sind allgemein recht
kurz. Nicht nur
(2.1) to (2.3). All three parties conclude the contract provided that the
contractually agreed payments (per project) to the entrepreneur, to the bank, and to the
household are in line with (2.1) to (2.4) [...] reduces the ability to fund investment.
Finally, an economy prone to a simultaneous monetary policy and macroprudential
policy shock responds almost equally to an economy prone to a single monetary policy [...] minimum return that is necessary to induce bankers to monitor is given by
t = µIt
, (2.2)
and the minimum return that is necessary to induce entrepreneurs to choose the project
variant without
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
numerous initiatives. E.g. the programme
MeiLe (multimedia in teaching) was launched with the goal to achieve competitive advantages with e-
learning in the sector of education. After a general phase of [...] about possible potentials of use for e-
learning. On the basis of a framework the question is pursued to what extent today’s solutions also
assure sustained success. It turns out that e-learning obviously [...] found its “everyday” place yet.
The everywhere perceived approaches and the apparent attractiveness to the ministry in terms of e-
learning has been a long time in coming that in upcoming years a distinct
first have to transfer money from their TARGET-PM
accounts to their TIPS-DCA before they can use it for instant payments (see figure 8a). The
time to transfer funds from TARGET-PM accounts to TIPS-DCA [...] area countries, but its volume is subject to approval by
1 Some NCBs also provide accounts to nonbanks such as private households and enterprises , but only to
a very limited extent.
2 Since the [...] Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to store
information on a blockchain or “account-based” giving money holders access to ordinary
central bank accounts. According to the latest survey by the Bank for
suchen verstärkt
nach Absolventen – Ver-
anstaltungen wie »Master
goes Industry« oder »Conrad
meets students« sind ein Beweis hierfür und
finden bereits in der zweiten Auflage statt.
Ein großer [...] näher zusammen – diese
Brücke bildet die Grundlage
der Innovationskraft in
der Region
: T
, A
Newsletter 2|20127Wirtschaftsstandort
ability to convert the communi-
cation from TCP-TLS-MQTT, which is the actual/common
case, to QUIC-MQTT and vice versa.
When an IoT device attempts to connect to a cloud
service in order to send or [...] can contrib-
ute to the recovery of rare metals; and with a view to
digitalisation in companies, a digital strategy from the
idea to the roadmap is presented. There is much more
to read, for example [...] nity to increase the customer satisfaction. In order to ana-
lyze, which features help to achieve this enhancement,
the Kano method can be applied. This customer-oriented
research method allows to find
pharmaceutical industry with regard
to the quality and purity of its products are particularly
high. Clean room technology is essential to meet these
demands. To meet the need for further research in this [...] cated to one IGBT and one Diode)
Thus, it is necessary to adapt the calculated thermal
capacity. The possible procedure is to integrate the
thermal grease layer into the module and to assign [...] i.e. how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative
change of the price level has to be equal to the relative
change in the nominal money
To reflect the shift to future workplace trends, the curriculum
needs to be adjusted. Similarly, to successfully make the
transition into a highly digitalized workplace, it is essential
to explain [...] and techno-
logical skills on their ability to obtain work in the future;
ultimately, we decided to research this issue to gain better
insights. According to the American Psychological Associ-
ation [1] [...] an impact in the years to come [11].
Future workplace design concepts are already beginning to
take shape [10]. To be ready for the changes that will occur,
it is essential to understand how these megatrends
requires access
to the user input as well as to a suitable unit to provide
guidance information to the user.
Interface 1: CAN (Touchpad) – CAN-Keyboard/
Mouse Adapter
In order to control the navigation [...] research and transfer.
We would like to thank all researchers for their constant
commitment to generating new knowledge and their
willingness to make this available to all of us in the form
of this research [...] theoretical maximum range to calculate
which charging stations can be reached. For range safety
reasons, a reserve minimum of SOC is provided in order
to be able to react to unforeseen events. This however
partners, to discuss them critically
and thus to identify solutions and options for action. In
this way, we make a central contribution to providing
answers to pressing questions of our time and to helping [...] needed to perform the padding oracle attack.
In addition, an attacker has to be able to modify the
encrypted message and send these modified messages to
the oracle. The goal of this attack is to know [...] We would like to thank all researchers and all those
involved for their constant curiosity, their commitment to
generating new knowledge and their willingness to make
this available to all of us in the
knock due to the high compression ratio proved to be the
limiting factor for gas admixing in Procedure 1, the com-
pression was reduced to 16:1 in Procedure 2 in order to be
able to investigate higher [...] important to ensure
that critical data is sent reliably. To reach this objective,
it is necessary to monitor and to analyze the behavior of
the mobile network. In particular, a software needs to be
developed [...] important to ensure that critical data is
sent reliably. To reach this objective, it is necessary to monitor and to analyze the behavior of
the mobile network. In particular, a software needs to be developed
lecture is that the students initially learn and practice the contents autono-
mously. After that the relevant lecture takes place.
The main reason for the change was to improve the study results of the [...] students will be able to ac-
complish their own learning rhythm. This process shall be supported by the numer-
ous practice possibilities.
The following report will respond to the project more closely [...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in
from an equilibrium with perfect to one with imperfect information, high-ability workers
have to invest more in education to separate themselves and move from point B to point C in Figure
page [...] productivity-enhancing effects of education. To
this extent there is a huge amount of literature which tries to test which of the two theories is correct
by trying to separate empirically the purely prod [...] salaries of workers in occupations relevant to their educational qualification
to those with the same qualification working in jobs not directly related to their qualifications.
• An experimental
suchen verstärkt
nach Absolventen – Ver-
anstaltungen wie »Master
goes Industry« oder »Conrad
meets students« sind ein Beweis hierfür und
finden bereits in der zweiten Auflage statt.
Ein großer [...] näher zusammen – diese
Brücke bildet die Grundlage
der Innovationskraft in
der Region
: T
, A
Newsletter 2|20127Wirtschaftsstandort
methodological expertise. Students will learn how to
develop clear IT structures, how to write programs using
modern state-of-the-art software technology and how to
integrate software and hardware into robust [...] technology, just to
name a few. Graduates who are particularly well-qualified
may continue their studies with a Master Programme in IT
and Information.
The programme takes seven semesters to complete and [...] Theory and Cryptology
The second phase (third and fourth semester) is designed
to deepen the basic skills and to prepare the students for
the practical semester. It involves the following modules:
n, the programme is
able to meet the high demands placed on practical application
This German-taught programme is a full-time course and takes three
semesters to complete. It involves the [...] with a solid education in
this area are in great demand.
The goal of this programme is to train the students to adopt
managerial tasks (e.g. managing projects, work groups,
departments) in marketing [...] degree „Master of Arts (M.A.)“
Marketing Management
(FH Hof)
Marketing and distribution belong to the most important tasks of
graduates in business studies or other business-related pro-