in the mid-1990s.
Our mission: To provide impulses, to make it possible to
study close to home, to contribute innovative knowledge
to regional development and thus to support structural
change. A look [...] cal MM group includes point-to-point, point-to-curve and
curve-to-curve matching (see Figure 1).
Road 1
Road 2
Point to Curve
Point to Point
Curve to Curve
Figure 1: Three variants [...] uses two majority
votes: one to validate transitions between segments and
the other one to validate transitions to non-route seg-
ments. The purpose of the second voting is to give the
MM more robustness
pharmaceutical industry with regard
to the quality and purity of its products are particularly
high. Clean room technology is essential to meet these
demands. To meet the need for further research in this [...] cated to one IGBT and one Diode)
Thus, it is necessary to adapt the calculated thermal
capacity. The possible procedure is to integrate the
thermal grease layer into the module and to assign [...] i.e. how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative
change of the price level has to be equal to the relative
change in the nominal money
To reflect the shift to future workplace trends, the curriculum
needs to be adjusted. Similarly, to successfully make the
transition into a highly digitalized workplace, it is essential
to explain [...] and techno-
logical skills on their ability to obtain work in the future;
ultimately, we decided to research this issue to gain better
insights. According to the American Psychological Associ-
ation [1] [...] an impact in the years to come [11].
Future workplace design concepts are already beginning to
take shape [10]. To be ready for the changes that will occur,
it is essential to understand how these megatrends
regression can be used to apply
the algorithm to functions that have multiple variables.
The different squares that light is allowed to pass through
on the token each make a contribution to the pattern.
Since [...] Within this context, we aim to bring our university’s
established cooperation models more closely together in
order to unleash further synergies. As such, we are open
to fresh ideas, and collaboration [...] attacks, which can be
used to generate a mathematical model of a strong PUF,
cannot be applied to POKs. A mathematical model of a
PUF allows the generation of the response to any chal-
lenge of a PUF instance
possible to get
the maximum IO-speed concerning to the HDD bottleneck.
To get the maximum speed between the main CPU and the
cluster, the best way is to use both PCIe interfaces. So
PCI0 is used to read [...] visualization needs to be flexible
and widely configurable. A high speed CAN bus is used to
carry all relevant data to be displayed. The architecture
enables the possibility to send data to the visualization [...] was necessary to determine how these
cables were best to be routed. In an effort to shorten this
development time and to develop alternative potential
solutions, it is necessary to use appropriate
allow customers to be more closely
involved in their business operations than before.
3) Employees have to be encouraged to develop a strong
commitment to service, which companies have to offer
appropriate [...] growth data allows the central bank to reduce
its response to current inflation, thus enabling it to avoid
inefficient reactions to cost push shocks. According to
Kilponen and Leitemo (2007), the case [...] effects
on customer loyalty, yet they have to bear the risk of
payment defaults. The task of credit managers is to point
early to problem customers in order to avoid bad debt
losses (risk dimensions)
Präsentation von Forschungsergebnissen zum Thema „Algi-
nates to simulate tumor lesions in phantoms for 3D SPECT
and an alternative to Jaszak phantom in the quality assurance
process“ auf der [...] medical implants
and electronic devices due to radiation“. Ein weiterer Beitrag
„Implementation and Evaluation of Segmentation Algorithms
According to Multimodal Imaging in Personalized Medicine“ [...] Danzig, die
Spring-School „Automotive Engineering & Electric Cars“ mit der
TU Ostrava, „Meet Up! Flucht und Heimat“ (Deutsch-Ukrainisches
Austauschseminar) oder die Bavarian Summer School
OTHmag 2018.01
OTH Vision
Die Nächte der großen Ideen
meetDigitals Start-up Nights an der OTH Amberg-Weiden
Bei den beiden meetDigitals Start-up Nights an der OTH in Weiden
und Amberg kam zusammen [...] Start-up Night in Weiden
Mehr über meetDigitals erfahren Sie
Alexander Hofmann, Louis Bauer
und Tobias Walbert von meetDIGITALS
5. – 6. März 2018 [...] gearbeitet haben.
Die Teilnehmenden der 1. Indo-German Summer-Winter-School
OTHmag 2018.01
OTH Campus
Der von der Studier
2018.02 Editorial
gemeinsam mit über 200 Besucherinnen
und Besuchern habe ich im November die
meetDIGITALS Inspiration & Start up Night
an der OTH Amberg-Weiden besucht. Wie
viele Gäste habe ich [...] Viele Grüße
Prof. Dr. Andrea Klug
Präsidentin der OTH Amberg-Weiden
Gründerszene Oberpfalz:
meetDIGITALS Event an der OTH in Weiden
Prof. Dr. Andrea Klug, [...] Deutschland
gehen. Florians Traum, Musik zu machen
und davon leben zu können, geht in
„Schon am ersten
Abend in Hamburg gab
es Standing
en Beförderung
Soft Skills
Bildungsregion Nordoberpfalz
OTH Friends OTHmag 2020.01
Für nähere [...] Stock, Raum
308, gleich neben dem Aufzug.
Ein Ort um die Seele baumeln zu lassen
„I want to ride my bicycle“
Die Wege an der OTH in Amberg und Weiden sind allgemein recht
kurz. Nicht nur
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
learning, didactics, and human resource development
are custom-tailored to the different life stages and therefore are able to
ensure sustainability of employability.
Schlüsselwörter: [...] had been given to questions of disposition – the
development of attitudes and values, and the emotional component of human
experience and learning. There was a strong desire to move forward from [...] ichnis 39
• Moseley, J. L./ Dessinger, J. C. (2008): Older worker-learners (OWLS) are
here…and they are here to stay; In: Performance Improvement, Vol. 47, Nr. 19, S.
5-8; Abrufbar unter
(2.1) to (2.3). All three parties conclude the contract provided that the
contractually agreed payments (per project) to the entrepreneur, to the bank, and to the
household are in line with (2.1) to (2.4) [...] reduces the ability to fund investment.
Finally, an economy prone to a simultaneous monetary policy and macroprudential
policy shock responds almost equally to an economy prone to a single monetary policy [...] minimum return that is necessary to induce bankers to monitor is given by
t = µIt
, (2.2)
and the minimum return that is necessary to induce entrepreneurs to choose the project
variant without
company, which the SME's can meet effectively only by co-operation. These co-
operation are successful in the operational business on the way. How measurably
successful they are, is to be investigated with this [...] Network Scorecard als Instrument der Erfolgsmessung in virtuellen Unternehmen ...... 24
5.2. Cash to Cash Cycle ....................................................................................... [...] K., Walther, J.( 2007), S. 3
4 Vgl. ebenda
5 Vgl.: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants (2008): How to navigate the turbulent waters of the automotive crises
Anteil am Pr
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
numerous initiatives. E.g. the programme
MeiLe (multimedia in teaching) was launched with the goal to achieve competitive advantages with e-
learning in the sector of education. After a general phase of [...] about possible potentials of use for e-
learning. On the basis of a framework the question is pursued to what extent today’s solutions also
assure sustained success. It turns out that e-learning obviously [...] found its “everyday” place yet.
The everywhere perceived approaches and the apparent attractiveness to the ministry in terms of e-
learning has been a long time in coming that in upcoming years a distinct
J., Osborn, D., Murphy, P. & Edwards, A. (2017). The Cool Stuff in Premiere Pro: Learn advanced editing techniques to dramatically
speed up your workflow (2nd ed.). Apress. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4842-2890-6 [...] inkl. Gewichtung
Type/Scope incl. Weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning Outcomes to be Assessed
Modularbeit E-Portfolio (80%):
Die Studierenden führen ein Lerntagebuch, halten [...] sonstige Unterlagen, Verweise auf Webinhalte und Artikel
Dirksen, J. (2016). Design for How People Learn. New Riders.
eLearning Industry Inc, Zuletzt geprüft am 11.08.2020
e): The students are able to combine knowledge and skills
from the basic modules to derive and develop new solutions. The have the competence to discuss issues related to energy storage in
interd [...] Ability to identify practice-relevant focal points of the regulations
Ability to recognise overarching connections between different areas of supranational and national energy/environmental law and to
[...] al competence: Students acquire the ability to plan projects efficiently and to work through them in a structured and
cost-oriented manner. They get to know the most important materials and plant
They learn to identify these situations and to appear interculturally competent.
• Personal competence (social competence and self-competence): Students acquire the interdisciplinary ability to perform [...]
• In addition to theoretical knowledge, students also acquire the ability to apply process engineering principles in practice, both
independently and in a team.
• They are able to critically analyse [...] interculturality. They learn the theoretical basics
of intercultural communication and understanding.
• Methodological competence: Students are able to apply strategies to improve the handling of
pdf:docinfo:created 2022-07-09T08:39:47Z
Architecture meets Technology
eine Veranstaltung der Ostbayerischen
Technischen Hochschule Amberg-Weiden – [...] rwesen-und-
Architecture meets Technology
Teilnahmegebühr: Der Veranstaltungsbeitrag beträgt pro Person
470,– Euro zzgl. der [...] ERWEITERUNGS- UND UMBAUTEN /
Hans-Jürgen Distler, DISTLER• Architekten
und Ingenieure GmbH / Germany
pdf:docinfo:created 2019-09-10T09:16:18Z
Architecture meets Technology
eine Veranstaltung der Ostbayerischen
Technischen Hochschule Amberg-Weiden – [...] de/hospital-engineering-trends
Architecture meets Technology
Teilnahmegebühr: Der Veranstaltungsbeitrag beträgt pro Person
470,– Euro zzgl. der [...] Interaction between patient environment and
thearpeutical concepts: Why doctors and architects
need to find a common language
11:30 – 12:00 Peter Deneut
supported by:
and in Cooperation with
Architecture meets Technology
fördern führen inspirieren
Programm 2017
Program 2017
eine [...] l-engineering-trends
Architecture meets Technology
Teilnahmegebühr: Der Veranstaltungsbeitrag beträgt pro Person
350,– Euro zzgl. der [...] gesund? –
Raumgestaltung und Genesungsfortschritt
Ergebnisse einer internationalen Studie
How to speed up patient recovery? –
Room Design and health recovery results
of an international study
and 2000) to improve the scope of protection for patents. In contrast to the United
States, where a first-to-invent system operates, China follows a first-to-file system.35
“First-to-file” means [...] help individuals to act systematically
and to enable them to define their approach to operate within a company with a focus on
OMI. A defined process is a key for organizations to follow their business [...] and a shorter time to market for
new products. Aiming to reduce R&D expenses through new ideas and improved pro-
cesses, some companies offer incentives to suppliers in order to increase the exchange
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
numerous initiatives. E.g. the programme
MeiLe (multimedia in teaching) was launched with the goal to achieve competitive advantages with e-
learning in the sector of education. After a general phase of [...] about possible potentials of use for e-
learning. On the basis of a framework the question is pursued to what extent today’s solutions also
assure sustained success. It turns out that e-learning obviously [...] found its “everyday” place yet.
The everywhere perceived approaches and the apparent attractiveness to the ministry in terms of e-
learning has been a long time in coming that in upcoming years a distinct