Module overview
The module overview provides an overview of the chronological sequence of the modules with the respective semester hours per week and credit points. You can download the module overview for the Medical Engineering degree program as a PDF:
- Modulhandbuch Medical Engineering(3 MB)
Gültig ab Studienbeginn im Wintersemester 2024/2025
Timetable / Examination Schedule
You can download the currently valid timetable for the Medical Engineering course as a PDF. On the exam schedule you will find all important information about your upcoming exams.
- Stundenplan Bachelor Medical Engineering(157 KB)
Wintersemester 2024/25
Study Examination Regulations
The current study and examination regulations for the Medical Engineering degree program:
- Studien- und Prüfungsordnung Bachelor Medical Engineering(88 KB)
Für Studienanfänger ab dem WS 2024/2025