, Bach, S., Strobl, I., & Dechant, K. (2022). A Theory-Based Approach of Feedback in STACK-Based Moodle Quizzes Taking into Account Self-Regulation and Different Proficiency of Learners. International
M., Bach, S. & Strobl, I, OTH Amberg-Weiden): A theory-based approach of feedback in STACK-based Moodle quizzes taking into account self-regulation and different proficiency of learners . 16. Ingenieu
, Adobe Captivate), Erklärvideoproduktion und Animation, Onlinekursentwicklung und E-Portfolios (Moodle, Ilias, Mahara), AR/VR in der Lehre, Multirepräsentationssysteme (STACK, JSX Graph, GeoGebra), digital
Kommunikationsvideoreihe Badura, Sophie. Vergleichende Betrachtung des Open Source Management Systems Moodle und des kommerziellen Autorentools Articulate Storyline 360 zur Erstellung adaptiver Lerneinheiten
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