structure of the research situation & structure of the theoretical part , structure of the research design & structure of the empirical part and presentation and defense of the thesis . Bachelor's and Master's [...] theoretical framework? 4.4. & 11.4.2024: 17 bis 18:30 Uhr - (3) How do I create a feasible research design? How do I structure and write a suitable results/empirical part? 18.4. & 25.4.2024: 17 bis 18:30 [...] 2 Single selection * 4.4. & 11.4.2024: 17 bis 18:30 Uhr - (3) How do I create a feasible research design? How do I structure and write a suitable results/empirical part? no interest in topic 3 Single selection
Automobiles (PRYSTINE): Final results after Year 3. In: 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2021, Virtual Event / Palermo, Sicily, Italy, September 1-3, 2021 , pages 268–277, IEEE. DOI
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BIP Service design flyer
Blended Intensive Programme
Monday 18/11 - Friday 22/11, 2024
Where [...] 2024-06-20T05:23:18Z
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Keywords DAFLoUQ6kgI
• Research traditions (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, design of experiments (DOE))
• Research designs (e.g., experiment, survey, field study, numerical computer simulations)
[...] research methodologies, enabling them to design robust empirical studies. This includes understanding
the strengths and limitations of different research designs, statistical analyses, and how to apply [...] groups:
• The compulsory modules (10 ECTS) The compulsory modules of this certificate course are designed to
provide doctoral students with a solid foundation of knowledge, skills and ethical principles
date 2024-04-30T08:58:32Z
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2024-04-30T08:58:32Z [...] u. CO. KG 06 NORMA Lebensmittelfilialbetrieb Stiftung & Co.KG
84 EDAG Group 46 Novem Car Interior Design GmbH
88 elasto GmbH & Co. KG 96 NTT DATA Deutschland SE
82 emz-Hanauer GmbH & Co. KGaA 71 OTH P
date 2024-05-02T13:10:48Z
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84 EDAG Group 46 Novem Car Interior Design GmbH
88 elasto GmbH & Co. KG 96 NTT DATA Deutschland SE
82 emz-Hanauer GmbH & Co. KGaA 71 OTH P
Temperature ≠ heat
Energy & Exergy
annotation https://hub.h [...] Disciplines" interviews
carried out
− To Do: derive appropriate exercises
− To Do: Derive "Design Patterns"/
"Best Practice Examples" and make them
- Support
- create simple designs as 3D MCAD models
- clarify the requirements of a design task with a team, derive their own tasks and explain them
- explain the dynamic aspects of a design in teamwork
Course [...] requirements creation, design engineering, user experience and software
development. For this purpose, the complete design task is carried out with the help of a CAD tool.
A design task and the workload [...] to abstract design tasks (functional analysis) and develop and evaluate various possible solutions (conception)
- acquire the ability to dimension and design complex machine parts (design)
- create designs
- create simple designs as 3D MCAD models
- clarify the requirements of a design task with a team, derive their own tasks and explain them
- explain the dynamic aspects of a design in teamwork
Course [...] requirements creation, design engineering, user experience and software
development. For this purpose, the complete design task is carried out with the help of a CAD tool.
A design task and the workload [...] to abstract design tasks (functional analysis) and develop and evaluate various possible solutions (conception)
- acquire the ability to dimension and design complex machine parts (design)
- create designs
r Verlag
Evans Eric, Domain-Driven Design, Addison-Wesley
Larman Craig, Applying UML and Patterns. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall
Meyer Bertrand, Obj [...]
4.3 Studienabschnitt 1 - Module im Studiengang Medieninformatik
Design und Produktion digitaler Medien
Design and Production of Digital Media
Zuordnung zum
Classification [...] rten Gestaltungsprozess und Design Thinking.
Kennenlernen und Einüben von Methoden und Werkzeugen aus den Bereichen Recherche und Inspiration, Ideengenerierung und Design,
sowie (Rapid-) Prototyping
r Verlag
Evans Eric, Domain-Driven Design, Addison-Wesley
Larman Craig, Applying UML and Patterns. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall
Meyer Bertrand, Obj [...]
4.3 Studienabschnitt 1 - Module im Studiengang Medieninformatik
Design und Produktion digitaler Medien
Design and Production of Digital Media
Zuordnung zum
Classification [...] rten Gestaltungsprozess und Design Thinking.
Kennenlernen und Einüben von Methoden und Werkzeugen aus den Bereichen Recherche und Inspiration, Ideengenerierung und Design,
sowie (Rapid-) Prototyping
date 2024-03-15T07:15:01Z
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2024-06-27T05:58:09Z [...] Impact of digitalization and other megatrends on business models and organizations
• Basics of the Design Thinking process
• Understanding user groups and their needs, requirements and problems
• Brainstorming
Design of Experiments (Versuchs- planung
und -auswertung)
Prof. Dr. Christian Wilisch
Bezeichnung engl.: Design of Experiments
Referent(en): [...] Lewrik, M., Link, P. Leifer, L. (2018). The Design Thinking Playbook: Mindful Digital
Transformation of Teams, Products, Services, Businesses and Ecosystems (Design Thinking
Osterwalder, A. [...]
Technisches Design von interaktiven Exponaten
zur Wissenschaftskommunikation
Prof. Bjoern Seeger
Bezeichnung engl.: Technical design of interactive exhibits
date 2024-04-02T13:50:25Z
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