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- create simple designs as 3D MCAD models
- clarify the requirements of a design task with a team, derive their own tasks and explain them
- explain the dynamic aspects of a design in teamwork
Course [...] requirements creation, design engineering, user experience and software
development. For this purpose, the complete design task is carried out with the help of a CAD tool.
A design task and the workload [...] to abstract design tasks (functional analysis) and develop and evaluate various possible solutions (conception)
- acquire the ability to dimension and design complex machine parts (design)
- create designs
- create simple designs as 3D MCAD models
- clarify the requirements of a design task with a team, derive their own tasks and explain them
- explain the dynamic aspects of a design in teamwork
Course [...] requirements creation, design engineering, user experience and software
development. For this purpose, the complete design task is carried out with the help of a CAD tool.
A design task and the workload [...] to abstract design tasks (functional analysis) and develop and evaluate various possible solutions (conception)
- acquire the ability to dimension and design complex machine parts (design)
- create designs
bewerten sowie mittels Wertstromdesign rationelle
Sollprozesse zu entwickeln.
mit Hilfe von Design Thinking und Industrie 4.0 Ansätzen die Wertschöpfung produzierender Unternehmen zu steigern
[...] ten des Dienstleistungsgeschäftes im Vergleich zum Produktgeschäft
- Service Strategie, Service Design, Service Implementierung, Service Controlling für Internationale Unternehmen
- Produktbegleitende
tung/Anwendung gewonnenen
Erkenntnisse vor dem Hintergrund einschlägiger Diskurse (Research by
2. Kriterien für die Verleihung des Doktorgrades Dr. rer. nat. (Doktor/
Doktorin der
different energy carriers of
electricity, heat, and gas.
• Tasks include collecting data, designing model blocks, and initiating the twin model.
Basic Qualifications
• Bachelor’s degree in the
Design of Experiments (Versuchs- planung
und -auswertung)
Prof. Dr. Christian Wilisch
Bezeichnung engl.: Design of Experiments
Referent(en): [...] Lewrik, M., Link, P. Leifer, L. (2018). The Design Thinking Playbook: Mindful Digital
Transformation of Teams, Products, Services, Businesses and Ecosystems (Design Thinking
Osterwalder, A. [...]
Technisches Design von interaktiven Exponaten
zur Wissenschaftskommunikation
Prof. Bjoern Seeger
Bezeichnung engl.: Technical design of interactive exhibits
3D-Modellierung und Animation
APD Applikationsdesign
BLOCK Blockveranstaltung
CS Cybersicherheit
DC Design Computation
HPA Hör- und Psychoakustik
KUK Klangerzeugung und Klanggestaltung
NLP Natural Language
annotation [...] programmes/programme/1205_machines-and-equipment-design
annotation [...] doctoral
Industrial Engineering
doctoral, doctoral part-time
Machines and Equipment Design
doctoral, doctoral part-time
Nano and microtechnology
System Engineering
can contribute to the public good.
• Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) can be potentially designed to serve the
interests of society in better ways than private alternatives do. However, due [...] prove convenient for certain
transactions and may contribute to economic efficiency. However, by design they cannot fulfil
the important functions of cash that arise from its physical nature.
[...] differ from those observed for other digital payment solutions”.
• CBDCs can be designed to ensure a great degree of anonymity. However, this cannot
be absolute due to anti-money laundering
can contribute to the public good.
• Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) can be potentially designed to serve the
interests of society in better ways than private alternatives do. However, due [...] prove convenient for certain
transactions and may contribute to economic efficiency. However, by design they cannot fulfil
the important functions of cash that arise from its physical nature.
[...] differ from those observed for other digital payment solutions”.
• CBDCs can be designed to ensure a great degree of anonymity. However, this cannot
be absolute due to anti-money laundering
• Evaluate a product's value chain in relation to achieving sustainable development goals.
• Design the product life cycle according to the circular economy principles.
• Make an integrated assessment [...] solve the communication problem.
• Student can plan the IT project argumentation.
• Student can design a presentation that will be in the stakeholder’s mind.
Methodological Skills:
• Student
• Evaluate a product's value chain in relation to achieving sustainable development goals.
• Design the product life cycle according to the circular economy principles.
• Make an integrated assessment [...] solve the communication problem.
• Student can plan the IT project argumentation.
• Student can design a presentation that will be in the stakeholder’s mind.
Methodological Skills:
• Student
date 2024-06-27T05:58:09Z
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2024-06-27T05:58:09Z [...] Impact of digitalization and other megatrends on business models and organizations
• Basics of the Design Thinking process
• Understanding user groups and their needs, requirements and problems
• Brainstorming
electives like Robotics, IoT Technology or
Digital Image Processing.4 of 13
3 of 8
3 of 9
Design your own study programme
OTH Amberg-Weiden – Medical Engineering - Prof. Burkhard Stolz
date 2024-06-18T15:54:25Z
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date 2024-06-18T15:54:25Z
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date 2024-06-18T12:13:18Z
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dc:title 1_5 O
auf ein Bonussystem führen
Mechanical Construction Design
Zuordnung zum
Module ID
Art des Moduls
Kind of [...] Tietze, C. Schenk, E. Gamm: Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik, Springer, 2016
J. F. Wakerly: Digital Design: Principles and Practices, Pearson, 2007
Internationalität (Inhaltlich) [...] page
Elektronische Bauelemente und Schaltungstechnik 1
Electronic Devices and Circuit Design
Zuordnung zum
Module ID
Art des Moduls
Kind of
Amplifiers: Principles of Operation, Design
Procedures, and Experimental Verification. In: Huijsing, J.H., Steyaert, M., van Roermund, A. (eds) Analog Circuit
Design. Springer, Boston, MA. https://doi [...]
date 2024-06-16T07:19:28Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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and Practice”, College Publications, 2014
• Maier, A., „Handbook of Engineering Systems Design”, Springer, 2023
• Madni, A.M., “Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering”, Springer
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