Laborfläche für die Medizintechnik mit einer Aus-
stattung auf absolutem High-Tech-Niveau im Weide-
ner Technologie-Campus (WTC) ein-
gerichtet worden.
Mehr zu Gründung und Zielen des
neuen Instituts
dung mit Client-Server-Struktur auf Basis
von UDP und Raw–Ethernet“ in Zusammenarbeit mit der Weid-
müller AG, der Hochschule Harz und der Hochschule Ostwestfa-
len-Lippe (August 2009)
Credit und Rating Praxis)
• Risikoorientierte Kundenbewertung: Eine Fallstudie, in: Weide-
ner Diskussionspapiere Nr. 48, Weiden 2015
• Wertorientertes Credit Management: Zielgrößen
92224 Amberg
Telefon: 09621/482-204 oder 9709230
Fax: 09621/482-145
e-mail: a.weiss@fh-amberg-weide
▲Der neue, hochgenaue Düsenprüfstand zur Kalibrierung von Durchflussmessstrecken für Gase
tieferliegende Ursachen – eine Wachstumsschwäche – zu-
rückzuführen sei, führte Bundesbankpräsident Jens Weid-
mann jüngst aus; und weiter: „Wenn also die Wachstums-
schwäche den Kern des Problems darstellt,
(semester contribution) and has to be paid at the beginning of each semester. The contribution at OTH Amberg-Weiden amounts to approx. 72 euros per semester.
Amberg: OTH-AW Bibliothek Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 23 92224 Amberg Library Weiden: OTH-AW Bibliothek Hetzenrichter Weg 15 92637 Weiden i.d.OPf. Please send the books in time before the end of the loan period [...] container. This will be emptied the next day and your books will be booked from your account. ... Weiden: Please drop your books in the book return container in front of the library. An account credit will
and communication sciences, communication design, conservation and environmental protection. OTH Weiden: Economics, technology (especially industrial engineering), business administration, law, medicine
Amberg library team if they wish to renew their interlibrary loan orders. Users of the library in Weiden receive their books with the longest possible loan period (including all extensions granted by the
with all existing publications on the topic in a single catalog is practically zero. The OTH Amberg-Weiden has licensed various databases - in some cases you will even get access to freely available p [...] and what you have done so far in an email to bibam@oth-aw.de (Amberg students) or bibwen@oth-aw.de (Weiden students). (Which catalogs and databases have you already searched? Which search terms have you used [...] please contact Ms. Monika Pastuska (OTH library in Amberg) and Ms. Lena Fischer (OTH library in Weiden).
Amberg and have to be picked up directly at the Provinzialbibliothek, which is very close to the OTH. Weiden users can find more information about OPAC and branch orders here , Amberg users please click here
shelf?). For order means that the title is available in the other branch (for Weiden users in Amberg, for Amberg users in Weiden). For a detailed explanation of how to order titles from another branch, see [...] Books that are available locally in Amberg or Weiden are displayed in the hit list in the OPAC in the first tab Local catalogues. If the title in the hit list says available , the title is available in
form of an individual research training for Citavi (regardless of whether you study in Amberg or Weiden).
the right sources to use in their assignments, we have developed different courses in Amberg and Weiden that we would love you to use! For example, you can sign up for workshops preparing you for the use [...] software, etc., Ms. Monika Pastuska (OTH library in Amberg) and Ms. Lena Fischer (OTH library in Weiden) will gladly support you personally in finding exactly what you need.
is available? ) The title in our example starts with the number 40, so it is in the OTH library in Weiden. The following two letters, in our example QC, will lead you to the shelf where the title is located [...] following it - let's assume the shelfmark mentioned above again, i.e. 100. If you are looking around the Weiden library, feel free to consult the library map there. Of course, you can always ask the staff if it
to some of the important offices: Weiden Residents’ Office Weiden Registration Office Foreigners Office Tourist Info Weiden Here are the links to museums in Weiden: City Museum with Max Reger Collection [...] Weiden is almost the same size as Amberg. It also has around 40,000 inhabitants. You can drive to Nuremberg or to Regensburg within an hour and half . Munich is about two hours away. Here are links to [...] International Ceramics Museum Weiden You may also join a sports club. There’s everything from football over swimming to athletics and more. The region offers numerous leisure activities. Leisure time
Malteserplatz. Just search for Studentenwohnheim Malteserplatz. Weiden: Studentenwerk Oberfranken runs two student dormitories in Weiden, Wohnanlage Am Postkeller and Wohnanlage Fischerberg . The complete [...] complete list of student halls of residence (Studierendenwohnheim) in Amberg and Weiden can be viewed under „ Marketplace ” on the University’s website.
apply for residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) at the Foreigners’ Registration Department in Amberg or Weiden before your visa expires. To get your residence permit, you have to submit the following documents: [...] must apply to the Foreigners’ Registration Department at the university’s district authority (i.e. Weiden or Amberg) for a new residence permit for studies immediately after you have taken up your university
You can follow us on Facebook Instagram: OTH Amberg-Weiden // OTH International YouTube
Check this site to learn more about the university, studies, service, research etc.
notice board in MyOTH . Moodle (online-learning platform) Moodle is the e-learning platform of OTH Amberg-Weiden and can be found here: https://moodle.oth-aw.de/local/login/ Login with your username and password
Here you can find the news at OTH Amberg-Weiden (in German).
from an insurance company in your home country for the complete duration of your stay at OTH Amberg-Weiden, you must bring along a complete insurance policy from the insurance company in your home country
and photograph. The administration fee is 100 euros. Foreigners’ Office Amberg Foreigners’ Office Weiden
W-seminar training courses in the library. If you are interested, please contact Ms. Lena Fischer at the Weiden location or Ms. Monika Pastuska at the Amberg location. Please note: Students who are interested