machine learning.
• Methodological competence: The students are able to practically apply various machine learning methods and to evaluate the
• Personal competence: Ability to discuss [...] Personal competence: Ability to communicate about lightweight engineering; ability to work independently as well as in team to
solve a technical problem; ability to lifetime learning
Course Content
Inhalte [...] private situations. They learn to identify these situations and to appear interculturally competent.
• Personal competence: Students acquire the interdisciplinary ability to perform in a culturally
will be on relating theoretical concepts to assessment and evaluation of practices in organizations.
Empirical projects will be analyzed to extract lessons learned and suggestions for improvement. Explorations [...] project work is used to test the entire learning
content and competency profiles, including the com-
petencies for presentation.
The assessed discussion contributions serve to dee-
pen the understanding [...] you are not eligible to sign up for more than 11 Advanced Modules or more than 4 Soft Skill Modules prior to having completed a minimum of 120
of 150 possible ECTS.
According to §6 (2) of the old Study
Kl 27.01.25
60 min
08.30 –
09.30 Uhr
Machine Learning (SPO alt) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
Machine Learning 1 (SPO neu) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
keine Kl 04.02.25
60 min [...] ---- ModA ---- ----
Deep Learning 1. Levi
2. Brunner
---- ModA ---- ---- Analyse und Bearbeitung einer
gegebenen Aufgabenstellung mit
Hilfe von Deep Learning;
prototypische Realisierung von [...] kleinen
Teams (neue SPO)
Künstliche Intelligenz 1
(Ethik & Nachhaltigkeit,
Interaktion & Meeting)
1. Heckmann
2. Ranisch
--- ÜbL Benotete Pflichtübungen (SPO alt)
Kl 27.01.25
60 min
08.30 –
09.30 Uhr
Machine Learning (SPO alt) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
Machine Learning 1 (SPO neu) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
keine Kl 04.02.25
60 min [...] ---- ModA ---- ----
Deep Learning 1. Levi
2. Brunner
---- ModA ---- ---- Analyse und Bearbeitung einer
gegebenen Aufgabenstellung mit
Hilfe von Deep Learning;
prototypische Realisierung von [...] kleinen
Teams (neue SPO)
Künstliche Intelligenz 1
(Ethik & Nachhaltigkeit,
Interaktion & Meeting)
1. Heckmann
2. Ranisch
--- ÜbL Benotete Pflichtübungen (SPO alt)
Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2018.
• A. Géron: Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow, O’Reilly, 201.
• S. Raschka: Machine Learning mit Python [...] Einsatzgebiete von Reinforcement Learning
Problemstellung und Grundbegriffe
Temporal Difference Learning (z.B. Q-Learning, SARSA)
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Teaching [...] Nachbereitung sowie KI.Meeting)
Lernziele/Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Das Modul besteht aus zwei Vorlesungsteilen KI.Ethik und KI.Kognition sowie einem KI.Meeting.
Nach dem erfolgreichen
(Ethik & Nachhaltigkeit,
Interaktion & Meeting)
1. Heckmann
2. Ranisch
--- ÜbL Benotete Pflichtübungen (SPO alt)
Ethik, Kognition & Meeting 1. Heckmann
2. Ranisch
--- Prä SPO neu [...]
Kl 28.01.25
90 min
10.00 Uhr
Machine Learning (SPO alt) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
Machine Learning 1 (SPO neu) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
s. Prüfungsplan BKI Kl 04.02 [...] arrive punctually 30 minutes before the start of the examination in order to be seated in the lecture
hall. The candidates have to bring a valid identity card or passport.
2) Contact with persons other
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...]
English Abstract:
We analyze the ability of standard macro models to explain recessions and depressions as well as
financial crises. We find that the usual textbook models [...] decisive
factor is the (lack of) adjustment of the real interest rate. As a solution, we propose recourse to
elements of the Loanable Funds theory. This can better explain the interactions between the goods
Author Thomas Niehoff
producer Microsoft: Print To PDF
access_permission:can_modify true
pdf:docinfo:producer Microsoft: Print To PDF
pdf:docinfo:created 2024-11-28T07:55:31Z
Microsoft [...] PDFParser
creator Thomas Niehoff
meta:author Thomas Niehoff
pdf:producer Microsoft: Print To PDF
meta:creation-date 2024-11-28T07:55:31Z
created 2024-11-28T07:55:31Z
access_permissio [...] of Intent für Projektantrag
Keine Projektbeteiligung
OTH Regensburg
Förderprojekt LEAP Learning Poses
50 % Gemeinsamer Mitarbeiter
Intercultural Competence
Machine Learning (English) 1. Levi
2. Bergler
PrA Project Work: Conception and
prototypical implementation of a
machine learning use case
Natural Language Processing [...] arrive punctually 30 minutes before the start of the examination in order to be seated in the lecture
hall. The candidates have to bring a valid identity card or passport.
2) Contact with persons other [...] and
task-specific AI-project (project
documentation and presentation)
Deep Reinforcement Learning 1. Nierhoff
2. Bergler
Energy Management with AI
1. Lechner
2. Wiehl
Verfahren (z.B. XAI, Embedded AI, semi-/self-supervised learning, active learning, federated learning,
contrastive learning, transfer learning, DL für Audiosignale)
Lehrmaterial / Literatur
Teaching [...] Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann, 2018.
A. Géron: Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow, O’Reilly, 2018
Raschka: Machine Learning mit Python: das [...] and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
F. Chollet: Deep Learning with Python, Manning, 2018. (deutsche Version bei mitp Professional, 2018)
A. Géron: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and
Inverted Classroom, Peer Instruction, Collaborative Learning, Problem
Based Learning, Learning on Demand, Micro-Learning)
3. Blended-Learning: Modelle, Vor- und Nachteile, Best-Practice Beispiele [...] (2018). Handbuch E-Learning: Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien. UTB.
Arshavskiy, M. (2017). Instructional Design for eLearning: Essential guide for designing successful eLearning courses. CreateSpace [...] Dirksen, J. (2016). Design for How People Learn. New Riders.
eLearning Industry Inc, Zuletzt geprüft am 11.08.2020.
eLearning Journal Online, https://www.elearning-journal
5 1. Kronen
2. Hubmann
s. Prüfungsplan GI X s. Prüfungsplan GI
Machine Learning 1
(neue SPO)
5 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
s. Prüfungsplan KI X X X X X X X KL 60 min
allows you to set your own priorities in your studies , according to your interests. From the third semester onwards, you can choose from a wide range of possible subjects. You are not limited to the Eng [...] possible to start your studies in the winter or summer semester. Registration deadlines You can register for the winter semester from 1 May to 15 July and for the summer semester from 15 November to 1 March [...] visiting the applicant portal . Admission requirements Do you want to apply for the Technical Engineering degree programme? To be admitted to OTH Amberg-Weiden, you need the general qualification for university
provided in German up to level B2 . This enables them to attend the lectures offered by the faculty in German. German-speaking students receive comprehensive training in English. In contrast to other bachelor's [...] semesters, in which you will have completed various compulsory modules, you will be able to choose the modules you wish to take from the catalogue of courses offered. In the third and fourth semesters, the [...] The resulting longer period of time in a company offers you the opportunity to establish contacts with potential employers and to lay a good foundation for your professional career at home and abroad. Upon
will have the opportunity to interact directly with the company representatives. Prof. Liedl will meet you at 08:20 in front of the OTH canteen and take the bus from the OTH to ZMS. You will arrive back [...] Dear students, on Friday, 29-11-2024, an excursion to ZMS (waste recycling association) in Schwandorf will take place. You can expect a company tour and a presentation on sustainability. As with the other