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in der Medizintechnik. Seit 2008 führte er als
Geschäftsführer das Unternehmen Digital Medical
Design und entwickelte in Kooperationsprojekten mit
den Unternehmen der DDI-Group im Biomedizin-
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gained in such a way that a direct comparison between
Design Data (CAD) and the results of Multibody Simulation
(MBS) with the original Design Data is possible. With
regard to MBS, it is especially [...]
date 2014-01-30T13:59:38Z
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date 2014-05-08T09:58:13Z
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while the traditional approach was
based on rather ad-hoc assumptions. From an environmental design perspective, one
of the most important distinguishing features of NM models is that they explicitly [...] Economics" is introduced in Williamson & Wright (2011). It has close
connections to the "mechanism-design approach to monetary theory", as used in Wallace (2011). A
textbook treatment of different aspects [...] exogenously postulated. In their view, price stickiness is, if at all, a friction
of the mechanism (design) and not in the environment (like private information, lack
of commitment, imperfect recognisability
while the traditional approach was
based on rather ad-hoc assumptions. From an environmental design perspective, one
of the most important distinguishing features of NM models is that they explicitly [...] Economics" is introduced in Williamson & Wright (2011). It has close
connections to the "mechanism-design approach to monetary theory", as used in Wallace (2011). A
textbook treatment of different aspects [...] exogenously postulated. In their view, price stickiness is, if at all, a friction
of the mechanism (design) and not in the environment (like private information, lack
of commitment, imperfect recognisability
while the traditional approach was
based on rather ad-hoc assumptions. From an environmental design perspective, one
of the most important distinguishing features of NM models is that they explicitly [...] Economics" is introduced in Williamson & Wright (2011). It has close
connections to the "mechanism-design approach to monetary theory", as used in Wallace (2011). A
textbook treatment of different aspects [...] exogenously postulated. In their view, price stickiness is, if at all, a friction
of the mechanism (design) and not in the environment (like private information, lack
of commitment, imperfect recognisability
while the traditional approach was
based on rather ad-hoc assumptions. From an environmental design perspective, one
of the most important distinguishing features of NM models is that they explicitly [...] Economics" is introduced in Williamson & Wright (2011). It has close
connections to the "mechanism-design approach to monetary theory", as used in Wallace (2011). A
textbook treatment of different aspects [...] exogenously postulated. In their view, price stickiness is, if at all, a friction
of the mechanism (design) and not in the environment (like private information, lack
of commitment, imperfect recognisability
while the traditional approach was
based on rather ad-hoc assumptions. From an environmental design perspective, one
of the most important distinguishing features of NM models is that they explicitly [...] Economics" is introduced in Williamson & Wright (2011). It has close
connections to the "mechanism-design approach to monetary theory", as used in Wallace (2011). A
textbook treatment of different aspects [...] exogenously postulated. In their view, price stickiness is, if at all, a friction
of the mechanism (design) and not in the environment (like private information, lack
of commitment, imperfect recognisability
date 2014-03-06T06:16:15Z
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dc:title Aushang allgemein
date 2014-03-06T06:16:36Z
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dc:title Abschlussarbeit
date 2014-03-06T07:20:22Z
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pdf:docinfo:title Praktikum Kunststofftechnik.indd
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dc:title Praktikum
date 2014-03-06T07:27:30Z
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pdf:docinfo:title Praktikum Wing_Lplan_Kunststofftechnik.indd
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dc:title Praktikum
date 2014-03-06T08:01:18Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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pdf:docinfo:title Praktikum Maschinenbau_TALE.indd
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xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent Adobe InDesign CS6 (Macintosh)
xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent Adobe InDesign CS6 (Macintosh)
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implemention is often mediocre. This
article shows what measures companies can undertake in order to design the
service business professionally and profitably.
Wie erzielen [...] in: Journal of Service
Management, 22. Jg. (2011), Nr. 4, S. 4.
[17] Ramaswamy, R. (1996): Design and management of service processes,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MT.
[18] Roland Berger Strategy
implemention is often mediocre. This
article shows what measures companies can undertake in order to design the
service business professionally and profitably.
Wie erzielen [...] in: Journal of Service
Management, 22. Jg. (2011), Nr. 4, S. 4.
[17] Ramaswamy, R. (1996): Design and management of service processes,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MT.
[18] Roland Berger Strategy
D Kruse, W Maßberg:
CAD by processing of computed tomography data and CAM of individually designed
prostheses. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 24: 90-97, 1995
3. Eufinger, H, M Wehmöller, A Harders [...] H, M Wehmöller, A Falk, T Schneider, NC Gellrich:
Helical CT and freeform surfaces geometric design for the prefabrication of individual
cranial prostheses. In: HU Lemke, K Inamura, CC Jaffe u [...] schaft, Weinheim: DFG: 18-19, 2004
75. Wehmöller M, Warnke PH, Zilian C, Eufinger H. Implant design and production - a new
approach by selective laser melting. In: Lemke HU, Vannier MW, Inamura
date 2014-05-14T12:41:31Z
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In the summer semester of 2010, Amberg-Weiden University
of Applied Sciences will launch a newly designed Bachelor
programme, Medical Engineering. The programme may
pursued beginning in summer semester [...] Technology
• Precision Engineering
• Technical Mechanics
• Vibration Mechanics
• Development and Design
• Computer Aided Engineering
• Handling and Packaging Technologies
• Biomechanics and Ergonomics
In the summer semester of 2010, Amberg-Weiden University
of Applied Sciences will launch a newly designed Bachelor
programme, Medical Engineering. The programme may
pursued beginning in summer semester [...] Technology
• Precision Engineering
• Technical Mechanics
• Vibration Mechanics
• Development and Design
• Computer Aided Engineering
• Handling and Packaging Technologies
• Biomechanics and Ergonomics
while the traditional
approach was based on rather ad-hoc assumptions.
From an institutional design perspective, one of the
most important distinguishing features of NM models is
that they [...] Economics" is introduced in Williamson & Wright
(2011). It has close connections to the "mechanism-design approach to
monetary theory", as used in Wallace (2011). A textbook treatment of different
aspects [...] postulated. In their view, price
stickiness is, if at all, a friction of the mechanism
(design) and not in the environment (like private
information, lack of commitment, imperfect recogni-