SDG Transformation SPACE

Project Aim

The aim of the SDG Transformation SPACE project is to enable students from two universities to learn about, analyze and evaluate sustainability dilemmas and to work cooperatively and collaboratively on solutions. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form the basis of the project. The SDG Transformation SPACE focuses on sustainability dilemmas and conflicting goals both within and between individual SDGs, as well as on ethical challenges that may arise in fulfilling the SDGs.

The goal is to build new knowledge by integrating other perspectives and academic disciplines, as well as to develop professional competencies beyond one's own field.

A transformation requires introducing profound change processes at many levels of society, the economy, and the environment at the same time, which will shape life and work for almost all actors in the long term (Umweltbundesamt, 2019). This inevitably involves conflicts, interactions and also dilemmas that need to be addressed and resolved as best as possible in order to implement a successful transformation. In the currently urgently needed ecological transformation in the context of fulfilling the

Sustainable Development Goals, these essentially take place at three different levels:

1. dilemmas may arise within individual SDGs.

2. dilemmas can arise between individual SDGs.

3. ethical challenges may arise in meeting the SDGs.


Significance of the project for the future.

The project funding is the ideal opportunity to further expand the existing cross-border cooperation between two universities, as well as to implement the SDG Transformation SPACE as a pilot project in parallel on both sides of the border and to generate a much higher impact due to the internationality. The results will be communicated on both sides of the border and made available as best practice for other partner universities both in Germany and in Central and Eastern Europe.


Project duration

01.07.2021 - 30.06.2023


Project sponsor

This project is funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt.


Project partners

OTH Amberg-Weiden

Westböhmische Universität