Current research projects
In its research projects in the fields of sustainable development and applied ethics, the Institute works towards the goal of transferring these findings into practice (e.g. companies, municipalities, universities).
Project „CSR in Southern Germany“
Content: This project provides an in-depth overview of the Bavarian and Baden-Württemberg landscape in the field of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). For a successful sustainable development, actors from politics, business, non-profit, science and education deal with the topic of sustainable management. Southern Germany in particular is very diverse: start-ups, corporations in metropolitan areas, small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas - from high-tech to agriculture. How has this region managed to make sustainability a recipe for success and ensure that CSR and success do not contradict each other? Which developments need to be strengthened in the future? Practitioners, scientists, students and politicians will find answers and suggestions in this work that will be useful for them as responsible decision-makers, leaders and multipliers in the field of sustainability and business.
The content
• Current examples from small and medium-sized enterprises
• Discussions and suggestions from academia
• Contributions to CSR from civil society
Project: : Enabling factors for Business Continuity after Corona Pandemic
Content: Business continuity and organizational resilience is receiving more attention in research. These capabilities are becoming increasingly important due to crises, dynamic markets and diverse risks. The corona pandemic will present companies with unprecedented challenges. Therefore, organizations have to work on fundamental enablers for resilience and continuity. This paper discusses four enablers organization need so that the already known aspects can be effective. Organization needs a good stakeholder management to know stakeholders' expectations and implement strategies and processes to fulfill them. Strong values and culture based on moral behavior leads to quality leadership with communication, motivation and decision making. Also, business models have to be sustainable based on the previous enablers. The pandemic situation opens a wide range for future resilience research, but also the proof of the four enablers.
Project: Sustainability Competence: A Helix-Model for UN PRME Universities
Content: tbc.
Partner: UN PRME Chapter DACH, AG Zertifikate des Netzwerk Hochschule und Nachhaltigkeit Bayern
Project: : Multi-dimensional assessing of a Bavarian and Bohemian University - a case study of sustainability implementation
Content: Universities have a special role to play in the implementation of sustainable development but still few universities around the globe currently publish a sustainability report, this suggests that few universities are pursuing a structured implementation of sustainability. Universities as specific organizations are facing the same challenge as other organization do: translating sustainability aspects into strategy and measuring the effectiveness. Existing tools for implementing sustainability do not consider both dimensions regarding the requirements of performance measurement . Also, for continuous improvement a maturity profile will deliver added value to HEI.
Partner: WBU Pilsen.

Completed research projects

Project: BTHA-AP-2020-27 Preparatory phase for a joint cross-border practice-integrated multiple degree Bachelor study program in Eger (Cheb)
Lead Partner: OTH Amberg-Weiden
Projectpartner: WBU Pilsen
The project objective was to provide support for the establishment of a new, international and practice-integrated bachelor study program in English strongly oriented towards the needs of business practice in the Czech-Bavarian border region. This study program shall enable the acquisition of multiple degrees and shall be established within the framework of the Faculty of Economics (WBU) of the University of West Bohemia in Cheb. The working title of the study program so far is "Industrial Engineering" (interdisciplinary); the study program is to be taught in English. The planned cross-border teaching offer within the framework of a multiple degree study program with the participation of three universities and with the strong involvement of regional companies is a pilot project of relevant importance for the border region and represents a unique offer. After successful implementation, the model could also be extended to other study contents or offers.

Project: BTHA-AP-2019-26 Study trip "On the trail of sustainable development in the Bavarian-Czech border region", 17-20.10.2019.
Lead Partner: OTH Amberg-Weiden
Projectpartner: WBU Pilsen
Education for sustainable development (ESD) is increasingly demanded internationally as an essential component of quality-oriented education and as a key factor for sustainable development. Against this background, the objective of the project is to enable an interdisciplinary and cross-border exchange of the participating students on both sides of the border in the thematic field of sustainable development as well as to sensitize them for these issues.
This project supported:
- the sensitization of the students for the topic of sustainable development.
- the establishment of a double-degree study program in the Master "International and Sustainable Management" between the OTH Amberg-Weiden and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
- the intercultural exchange between Bavaria and the Czech Republic.
- the expansion of joint scientific work and publications and/or additional research projects in the field of sustainability.
- the strengthening of the internationalization of all participating universities in the border region.
- the implementation of a strategy of sustainable development at the Czech universities (best practice and experiences from the German universities).
The joint study tour was recognized as a sub-activity of the ETHNA certificate (Certificate for Ethics and Sustainability Management of the OTH Amberg-Weiden).
Project: Reporting on sustainable development with student inclusion as a teaching method
Abstract: There are several reasons why sustainability reporting is still at an early stage of development in higher education institutions. That is why the purpose was to find a way to simplify the reporting process with stakeholder inclusiveness while teaching sustainability reporting to students. This Case Study examines a reporting progress with relevant stakeholder inclusion by applying the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines to find out if the inclusiveness supports the universities' sustainability topics. Therefore, students – as important stakeholders – were interviewed. Students' awareness for the issues of sustainability has been strengthened and now plays a more important role in their lives than before. Also students are enabled to apply the lessons learned to other curricula modules. Sustainability reporting is a work intensive progress but with this method tested is therefore highly recommendable for future. Student inclusiveness raises awareness for sustainability issues and supports the reporting process positively. It provides the opportunity for students to apply theoretical concepts immediately into practice. The GRI as a framework is suitable but has to be aligned to universities specifics. The sustainability reporting as a teaching method is a practical approach to simplify the reporting progress while conveying sustainability values to students.
Project „Business Excellence, Governance and Process Management: Translate international guidelines on social and environmental responsibility into practice“
Abstract: The project focuses on the development of a model for the sustainability assessment of companies. This model enables company managements to identify and analyze the deficits in sustainability management and to remedy them step by step (analysis of indicators, identification of aspects, generation of key figures, controlling system). Basic principles have already been published in the Weiden discussion papers.
Partner an der OTH Amberg-Weiden, , Faculty of Business Administration: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Renninger and Dr. Christian Forstner.
Project: BTHA –AP-2018-25 „Internationalization of sustainability and ethics research and teaching in the Bavarian-Czech border region“
Lead Partner: OTH Amberg-Weiden
Partner: WBU Pilsen
Abstract: Strengthening the internationalization of both universities thanks to cooperation on an international certificate program Ethics&Sustainability Management (ETHNA) for students of both project partners. The aim of this project is to open the ETHNA certificate for the master students and doctoral students of WBU and in this way to deepen the cooperation between the colleagues on both sides. The present project within the framework of the ETHNA certificate serves as a pilot project for a double-degree study program. With the realization of this objective, the visibility and perception of both universities in the fields of ethics and sustainability can be expanded and strengthened as a special profile element. In particular, the module "Events" of the ETHNA certificate offers a very good opportunity to involve the students and doctoral candidates of WBU in the qualification offer of OTH Amberg-Weiden in a first step. For this purpose, a cross-border participation in the Ethics Forum (7.11.2018), the Future Workshop (22.11.2018) and the Study Day (23.11.2018) at OTH Amberg-Weiden should be made possible for the students from Pilsen
Project „Citizen Science: Implementation of the EU Directives 2012/19/EU and 2006/66/EC“
Abstract: The EU directives give specification for the disposal of small electrical appliances. The project involves the general public and invites them to participate and collect data. It is asked whether the directives are meanwhile implemented in the Upper Palatinate / Bavaria or which inhibiting factors occur during the implementation. At the same time, the project contributes to Goal 12 of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and sensitizes to a responsible consumption.
Kooperationspartner: Students of the Certificate in Ethics and Sustainability Management
Project „GlycoRec - Interactive Bio-Life-Logging for a more understandable approach to diabetes"
The GlycoRec project investigates how diabetes patients can be better supported in their daily lives. Individual user models are developed through continuous collection, storage, processing and analysis of physiological and environmental data. These will make it possible to provide accurate prognoses and individualized recommendations for patients. GlycoRec will thus provide an infrastructure of sensor technology, modeling and patient interaction.
The collaborative partners in the BMBF project GlycoRec are: University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden, Gesellschaft für praxisbezogene Forschung und wissenschaftliche Lehre gGmbH, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Emperra GmbH E-Health Technologies, Potsdam und Deutsche Diabetes-Forschungsgesellschaft e.V.
The research project GlycoRec is coordinated by the PFH Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen. The Institute for Sustainability in Technology and Economics is involved in the research project. The project is headed by Prof. Dr. Dominikus Heckmann (Faculty EMI) (report).
Project „Development of a model for sustainability reporting according to EU Directive 2014/95/EU“
Abstract: According to the EU Directive 2014/95/EU, companies with more than 500 employees should include a non-financial statement, in their management report. The sustainability-related information contained therein relates to areas of action such as environmental impact or employee concerns. To implement the guideline, the project is concerned with the development of a model for sustainability reporting for a regional company.
Cooperation partner: BHS Corrugated - Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH
Selected publications
Prof. Dr. Lisa Marie Ranisch (geb. Schöttl)
- Schöttl, L. (2018): Integrität in Unternehmen – Konzept, Management, Maßnahmen. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Other publications:
- Ranisch, L. (2021): Integrität in der Coronakrise – Unternehmensethische Herausforderungen in der Praxis. In: N. Knoepffler/K. Kodalle (Hrsg.), Herausforderungen der Wissenschaftsethik. Kritisches Jahrbuch der Philosophie, Band 21. Würzburg: K&N.
- Ranisch, R./Schöttl, L. (2020): Rebooting Digital Ethics - Limitationen einer prinzipienbasierten CDR. In: Bertelsmann Stiftung, Wittenberg-Zentrum für Globale Ethik (Hrsg.), Unternehmensverantwortung im digitalen Wandel. Ein Debattenbeitrag zu Corporate Digital Responsibility. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung.
- Schöttl, L./Hanauer, D. (2020): Integrity-driven Performance. In: Wieland, J./Steinmeyer, R./Grüninger, S., Handbuch Compliance-Management. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.
- Schöttl, L. (2018): CSR und Compliance im Verhältnis zu Integrity Management. In: Kleinfeld, A./Martens, A., CSR- und Compliance-Management. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Grüninger, S./Schöttl, L. (2017): Rethinking Compliance – Essential Cornerstones for more Effectiveness in Compliance Management. Compliance Elliance Journal 3(2): 3-17.
- Grüninger, S./Schöttl, L./Wieland, J. (2017): Integrity Management – Warum Compliance eine ethische Fundierung braucht. Zeitschrift für Corporate Governance 12(2): 58-62.
- Grüninger, S./Schöttl, L./Wieland, J. (2016): Unternehmensintegrität & Compliance – Was wirklich wichtig ist. Eine Handreichung für Führungskräfte. Hg. v. Forum Compliance & Integrity – eine Initiative des Zentrums für Wirtschaftsethik.
- Schöttl, L./Ranisch, R. (2016): Compliance- und Integrity-Ansätze in der Unternehmensethik – Normenorientierung ohne Werte oder Werteorientierung ohne Normen? Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik 17(2): 311-325.
- Schöttl, L. (2016): Unternehmen und Integrität – Integrity Management als Ansatz zur Förderung moralischen Unternehmenshandelns. Forum Wirtschaftsethik (Online-Zeitschrift des DNWE), Ausgabe 1/2016: 13.
- Schöttl, L. (2015): The Concept of Moral Integrity and its Implications for Business. S. 52-55 in: Forum – Das Forschungsmagazin der Hochschule Konstanz.
- Grüninger, S./Quintus, S./Schöttl, L./Viebranz, J. (2014): Aufbau eines Compliance-Management-Systems (CMS). Empfehlungen für den Mittelstand. Zeitschrift für Corporate Governance 6: 278-285.
- Grüninger, S./Schöttl, L./Quintus, S. (2014): Compliance im Mittelstand. Studie des Center for Business Compliance & Integrity. Konstanz.