The academic advisor will be happy to help you with programme-specific questions. Please contact Prof Dr Johann Strassl by E-Mail . For general questions, please contact the Studien- und Career Service
elung Gebrauch machen möchten, mir den Wunsch zur Höherstufung kurz per Email mitzuteilen. gez. Prof. Dr. Alfred Höß Vorsitzender der Prüfungskommission EMI Email:
elung Gebrauch machen möchten, mir den Wunsch zur Höherstufung kurz per Email mitzuteilen. gez. Prof. Dr. Alfred Höß Vorsitzender der Prüfungskommission EMI Email:
mandatory module 2) students in semesters 1-4: "Integrated Approaches to Sustainable Development" by Prof. Dr. Nadiia Shmygol, Management Department, National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic", Warsaw [...] Management and Agile Methods AND Intercultural Communication: "Communication in IT projects" by Prof. Dr. Eng. Sc. Olena Verenych, Project Management Department, Kyiv National University of Construction [...] follows: 1) semester 5/6/7 please register for "Innovation and Technology Lifecycle Management" by As. Prof. PhD. Natalia Skorobogatova, Department of International Economics, National Technical University
zu diesen Optionen oder allgemein zum Master MWI können Sie sich gerne an den Studiengangsleiter Prof Dr.-Ing. Günter Kummetsteiner wenden ( ). Bewerbungen für das WiSe 24/25 sind
begleiten vier Professorinnen: Prof. Dr. Christiane Hellbach, Prof. Dr. Gabriele M. Murry, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Mandy Hommel und unsere Nachwuchsprofessorin Prof. Dr. Julia Kreppmeier. Am Schluss
t anzubieten. Die Termine sind verbindlich und müssen zwingend eingehalten werden. 10.07.2024 Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefanie Steinhauser Vorsitzende der Prüfungskommission WIG
Blockpraktika. Weitere Informationen sowie Details zur Einschreibung entnehmen Sie bitte der Anlage. MfG Prof. Dr. Ralf Ringler
Genaueres entnehmen Sie bitte der angehängten Beschreibung. Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an Hr. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Beham oder Hr. Michael Uschold
10.03.2021 | Corona, Hochschulkommunikation
department. Exam committee chairs are: Prof. Christopher Dietmaier , FK WIG Prof. Alfred Höß , FK EMI Prof. Robert Queitsch , FK MBUT Prof. Werner Prell , FK MBUT Prof. Ralf Krämer , FK BW / WEBIS Update [...] families and friends. Best wishes, a nice Advent season and all the best for you and your loved ones Prof. Dr. Andrea Klug President OTH Amberg-Weiden Update 29/10/2020 Lecture operation and further regulations [...] welcoming you to our university in the winter semester 2020/2021. With best wishes for the summertime, Prof. Dr. Andrea Klug President OTH Amberg-Weiden 06.08.2020 Update 06/05/2020: Key points for attendance
28.02.2022 | Hochschulkommunikation, International
Amberg-Weiden also endorses the statement of the President of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), Prof. Dr. Peter-André Alt: Our solidarity goes out to the entire Ukrainian population and our higher education
Menü About Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Schäfer News Publications Teaching Research Projects R&D Systems (current) Supervised Theses Membership in Programme Committees and Reviewing About Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich
period. We wish you a successful examination period Your Faculty WIG Prof. Burkhard Stolz, Dean Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl, Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Ralf Ringler, Dean of Studies Faculty WIG - Examination schedules [...] Vielleicht mit einem berufsbegleitenden Masterstudium? Die Studiengangsleiter Frau Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl und Herr Prof. Dr. Marco Nirschl stellen die Studiengänge Technologiemanagement 4.0 und Digital Business [...] 11.01.2024 begrüßen Sie um 18 Uhr unsere Studiengangsleiter Herr Prof. Dr. Thomas Schiller und Herr Andreas Wellmann (Steuerlehrgänge DR. BANNAS) zu einem Infoabend und geben Informationen zu Studieninhalten
development. Prof. Frank Späte (2nd from left) received the ILO Award from Dr. Wolfgang Weber (left), President Prof. Dr. Andrea Klug (3rd from left) and Hanna Gallitzendörfer (4th from left). Prof. Frank Späte [...] 2020 The Innovative Learning Place AWARD 2020 goes to Schmitz Magazine. A magazine published by Prof. Dr. Michael Thiermeyer together with students of the OTH Amberg-Weiden. In its 10th anniversary issue [...] Place AWARD for the first time. The winning project was the Indo-German Summer / Winter School, which Prof. Frank Späte is conducting with his students, the Renewable Energy Centre Mithradham - our Learning
Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (OTH – Technical University of Applied Sciences) Prof. Dr. Laura Denise Fischer and Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl University of West Bohemia in Pilsen Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D., MBA Dita Hommerová
and Power is located in its own building right next to the university library. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Brautsch Kontakt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Brautsch Amberg, Department of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering
Amberg-Weiden (OTH Amberg-Weiden) Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 23, 92224 Amberg represented by the President Prof. Dr. Andrea Klug Tel. +49-9621-482-0 Email: Info @ oth-aw . de Name and contact details of the data
Analytics & Computer Vision: Prof. Dr. Fabian Brunner Smart Energy & Smart Home: Prof. Frank Späte Smart Robotics & Smart Media: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Wenk Internship coordinator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Nierhoff [...] the contact person for the degree program. Program Director, Academic Advisor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dominikus Heckmann Kontakt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dominikus Heckmann Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, Media [...] Nierhoff Kontakt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Nierhoff Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science Amberg, building DC, Room 1.14 Phone +49 (9621) 482-3648 t.nierhoff @ oth-aw . de To
Menü About Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Schäfer (current) News Publications Teaching Research Projects Supervised Theses Membership in Programme Committees and Reviewing About Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Schäfer (current) [...] Science, Department of Computer Science, Saarland University, Saarbrücken. Contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Schäfer Kontakt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Schäfer Dean, Director of Innovation and Competence Centre for [...] Fax +49 (9621) 482-4623 u.schaefer @ oth-aw . de Hours: by appointment (email) Subject areas: Media Informatics, Mobile Computing
Menü Prof. Dr. Dieter Meiller (current) Person Research and development Prof. Dr. Dieter Meiller (current) Person Research and development Welcome Welcome to the homepage of Prof. Dr. Dieter Meiller General [...] science is in the focus of interest. Contact me also at Xing or LinkedIn Kontakt Prof. Dr. Dieter Meiller Kontakt Prof. Dr. Dieter Meiller Program Manager | Consultant Bachelor u. Master Medienproduktion [...] (9621) 482-3614 Fax +49 (9621) 482-4614 d.meiller @ oth-aw . de Hours: Online by prior arrangement via e-mail Meeting room: https://vconf.oth-aw
Menü About (current) About (current) Contact information Prof. Dr. Josef Pösl Kontakt Prof. Dr. Josef Pösl Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science Amberg, Department
Engineering (January 2020) Report Delegation trip to Russia (Tambov and Moscow) with OTH President Prof. Dr. Andrea Klug (January 2020) Report + DWIH Moscow report on the delegation visit. 2019 Preparation
Technology and Management As part of our series „Bachelor On Air” , Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl and the Head of the International Office, Dr. Annabelle Wolff, presented the degree programme „Digital Technology
in advance. What are the application requirements? What are the application requirements? (POC: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Murry , Theresa Schreiber ) General requirements can be found at the website how-to-apply [...] find apartments/accommodation in Weiden? Where can I find apartments/accommodation in Weiden? (POC: Dr. Annabelle Wolff & Studentenwerk Oberfranken ) You can find accommodations , which are only 5 minutes
management University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden Prof. Dr. paed. Dipl.-Math. Mike Altieri Network partners Ansbach University of Applied Sciences Prof. Dr.-lng. Michael S. J. Walter Cooperation partner BayZiel