Everything you need to know...
Are you looking for information about your study programme? If you have questions about theses, leave of absence, exmatriculation, practical semesters, university examinations, re-registration or changing your degree programme, you can find the details here.
Leave of absence
As a student at our university, you can apply for a leave of absence from your studies if there is an important reason. As a rule, this can be granted for up to a total of two semesters per degree programme. Periods of maternity and parental leave are not counted towards this.
Your application for leave of absence must be submitted in good time via the Student’s office at OTH Amberg-Weiden. During the period of leave of absence, you remain a student at OTH Amberg-Weiden.
Study and examination achievements - with the exception of repeat examinations, which must be written (!) - cannot be completed during the period of leave of absence. If you are on maternity leave or parental leave, you may take examinations.
Please note that the re-registration obligation also applies during the period of leave.
Exmatriculation from studies
Here you will find information on the process of exmatriculation.
Students are exmatriculated at the end of the semester in which they passed the final examination.
Furthermore, exmatriculation takes place in the following cases:
- on application
- in the case of an examination that has been definitively failed
- failure to re-register or to pay fees due
- in the event of improper enrolment or re-registration
In good time before completing or giving up your studies, you as a student must return all items given to you by OTH Amberg-Weiden, in particular books borrowed from the library.
Information on handing in the thesis and further enrolment
Practical semester / practical phases
Department Amberg | Department Weiden |
Internship Office E 09 Opening hours: Contact: praktikumswesen-am | Internship Office Vw 008 Opening hours Contact: praktikumswesen-wen |
- Overview of approved internship companies (PRIMUSS-Portal → Praktikantenamt → Firmenliste)
- Application for approval of a new company for internship (PRIMUSS-Portal → Antrag stellen / Formulare → Antrag/Formular auswählen: „Antrag auf Genehmigung einer neuen Praktikumsfirma )
- Information concerning pre-study practical training are to be fount within each programme description
- Information towards minimum wage for students
Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Department of Mechanical Engineering / Environmental Technology
Weiden Business School
The downloads can be found in either moodle, Courses General Information .
Department of Industrial Engineering and Health
Change of degree programme
In order to change your degree programme, you must apply for the newly chosen degree programme in due form and time. A change to another university in Bavaria is possible with regard to the course of studies under examination regulations. The prerequisite is a timely application for enrolment at the receiving university of your choice.
On the other hand, you need to know that a transfer from Bavarian universities to non-Bavarian universities and vice versa requires extensive checks of the university entrance qualification in individual cases, as well as a check of credits for periods of study and examinations already taken.
Regarding your transfer to scientific universities, please contact the receiving university in each case.
After the final examination, which awards the general higher education entrance qualification, you are entitled as a graduate of a university to transfer to a scientific university, university of the arts or comprehensive university without restriction to a subject area.
Theses during studies
As part of your Bachelor's or Master's examination, you will write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis in the subject area of your degree programme.
You have passed your Bachelor's or Master's examination if you have achieved at least the grade "sufficient" in all examination subjects, including the Bachelor's or Master's thesis.
All downloads can also be found under MyOTH after logging in as a student.
Forms and guidelines for writing the Bachelor's or Master's thesis at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
Faculty Weiden Business Scool
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering/Environmental Technology
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Health