each faculty has its own International Affairs Officer: Weiden Business School (WEBIS) M.B.A.(USA), M.H.R. Gabriele Murry Fakultät Elektrotechnik, Medien und Informatik (EMI) Prof. Dr. Tatyana Ivanovska Fakultät
on the website of the DiZ - Center for University Didactics . Map of the area FOS BOS B i b l i o t h e k E-House zur A93 Weidner Technologie-Campus Mitarbeiter/-innen Hetzenrichter Weg WTC Studierende/
Menü News Welcome UKRAINE (current) Scholarship program UAre@OTHAW About the KOMO Team Projects INTERADIS Video OTH AW Job Speed Dating CEE-related Scholarship and Funding Possibilities Internships in
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Library Regulations 24h Library Library Learning Location Library and Services Search and Find Borrowing FAQ Questions or Requests Terms of use (current) Library Regulations 24h Library Terms of use The [...] for Education, Cultural Affairs, Science and the Arts Hans Z e h e t m a i r , Minister of State Rules of conduct for the use of the 24h-library Only fully registered students at the OTH Amberg-Weiden [...] participated in a respective course have claim to authorization for use of the 24 h-library. In order to enter the 24 h-library, you have to authenticate yourself using your own student card. First, though
oth-aw . de Zum Profil Schließen Prof. Dr. Gabriele Murry, M.B.A. (USA), M.H.R. (USA) Contact Prof. Dr. Gabriele Murry, M.B.A. (USA), M.H.R. (USA) Professor Weiden Business School , Centre for Gender and Diversity
be found here: Zotero Tutorial from McGill Library: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4asXgsr6ek5H5mM9GlA1d-YCb9KvP3Ja Complete Beginners Guide: https://youtu.be/JG7Uq_JFDzE Unsure which software for
M., Paluch, D., Staupe, M., & Schirmer, E. (2019). STACK trifft H5P – adaptives, audiovisuelles Feedback in STACK-Aufgaben basierend auf H5P . doi: 10.5281/zenodo.2564185. Bach, S. (2019). STACK-Fragen [...] ILIAS; Prof. Dr. Karin Landenfeld, HAW Hamburg: STACK-based testing in STEM subjects; Joubel AS, Norway (H5P developer): Design of interactive learning environments; School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh:
Intelligence 2017, IADIS Press, pp. 357-358, ISBN: 978-989-8533-66-1 Meiller, D.; Müller, K.; Legat, H. & Gerlang, B. (2016): Barrierefreiheit im Web für Bildungseinrichtungen. In: Heinrich C. Mayr, Martin [...] d. PIKSL Consortium, Düsseldorf on 23.February 2010 at the invitation of In der Gemeinde leben gGmbH. Exhibition: Visual Computing & Computational Art. OTH Amberg-Weiden, 9-11.10.2009 Projects (selection)
thermochemical gasification of biomass with different qualities or even synthetic fuels such as hydrogen (H 2 ). Particularly when new types of fuels are used, the exhaust emission behaviour has not yet been
n, Gesellschaft für praxisbezogene Forschung und wissenschaftliche Lehre gGmbH, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Emperra GmbH E-Health Technologies, Potsdam und Deutsche Diabetes-Forschungsgesellschaft e [...] reporting for a regional company. Cooperation partner: BHS Corrugated - Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH Selected publications Prof. Dr. Lisa Marie Ranisch (geb. Schöttl) Monograph: Schöttl, L. (2018): Integrität [...] unter Berücksichtigung von Stakeholdergruppen. In: Forschungsbericht 2020, (Ed, Amberg-Weiden, O.T.H.) pp. 112-117. Herzner, A. (2021): Educate responsible manager with the UN PRME Helix Model. In: Responsible
Deutschland, September 2022 H. Rönnebeck, H. Nannen, H. Zatocil , "Prüfstand zur flexiblen Simulation rotierender mechanischer Lasten", Research Report 2022 OTH Amberg-Weiden H. Nannen, H. Zatocil , G. Griepentrog [...] 2020 DOI H. Zatocil , H. Nannen, "Sensorless start-up of soft starter driven IE4 motors", European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), Warschau, Polen, September 2017, DOI H. Zatocil [...] Zatocil , H. Nannen, "Objektorientierte Laborautomatisierung", Design und Elektronik , August 2017 H. Nannen, H. Zatocil , "Sensorless start-up of soft starter driven line-start PMSM based on back EMF measurement"
Germany? Education + Training . doi: 10.1108/ET-09-2023-0355. Hommel, M., Fürstenau, B. & Mulder, R. H. (2023). Reflection at work – a conceptual model and the meaning of its components in the domain of [...] Studiengängen . HDS.Journal , Heft 1 /2017, 42–48. Fürstenau, B., Hommel, M., Leopold, C., Ponce, H. & López, M. (2016). Analysis of Banks’s Online Information Regarding Mortgages as a Basis for Financially [...] 63–80). Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Barbara Budrich. Fürstenau, B., Hommel, M., Leopold, C., Ponce, H. & López, M. (2015). Aufnahme von Baufinanzierungsdarlehen – Eignung von Online Informationen zur U
Vol. 128(2), pp. 291-306 (together with H. Rottmann) Explaining the US Bond Yield Conundrum, Applied Financial Economics 19, 2009, pp. 539-550 (together with H. Bandholz und J. Clostermann) Should Monetary [...] Science Publishers, New York, pp. 229-243 (together with K.-H. Tödter) Euro Cash Demand: The Times They are A-Changing, in: Michler, A.F., Thieme, H.J. (Hg.), Systeme monetärer Steuerung: Analyse und Vergleich [...] (togehter with B. Mayer and H. Rottmann; also published in polish) Forecasting Real GDP: What Role for Narrow Money; ECB Working Paper No. 254, September 2003 (together with C. Brand u. H.-E. Reimers) The Demand
Conference Proceedings, PCIM Power Conversion Intelligent Motion, 1639-1645 (2012) B. Frenzel, P. Kurzweil, H. Rönnebeck: Electromobility concept for racing cars based on lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors
the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the company BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH, (June 2023) Report Implementation of two workshops "Developing Key Skills through Design Thinking" [...] School on Sustainability with the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the company emz-Hanauer GmbH & Co. KGaA (Juni 2022) Report Report of the UWB: Weiden hosts an international summer school focusing
Hermann Raab Professor Weiden Business School Weiden, main building, Room 104 Phone +49 (961) 382-1320 h.raab @ oth-aw . de To the profile Close Contact person for the master's program Digital Entrepreneurship
Engineering, Media and Informatics (building G), Room 020 Phone +49 (9621) 482-3615 Fax +49 (9621) 482-4615 h.zatocil @ oth-aw . de https://www.oth-aw.de/en/zatocil/translate-to-englisch-prof-dr-ing-heiko-zatocil/
Conference title: „The context and purpose of TVET”, 14.07.2023. Hommel, M., Fürstenau, B. & Mulder, R. H. (2023). Reflection as means of professional development – a conceptual model and its meaning for VET [...] (American Educational Research Association) 2020 San Francisco. Hommel, M., Fürstenau, B. & Mulder, R. H. (2020). Reflection of Teachers in VET - Development of a Conceptual and Analytical Framework (Final [...] Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE) in Graz, 26.09.2019. Fürstenau, B., Hommel, M. & Mulder, R. H. (2019). Reflection in professional contexts - view of teachers in vocational education and training
Rottmann Professor Weiden Business School Weiden, main building, Room 202 Phone +49 (961) 382-1316 h.rottmann @ oth-aw . de page link To the profile Close Professors in the picture back row from left to [...] Raab, Prof. Dr. Christoph Hachmöller; 2nd row from left to right: Prof. Dr. Sascha Schweitzer, M.A., M.H.R. (USA) Simone I. Orlowski, Prof. Dr.- Stephanie Abels-Schlosser, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Murry, Prof. Dr [...] Rottmann Professor Weiden Business School Weiden, main building, Room 202 Phone +49 (961) 382-1316 h.rottmann @ oth-aw . de page link To the profile Close Internship coordinator Prof. Dr. Franz Seitz Contact
Hospitaltechnik GmbH (Heideck), IGZ (Falkenberg), Lippert GmbH & Co. KG (Pressath), Nachtmann GmbH (Neustadt, Weiden), pro aurum GmbH (München), Rödl & Partner GmbH (Nürnberg), Scherdel GmbH (Marktredwitz) [...] in Amberg are: Altium Software GmbH (München, Karlsruhe), Baumann GmbH (Amberg), Constantia Pirk GmbH (Pirk), Deprag Schulz GmbH (Amberg), Epoxonic GmbH (Landsham/Pliening), Grammer AG (Amberg), Huber [...] Partners in Weiden are: BAM GmbH (Weiden), BHS Corrugated GmbH (Weiherhammer), Gerresheimer Regensburg GmbH (Regensburg, Pfreimd, Wackersdorf), Hamm AG (Tirschenreuth), HOHPE GmbH (Schirmitz), HT Labor und
Girls' Day at OTH Amberg-Weiden Open Innovation Evening with Siemens Amberg and Herding Filtertechnik GmbH EMI Forum: Artificial intelligence and mobile robotics Industry 4.0 - Spring School 2023 Visit of Science [...] intelligence in industrial production". 2022 Open Innovation Evening - joint event of Siemens, Herding GmbH Filtertechnik and OTH Amberg-Weiden provides impulses for digital transformation AI Summer School at [...] Study program of the week: Industry 4.0 Informatics Dual study: Cooperation agreement with publisher C.H.BECK Student groups from Istanbul and Tallinn at OTH Amberg-Weiden Innovative teaching method: learning
Prediger Cooperation partners: Centre for Teacher Education (Zentrum für Lehrerbildung; DZLM) Joubel AS (H5P) Arnsberg District Government (Bezirksregierung Arnsberg) Associated Partner: evidentmedia Agency
und einer inhaltsgleichen Präsenzeinheit zur Ingenieurmathematik. In T. Witt, C. Herrmann, L. Mrohs, H. Brodel, K. Lindner, & I. Maidanjuk (Eds.), Innovative Formate in digitalen Bildungskulturen (pp. 117–128)