Articles in refereed journals
- Monetäres Reinvermögen versus Geldmenge M3 - eine Entgegnung (1997), ("Monetary net wealth versus money stock M3 – a comment"), in: Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 30, pp. 101-115 (together withJ. Clostermann and M. Scharnagl)
- Geldnachfrage, Zinsen und Zinsstruktur (1998), ("Money demand, interest rates and the term structure"), in: Applied Economics Quarterly, Vol. 44, pp. 256-286
- Curency Substitution: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis for Germany and Europe (1999), in: The Manchester School, Vol. 67, pp. 137-153 (together with H.-E. Reimers)
- Interest Rate Spreads as Predictors of German Inflation and Business Cycles (2000), in: International Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 16, pp. 39-58 (together with K. Lahiri and D. Ivanova)
- Overcoming the Inflationary Bias Through Institutional Changes – Experiences of Selected OECD Central Banks (2000), in: Schmollers Jahrbuch – Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 120. Jg., No 1, pp. 1-24 (together with S. Schich)
- How the P* Model Rationalises Monetary Targeting - A Comment on Svensson (2001), German Economic Review, Vol. 2, issue 3, pp. 303-308 (together with K.-H. Tödter)
- Currency in Circulation, the Cash Changeover and the Euro-Dollar Exchange Rate, ifo-Studien – Zeitschrift für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung, 4/2001, Vol. 47, pp. 531-548 (together with U. Bindseil)
- Fed versus Eurosystem: Institutionelle und strategische Aspekte ("Fed versus Eurosystem: Institutional and Strategic Aspects"), List-Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, 28(2), 2002, pp. 116-136
- Money, Inflation and Growth in Germany - A Vector-Error-Correction-P-Star Model, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 2002 (together with J. Clostermann), pp. 641-655
- A Real-Time Data Set for German Macroeconomic Variables, in: Schmollers Jahrbuch – Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 125. Jg., 2/2005, pp. 337 - 346 (together with Gerberding, C., Kaatz, M. and Worms, A.)
- Narrow Money and the Business Cycle: Theoretical Aspects and Euro Area Evidence, Review of Economics, Vol. 55, 2004, pp. 246-262 (together with C. Brand and H.-E. Reimers)
- How the Bundesbank Really Conducted Monetary Policy, North American Journal of Economics and Finance 2005, Vol.16, pp. 277 - 292 (together with Gerberding, C. and Worms, A.)
- A Simple Way to Capture Transactions Balances, Economics Letters 95, 2007, pp. 230-233
- Credit Spreads und ihre Determinanten: Eine empirische Analyse für Deutschland("Determinants of Credit Spreads: an empirical analysis for Germany") , Kredit und Kapital (2008), Vol. 41(1), pp. 59-78 (together with Mr. Rottmann)
- Wer und was bestimmen die Zuschauerzahlen in der Fußballbundesliga? ("Who and what determines match attendance in the German First Soccer League ("Bundesliga")"), Schmollers Jahrbuch - Journal of Applied Social Science Studies (2008), Vol. 128(2), pp. 291-306 (together with H. Rottmann)
- Explaining the US Bond Yield Conundrum, Applied Financial Economics 19, 2009, pp. 539-550 (together with H. Bandholz und J. Clostermann)
- Should Monetary Policy Respond to Money Growth? New Results for the Euro Area, International Finance 13(3), 2010, pp. 409-441 (together with C. Gerberding and M. Scharnagl)
- Kapitalimportkontrolen - ein Instrument zur Vermeidung von Finanzmarktinstabilitäten? ("Capital Import Controls - An Instrument to Avoid Financial Market Instabilities?"), List-Forum für Wirtchafts- und Finanzpolitik, 36(2), 2010, pp. 106-130 (together with A. Michler)
- Coin Migration and Seigniorage within the Euro Area, Jahrbücher für Natialökonomie und Statistik, 231/3, 2012, pp. 84-92 (together with D. Stoyan and K.-H. Tödter)
- A Simple Way to Capture Currency Abroad, Applied Economics Letters, 19, 2012, pp. 1511-1514 (together with N. Bartzsch and G. Rösl)
- Household Money Demand: The euro area case, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik (Swiss Journal of Eonomics and Statistics), 2012, forthcoming (together with J. von Landesberger)
- Interest Rate Rules and Money as an Indicator Variable, Kredit und Kapital, 4/2012, pp. 501-529 (together with C. Gerberding and A. Worms)
- Estimating the Foreign Circulation of Banknotes, Economics Letters 2013, pp. 165-167 (together with N. Bartzsch und G. Rösl)
- Currency Movements Within and Outside a Currency Union: The case of Germany and the euro area, Quaterly Review of Economics and Finance 2013 (together with N. Bartzsch and G. Rösl)
- Money In Modern Macro Models: A Review of the Arguments, Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 3/2014, pp. 156-174 (together with Markus A. Schmidt)
- Household Money Holdings in the Euro Area: an explorative investigation, Journal of Banking and Financial Economics 2, 2014, pp. 83-115 (together with J. von Landesberger)
- Zur Selbstfinanzierung höherer Staatsausgaben: Gibt es den Münchhausen-Effekt und wenn ja, wie funktioniert er?, List-Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik ("For self-finance increases in government expenditure: Is there the Münchhausen effect and, if so, how does it work?"), 41, 2016, pp. 311-323 (together with K.-H. Tödter); DOI 10.1007/s41025-015-0021-3
- What can biology tell us about transaction balances?, Applied Economics Letters, 2016, (together with N. Bartzsch)
- What does money and credit tell us about real activity in the United States? North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 37, 2016, pp. 328-347 (together with B. Albuquerque und U. Baumann)
- Long-term Interest Rates in the US and Quantitative Easing of the FED, Bavarian Journal of Applied Sciences, No. 2 (December 2016), pp. 198-213 (together with H. Bandholz & J. Clostermann)
- Pros and Cons of Cash: The State of the Debate, Credit and Capital Markets, 2018, Vol. 51, pp. 15-40 (together with M. Krüger)
- Global recessions and booms: what do Probit models tell us?, Quantitative Finance and Economics, 2019, 3(1), 187-200 (together with U. Baumann & R. Gómez Salvador) doi: 10.3934/QFE.2019.1.187 (
- The Cost of Overcoming the Zero Lower-Bound: A Welfare Analysis, Economies 7(67), 2019, p. 1-18; doi: 10.3390/economies7030067 ( (together with G. Rösl & K.-H. Tödter)
- The demand for Swiss banknotes: some new evidence, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 155, 2019, will be published soon (together with K. Assenmacher & J. Tenhofen);
- Effektivverzinsung und Volatilität bei Finanzierung mit Zinsbindung und variablen Zinsen Eine empirische Untersuchung für Deutschland, Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie, 2019, p. 1-18 (together with J. Clostermann);
- Cash in Circulation and the Shadow Economy: An empirical investigation for euro area countries and beyond, Journal of Business & Economic Policy, Vol. 7(2), Juni 2020, 10-30. (together with H.-E. Reimers und F. Schneider)
- Payment Innovations, the Shadow Economy and Cash Demand of Households in Euro Area Countries, Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol. 23(3), 2021, 316-335 (together with H.-E. Reimers & F. Schneider)
- Cash Demand in Times of Crisis, Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems, Vol. 16(2), 2022, 107-119 (together with G. Rösl))
- Central Bank Digital Currency and Cash in the Euro Area: Current developments and one specific proposal, Credit and Capital Markets (credit and capital), 2022, Vol. 55, 523-551 (together with G. Rösl)
- Uncertainty, Politics, and Crises: The case for cash, Latin American Journal of Central Banking 5 (2024), 100128 (together with G. Rösl)
Other journal articles
- Wieviel DM-Noten befinden sich im Ausland ("How many Deutschmark are abroad?"), Bundesbank-Magazin, July 1995, pp. 11-13
- Methoden und Ergebnisse der Eckwert-Ermittlung für die Geldmengenzielbestimmung der Bundesbank (1996) ("The determinants of the monetary target in Germany: methods and results"), Fragen der Freiheit, no 241, October - December 1996, pp. 30-52
- How Many Deutschmarks are Held Abroad? (1997), Intereconomics, Vol. 32, No. 2, March/April, pp. 67-73
- EuroBundesbank, EuroFed (1998), The Financial Survey, March-April, p. 39-43 (together with N. Keis)
- Die Mindestreserve in der EWWU (1998) ("The system of minimum reserves in EMU"), Zeitschrift für das gesamt Kreditwesen, Vol. 51, No. 15-98, pp. 842-845 (together with K. Ruckriegel and B. Schleicher)
- Wechselkurspolitik in der EWWU: Die Achillesferse der Geldpolitik? ("Exchange rate policy in EMU: Is there a problem for monetary policy?"), WISU, Vol. 27, November 1998, pp. 1292-1296 (together with Prof. Dr. Ruckriegel)
- Goodhart's Law: Was es für Deutschland und die Europäische Währungsunion bedeutet (1998) ("Goodhart’s Law: What does it mean for Germany and European Monetary Union?"), WISU, Vol. 27, December 1998, p. 1407-1410
- wisu-Lexikon „Geldpolitik“ (1999)(glossary on “monetary policy“), in: WISU, no. 11, November 1999 (together with Prof. Dr. Görgens and Prof. Dr. Ruckriegel)
- Zinspolitik ("Interest rate policy") (1999), in: WISU, no. 12, December 1999, p. 1607
- Die Rolle der Mindestreserve im Eurosystem ("The role of required reserves in the Eurosystem") (2000), in: Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, vol. 80., May 2000, pp. 314-320 (together with K. Ruckriegel and B. Schleicher)
- Überhasteter EWU-Beitritt kann teuer werden ("Too fast entry into EMU can be costly"), Börsenzeitung of 2.7.2003, p. 7.
- EU-Erweiterung, Währungsunion und Balassa-Samuelson-Effekt ("EU Enlargement, Monetary Union and the Balassa-Samuelson-Effect") (together with K. Ruckriegel), in WiSt, February 2003, pp. 94-100
- Das Federal Reserve System("The Federal Reserve System"), in WISU, December 2002, pp. 1574-1578 (together with K. Ruckriegel)
- Das Fed kann kein Vorbild für die EZB-Ratsreform sein ("The Fed should be no guide in the reform of the ECB council"), Börsenzeitung 205/2002 of 24.10.2002, p.5 (together with K. Ruckriegel)
- Osterweiterung: Schneller EWU-Beitritt würde Probleme bereiten ("Eastern Enlargement: Quick EMU access causes problems"), in: WISU, 8/9 2003 pp. 1030-1031 (together with K. Ruckriegel)
- Die Rolle der Mindestreseve im Eurosystem ("The Role of Required Reserves in the Eurosystem"), in: WISU 10/03, pp. 1274-1281 (together with K. Ruckriegel)
- Braucht die europäische Geldpolitik einen Strategiewechsel? ("Is there a need for a new monetary policy strategy in EMU?"), in: /Orientierungen zur Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik/ 101, September 2004, pp. 39-42 (together with K. Ruckriegel).
- Euro Go East: Je schneller, desto besser?("Euro go East: the faster, the better?"), in: Wirtschaftsdienst 10/2004, pp. 635-644 (together with K. Ruckriegel)
- Das Eurosystem ("The Eurosystem"), in: WISU, no. 12, December 2004, pp. 5-7 (together with K. Ruckriegel).
- Zur Problematik der LM-Kurve ("Problems with the LM curve"), in: WiSt, number 12, December 2004, pp. 740-741 (together with K. Ruckriegel and E. Görgens)
- Credit Spreads und ihre Determinanten in Deutschland (“The determinants of credit spreads in Germany”), in: ifo Schnelldienst 24/2004, vol. 57, pp. 10-14 (together with H. Rottmann)
- Balassa-Samuelson-Effekt und EU-Osterweiterung ("Balassa-Samuelson-Effect and Eastern Enlargement of EU"), in: WISU, no. 1, January 2005, pp. 111-117 (together with E. Görgens and K. Ruckriegel)
- Ein monetäres Makro-Modell für die Lehre ("A textbook Macro Model with Money"), WiSt, no. 8, August 2005, pp. 446-452 (together with G. Rösl and K.-H. Tödter)
- Geldmarktsteuerung der EZB und Transmission monetärer Impulse ("Money Market Management of the ECB and the Transmission of Monetary Impulses"), in: WISU, no. 1, January 2006, pp. 105 - 111 (together with E. Görgens and K. Ruckriegel)
- Geldbasis, Geldmenge und Zinssatz: Irrungen und Wirrungen, WiSt, no. 7, Juli 2006, pp. 412-414 (together with E. Görgens u. K. Ruckriegel)
- Fiat Money, in: WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium 11/06, p. 1374.
- Die vier (!) Ebenen der Geldpolitik oder: Warum die Poole'sche Alternative „Zins- versus Geldmengensteuerung“ inWirklichkeit keine ist ("The four (!) level playing fields of monetary policy or: why Poole's alternative "money versus interest rate management" does not exist in reality"), WiSt, no. 12, December 2006, pp. 698-701 (together with E. Görgens and K. Ruckriegel).
- WISU-Studienblatt „Die vier Ebenen der Geldpolitik“ ("WISU Studienblatt: The four level playing fields of monetary policy"), January 2007 (together with E. Görgens and K. Ruckriegel).
- Die Bedeutung der Geldmenge für eine moderne Geldpolitik (Zeitgespräch) ("The Importance of Money for a Modern Monetary Policy"), Wirtschaftsdienst 1/2007, pp. 14-17 (together with K. Ruckriegel)
- Instrument, operatives Ziel, Zwischenziel oder Indikator der Geldpolitik: Auf welcher Ebene befindet sich die Taylor-Regel?("Instrument, operational target, intermediate target or indicator of monetary policy: Which level for the Taylor rule?"), WiSt 1/2007, pp. 39-42 (together with E. Görgens and K. Ruckriegel)
- Überbewertung der Rentenmärkte: Fakt oder Fiktion? (“Overvaluation of Bond Markets: Fact or Fiction?”), Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen, 3/2007, pp. 25-29 (together with J.Clostermann)
- Core inflation, in: WISU, no. 7, July 2008, p. 971
- Was die Credit Spreads in Deutschland bestimmt (“What are the determinants of Credit Spreads in Germany”), Börsenzeitung of 15.1.2009, p. 19 (together with H. Rottmann)
- Liquiditätsfalle ("The Liquidity Trap"), in: WISU, no. 3, 2009, p. 343
- Finanzmarkteffizienz und Finanzmarktkrise ("Financial Market Efficiency and the Financial Market Crisis"), in: WISU, no. 1, 2010, p. 4-10 (together with B. Auer)
- Short-Term Oriented Oil Price Models and the Financial Crisis, Unicredit Economics & FI/FX Research Economic Special March, 2, 2010 (together with J. Clostermann and N. Keis)
- Wodurch wird die Geldhaltung der EWU-Bürger bestimmt? ("What determines the Monetary Policy of the EWU citizens"), Ökonomenstimme 3rd October 2010 (
- Die Klausur, in: WISU, no. 5, May 2011, pp. 718-720
- ARMA-Prozesse ("Arma processes"), in: WISU, no. 3, March 2012, pp. 377-85 (together with B. Auer)
- Wohin fließen die von der Bundesbank emittierten Euro-Banknoten ("Where do the Euro Banknotes, the Bundesbank issues, go to?"), Ökonomenstimme 8th May 2012 (together with N. Bartzsch and G. Rösl) (
- Schätzung des In- und Auslandsumlaufs von Euro-Banknoten ("An Estimation of the Euro Banknote Circulation at home and abroad"), Wirtschaftsdienst, May 2012, pp. 345-351 (together with N. Bartsch and G. Rösl)
- 10 Arguments agains QE and the Purchase of Government Bonds of the Eurosystem (in German), Oekonomenstimme, 28 January 2015 (together with T. Jost)
- Was kostet die Bargeldabschaffung, Ökonomenstimme, 29 August 2017 (together with G. Rösl und K.-H. Tödter)
- Die Bilanz fällt gemischt aus" Interview with the Wirtschaftszeitung 7/2019, p. 10
- The Cash Agenda for 2020, Currency News 1/2020, January, p. 7
- Geldpolitik wird infolge der der Krise expansiv bleiben, Interview in der Wirtschaftszeitung vom 2.6.2020
- Bargeld stabilisiert in der Krise, Interview mit dem Bundesbankmagazin "echt", 03/2021
- The Determinants of Cash Holdings: The case of France, SUERF Policy Brief No 540, March 2023 (together with Lucas Devigne & Raymond de Pastor
- ATM Withdrawals are not a Good Proxy for Cash Payments, CashEssentials, 18.5.2023 (together with G. Lepecq) (
- Is cash losing its role as store of value?, SUERF Policy Brief No 715, November 2023 (together with Carl Andreas Claussen & Björn Segendorf)
Articles in books
- Indicators for Monetary Policy from a Central Bank's Point of View (1996), in: Oppenländer, Karl-Heinz, Poser, Günter (eds.), Business Cycle Surveys: Forecasting Issues and Methodological Aspects, Avebury, pp. 419-440
- An Index of Leading Indicators on Inflationary Trends and the Business Cycle (1998), in: Oppenländer, Karl-Heinz, Poser, Günter (Hg.), Social and Structural Change – Consequences for Business Cycle Surveys, Ashgate, pp. 269-284
- Electronic Money: Implikationen für die Geldpolitik ("Electronic Money: Implications for monetary policy") (1999), in: Fink, D., Wilfert, A. (Eds.) Handbuch Telekommunikation und Wirtschaft – Volkswirtschaftliche und betriebswirtschaftliche Perspektiven, Verlag Vahlen, pp. 227-242 (together with K. Ruckriegel)
- Karriere- und Arbeitsmarktorientierung von Wirtschaftsstudenten - eine internationale Studentenbefragung ("Career and labor market orientation of students of business and economics - an international survey"), in: Möller, J., Nekula, M. (Eds.), Wirtschaft und Kommunikation, iudicum Publisher, Munich, 2002, pp.123-138 (together with B. Mayer and H. Rottmann)
- Forecasting Real GDP: What Role for Narrow Money? in: Issing, O. (Ed.) (2003), Background Studies for the ECB's Evalutation of its Monetary Policies Strategy, pp. 301 - 328 (together with C.Brand and H.-E. Reimers) (
- Zur Strategie des Eurosystems: Warum eine (die monetäre) Säule reicht (“The strategy of the Eurosystem: Why one (the monetary) pillar is enough”) , in: Peschutter, G., H.-E. Reimers and M. Schleicher (eds.), Osterweiterung der Europäischen Union (“Eastern Enlargement of EU”), Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart, 2004, pp. 19-31.
- Währungsunion – Wann die Beitrittsländer auf den Euro umstellen sollten ("Monetary Union: when should the new EU members switch to the euro?") , in: Hofmann, M., Fritsche, J. (eds.), So kommen Sie in die EU-Beitrittsländer: Der Wirtschaftswegweiser für den Mittelstand ("This is your way to the euro: a guideline for SMEs"), prime, Munich, 2004, pp. 254-274 (together with K. Ruckriegel).
- Monetary Policy and Real-Time Data: The case of Europe, Asia and the US, in: Welfens, P.J.J., Knipping, F., Chirathivat, S., Ryan, C. (Hg.) (2005), Integration in Asia and Europe: Historical Dynamics, Political Issues, and Economic Perspectives, Springer, pp. 165-182 (together with C. Gerberding and A. Worms).
- Eurosystem versus Federal Reserve System - ein kritischer Vergleich unter Berücksichtigung der Glaubwürdigkeitsdiskussion ("Euro System versus Federal Reserve System - A critical Comparison considering the Reliability Discussion"), in: Pfahler, T. und Thuy, P. (eds.), Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung undstruktureller Wandel, Haupt Verlag, 2006, pp. 397-416 (together with K. Ruckriegel).
- Strategies for Controlling Inflation in a Monetary Framework, in: Credan,B.T. (ed.), Trends in Inflation Research, 2006, Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 229-243 (together with K.-H. Tödter)
- Euro Cash Demand: The Times They are A-Changing, in: Michler, A.F., Thieme, H.J. (Hg.), Systeme monetärer Steuerung: Analyse und Vergleich geldpolitischer Strategien, Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart 2007, pp. 83-116.
- Internationale Kapitalströme vor dem Hintergrund der Finanzmarktkrise ("International Capital Flows against the Background of the Financial Market Crisis"), in: Michler, A.F. und H.-D. Smeets (Hg.), Die aktuelle Finanzkise: Bestandsaufnahme und Lehren für die Zukunft, Stuttgart 2011, Lucius & Lucius, pp. 325-352 (together with A. Michler)
- The Cooperative Banking System in Germany: Empirical evidence and some theory, in: Janik. B. (Hg.), Dilemmas of Developement of Cooperative Banking Credits in Poland, Poznan School of Banking Research Journal No. 45/2012, pp. 77-86.
- Monetary Policy and Behavioral Finance (in German), in: Mueller, C. & N. Otter (eds.), Behavioral Economics und Wirtschaftspolitik, Schriften zu Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft, Vol. 100, 2015, Lucius, Stuttgart, pp. 157-174.
- The Importance of Cash and Cashless Payments in Germany: Overview and first estimates, in: Deutsche Bundesbank (Hg.), The Usage, Costs and Benefits of Cash - Revisited, Proceedings of the International Cash Conference 2014, 2015, pp. 15-73
- Cash Holdings in Germany and the Demand for "German" Banknotes: What Role Is There for Cashless Payments?, in: Górka, J. (Hg.), Transforming Payment Systems in Europe, 2016, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 111-148.
- "The Use of Large Denomination Banknotes in Switzerland", in: Deutsche Bundesbank (Hg.), War on Cash: Is there a Future for Cash?, 2017, Verlag Lehn, pp. 148-199 (together with K. Assenmacher & J. Tenhofen)
- "The Blessing of Cash", in: Deutsche Bundesbank (Hg.), War on Cash: Is there a Future for Cash?, 2017, Verlag Lehn, pp. 742-789 (together with M. Krüger)
- "Geldpolitik, Preisniveaustabilität und Finanzstabilität", in: Haucap, J. & H.J. Thieme (Hg.), Wirtschaftspolitik im Wandel: Ordnungsdefizite und Lösungsansätze, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2018, pp. 183-205 (together with A. Michler)
- "Finanzaufsicht", in: Staatslexikon: Recht, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, published by The Görres-Gesellschaft and Verlag Herder, 8th, completely revised edition, Vol. 2, 2018, pp. 692-698.
- "Geld", in: Staatslexikon: Recht, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, published by The Görres-Gesellschaft and Verlag Herder, 8th, completely revised edition, Vol. 2, 2018, pp. 994-1004
- Das Bestreben, das Bargeld zu entwerten, Interview for the Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland, 25 February 2019
- "Bargeld, Geldpolitik und das Finanzsystem" in: Baums, T. et al. (Hg.), Zentralbanken, Währungsunion und stabiles Finanzsystem, Festschrift für Helmut Siekmann, 2019, S. 201-214
- Konventionelle und unkonventionelle Maßnahmen des Eurosystems im Zuge der Staatsschuldenkrise: Ökonomische und rechtliche Aspekte, in: Haucap, J. & O. Budzinski (Hg.), Recht und Ökonomie, Bd. 37 der Reihe "Wettbewerb und Regulierung von Märkten und Unternehmen", Nomos, 2020, S. 171-211
- Immobilienkredite in Deutschland und der Schweiz: Die Bedeutung von Zinsen und Zinsbindung, in: Linard Nadig und Stefan Behringer (Hg.), CARF Luzern 2020, Controlling. Accounting & Audit. Risk & Compliance. Finanzen, Konferenzband, 2020, Verlag IFZ – Hochschule Luzern, S. 293-312
- Cash and Crises, in: EZB, Economic Bulletin 2/2021, S. 133-135 (zusammen mit G. Rösl)
- No Cash, no Problems!? Warum braucht man eigentlich noch Bargeld?, in: Rupprecht, M. (Hg.), Herausgeforderte Wirtschaft – Chinas Ausfstieg, Post-Corona Ökonomie, Klimawandel, Kohlhammer, 2022, S. 162-176
- Der Digitale Euro: Notwendige Ergänzung oder unnötige Belastung des zukünftigen Geldsystems? (The Digital Euro: Necessary addition or unnecessary burden on the future monetary system?), in: Knoppe, M. (Hg.), Unternehmerische Wertschöpfung neu aufstellen Volatile ( Repositioning entrepreneurial value creation Volatile), disruptive, digitale Welt – Anforderungen an das Management der Zukunft (disruptive, digital world – requirements for the management of the future), Springer, 2024, S. 121-143 (together with J. Clostermann und A. Rauscher);
Books / Studies
Die Rolle der Geld- und Fiskalpolitik bei flexiblen Wechselkursen unter spezieller Brücksichtigung der internationalen Finanzmarktstruktur und von Lohnrigiditäten ("Monetary and Fiscal Policy under Flexible Exchange Rates with Special Consideration of the Structure of International Financial Markets and of Wage Rigidities"), Frankfurt/Main, 1992
Europäische Geldpolitik ("European Monetary Policy") (1999), Werner Verlag (together with E. Görgens und K. Ruckriegel)
Europäische Geldpolitik: Theorie, Empirie, Praxis (European Monetary Policy: Theory, Practice, Empirical Evidence), 2nd edition, Werner Verlag 2001 (together with E. Görgens and K. Ruckriegel)
Europäische Geldpolitik: Theorie, Empirie, Praxis ("European Monetary Policy: Theory, Practice, Empirical Evidence"), 3rd ed., Lucius & Lucius, 2003 (together with E. Görgens and K. Ruckriegel)
Zwei Währungsgebiete - zwei Geldpolitiken? Ein Vergleich des Eurosystems mit dem Federal Reserve System ("Two Monetary Regimes - two Monetary Policies? A Comparison of the Eurosystem with the Federal Reserve System"), Bankakademie Publisher, 2002 (together with K. Ruckriegel)
Europäische Geldpolitik: Theorie, Empirie, Praxis ("European Monetary Policy: Theory, Practice, Empirical Evidence"), 4th ed., utb, 2004 (together with E. Görgens and K. Ruckriegel)
Europäische Geldpolitik: Theorie, Empirie, Praxis, 5. Auflage (mit einem Vorwort von Jürgen Stark) ("European Monetary Policy: Theory, Practice, Empirical Evidence"), 5th revised ed., Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart 2008 (together with E. Görgens and K. Ruckriegel)
Auer, B. & F. Seitz (2010), Grundkurs Wirtschaftsmathematik: Prüfungsrelevantes Wissen, praxisnahe Aufgaben, komplette Lösungswege ("Basic mathematics for economists: A practical and examinations-led guide with complete solutions"), 2nd ed., Gabler
Auer, B. & F. Seitz (2011), Grundkurs Wirtschaftsmathematik: Prüfungsrelevantes Wissen, praxisnahe Aufgaben, komplette Lösungswege ("Basic mathematics for economists: A practical and examinations-led guide with complete solutions"), 3rd ed., Gabler (
Auer, B. & F. Seitz (2013), Grundkurs Wirtschaftsmathematik: Prüfungsrelevantes Wissen, praxisnahe Aufgaben, komplette Lösungswege ("Basic mathematics for economists: A practical and examinations-led guide with complete solutions"), 4th ed., Gabler (
Understanding Cash Usage, Cash Essentials, September 2019 (together with G. Lepecq) (
Working papers, others
- The Circulation of Deutsche Mark Abroad, Discussion paper 1/95, Economic Research Group of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt/Main, Mai 1995 (also published in german and turkish)
- Divisia versus simple-sum measures of money as indicators for monetary policy (1997), Fachhochschule Amberg-Weiden, mimeo (together with M. Scharnagl)
- Are the effects of German monetary policy asymmetric? (1998), University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden, mimeo
- Strategie der Europäischen Geldpolitik: Geldmengenziel cum Inflationsprognose (The monetary policy strategy of the European Central Bank: monetary target cum inflation forecast) (1998), EURO-Study, Research Dept., HypoVereinsbank
- 11 Freunde müßt ihr sein! - Informationen und Spekulationen über die Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion (You have to be 11 friends – informations and speculations on EMU) (1998), Wyklady Otwarte, Universtiy for Banking Studies in Poznan, Poland (also published in Polish)
- Der Zusammenhang zwischen Geldmenge, Output und Preisen in Deutschland - ein modifizierter P-Star-Ansatz – (The relationship between money, output and prices in Germany – a modified p-star approach) (1999), Ifo discussion papers No. 60, January 1999, Ifo Institute for Economic Research Munich (together with J. Clostermann)
- Interest Rate Spreads as Predictors of German Inflation and Business Cycles (1999), European Economics (WPS), Vol. 3, No. 12, June 8 und Monetary Economics (WPS), Vol. 4, No. 17, May 24 (together with K. Lahiri and D. Ivanova)
- The ECB and the Taylor Rule – Pointing to Monetary Tightening (1999), HypoVereinsbank Economics, Macro Research (zusammen mit N. Keis)
- Changing the Institutional Design of Central Banks (1999), in: Monetary Economics (WPS) Vol.4, No.30, October 11, 1999 (zusammen mit S. Schich)
- The Supply and Demand for Eurosystem Deposits: The First 18 Months, European Central Bank Working Paper No. 44, February 2001 (together with U. Bindseil)
- Eurosystem versus Federal Reserve System: Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten (Eurosystem versus Federal Reserve System: Differences and Similarities), Discussion Paper University of Applied Sciences Nürnberg, November 2001 (together with K. Ruckriegel)
- Karriere- und Arbeitsmarktorientierung von Wirtschaftsstudenten – eine internationale StudentenbefragungCareer and labor market orientation of students of business and economics – an international survey), Discussion Paper No. 1, University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden, November 2001 (together with B. Mayer and H. Rottmann)
- The Eurosystem and the Federal Reserve System Compared: Facts and Challenges, ZEI Working Paper B02-2002, February 2002 (together with K. Ruckriegel)
- The Federal Design of a Central Bank in a Monetary Union: The Case of the European System of Central Banks – A comment on S.C.W. Eijffinger, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Working Paper 64, 2002, pp. 31-34
- Karriere- und Arbeitsmarktorientierung von Wirtschaftsstudenten – eine internationale Studentenbefragung (Career and labor market orientation of students of business and economics – an international survey), Wyklady Otwarte, Zeszyt 9 (2002), Hochschule für Bankwesen in Poznan, Polen (togehter with B. Mayer and H. Rottmann; also published in polish)
- Forecasting Real GDP: What Role for Narrow Money; ECB Working Paper No. 254, September 2003 (together with C. Brand u. H.-E. Reimers)
- The Demand for Euro Cash: A Theoretical Model and Monetary Policy Implications, Bulgarian National Bank Discussion Paper 37/2003, November 2003
- The Demand for Euro Area Currencies: Past, Present, Future, ECB Working Paper No. 330, April 2004 (zusammen mit B. Fischer und P. Köhler)
- How the Bundesbank Really Conducted Monetary Policy: An Analysis Based on Real-time Data, Deutsche Bundesbank, Discussion Paper, Series 1, Nr. 25, September 2004 (Gerberding, C., Seitz, F., Worms, A.) (2004)
- A Textbook Macro Model with Money, SSRN Working Paper, December 2005 (together with G. Rösl and K.-H. Tödter)
- Are Bond Markets really overpriced: The case of the US, FH Ingolstadt, working paper, Nummer 11, 2005 (zusammen mit J.Clostermann)
- Geldpolitik, Zinsen und die Rolle des Geldes: Konzeptionelles, Theoretisches, Praktisches, Universität Bayreuth("Monetary Policy, Interest Rates and the Role of Money: Conceptual, theoretical and practical remarks"), working paper, 01-06, (together with E. Görgens and K. Ruckriegel)
- Warum gehen die Leute in die Fußballstadien? Eine empirische Analyse der Fußball-Bundesliga("Why do People visit Football Arenas? - An Empirical Analysis of the German Premier League"), Weidener Discussion Papers No. 1, October 2006 (together with H. Rottmann)
- Explaining the US Bond Yield Conundrum, Weidener Diskussionspapiere No. 2, February 2007 (together with H. Bandholz und J. Clostermann)
- Quo vadis, Money? The Role of Money in Modern Monetary Policy, ROME Working Paper 07/01, February 2007 (together with E. Goergens and K. Ruckriegel)
- Money-based Interest Rate Rules: Lessons from German data, Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper, Series 1: Economic Studies no. 06/2007, (zusammen mit C. Gerberding und A. Worms)
- Simple Interest Rate Rules with a Role for Money, Deutsche Bundesbank, Discussion Paper Series 1, No. 31/2007 (together with C. Gerberding u. M. Scharnagl)
- Wie viele ausländische Euro-Münzen fließen nach Deutschland? (“How many Foreign Euro Coins Flow to Germany?”), Weidener Diskussion Papers, No. 10, September 2008 (together with D. Stoyan)
- Performancemessung: Theoretische Maße und empirische Umsetzung mit VBA (“Performance Measurement: Theoretical concepts and empirical implementation with VBA”), HAW im Dialog, Weidener Discussion Paper No. 12, December 2008 (together with B. Auer).
- Coin Migration within the Euro Area, Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper Series 1: Economic Studies, No. 27/2009 (together with D. Stoyan und K.-H. Tödter)
- One Factor Aumented Stepwise Probit Prognosemodell für den ifo-Geschäftserwartungsindex ("A Factor Augmented Stepwise Probit Forecasting Model for the ifo Business Expectations Index"), Weidener Discussion Papers No. 21, November 2009 (together with J. Clostermann, A. Koch and A. Rees)
- Short-term Oil Models before and during the Financial Market Crisis, ROME Working Paper 2010-05, April 2010 (together with J. Clostermann and N. Keis)
- Household Money Holdings in the Euro Area: an explorative investigation, ECB Working Paper no. 1238, September 2010 (together with J. von Landesberger)
- Foreign Demand for Euro Banknotes Issued in Germany: Estimation using direct approaches, Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper, Series 1, 20/2011 (together with N. Bartzsch and G Rösl)
- Foreign Demand for Euro Banknotes Issued in Germany: Estimation using indirect approaches, Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper, Series 1, 21/2011 (together with N. Bartzsch and G. Rösl)
- Currency Movements within and outside a Currency Union: Th case of Germany and th euro area, HAW im Dialog, Weidener Diskussionspapiere No. 30, November 2011 (together with N. Bartzsch and G. Rösl) (also published as a ROME Working Paper)
- The Role of the IMF in the European Debt Crisis, HAW im Dialog, Weidener Diskussionspapiere No 32, January 2012 (together with T. Jost)
- Die Rolle monetärer Variablen für die Geldpolitik vor, während und nach der Krise: Nicht nur für die EWU geltende Überlegungen, HAW im Dialog, Weidener Diskussionsbeiträge No. 33, October 2012
- The Role of Money in Modern Macro Models, ROME Discussion Paper No. 13-01, July 2013 (zusammen mit M. A. Schmidt)
- MONEY IN MODERN MACRO MODELS: A review of the arguments, HAW im Dialog, Weidener Diskussionspapiere No. 37, February 2014
- Geldpolitik und Behavioural Finance, OTH im Dialog, Weidener Diskussionspapiere No. 40, June 2014
- The Information Content of Money ad Credit for US Activity, ECB WPS No. 1803, June 2015 (zusammen mit B. Albuquerque und U. Baumann)
- Transaction Balances: From accounting and economics to biology, ROME Working Paper 2016-01, January 2016 (together with N. Bartzsch)
- Doing away with cash? The welfare costs of abolishing cash, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS) Working Paper No. 112 (2017) (together with G. Rösl & K.H. Tödter)
- Global Recessions and Booms: What do Probit models tell us? Die Hochschule im Dialog: Weidener Diskussionspapiere Nr. 61, June 2018 (together with U. Baumann & Ramón Gómez Salvador)
- Cash in Circulation and the Shadow Economy: An Empirical Investigation for Euro Area Countries and Beyond, CESifo Working Papers 7143, July 2018 (together with H.-E. Reimers & F. Schneider)
- Feste Zinsbindung versus kurzfristig variable Zinskonditionen in Deutschland, Die Hochschule im Dialog: Weidener Diskussionspapiere Nr. 62, September 2018 (together with J. Clostermann); also published as Working Paper Nr.45, TH Ingolstadt
- The demand for Swiss banknotes: some new evidence, Swiss National Bank Working Papers 2/2019 (together with K. Assenmacher & J. Tenhofen)
- Detecting Turning Points in Global Economic Activity, European Central Bank Working Paper Series No 2310, August 2019 (together with U. Baumann & R. Gómez Salvador)
- Immobilienkredite in Deutschland und der Schweiz: Die Rolle von Zinsen und Zinsbindung, Die Hochschule im Dialog: Weidener Diskussionspapiere Nr. 71, November 2019 (together with J. Clostermann)
- Derivate im Zinsmanagement: Eine Analyse der Hedging-Qualität von Bund Future Kontrakten und deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten in Theorie und Praxis, Die Hochschule im Dialog: Weidener Diskussionspapiere Nr. 74, Januar 2020 (together with C. Wontke)
- Payment Innovations, the Shadow Economy and Cash Demand of Households in Euro Area Countries, CESifo Working Papers 8574, September 2020 (together with H.-E. Reimers & F. Schneider)
- SARS-Cov-2 und Bargeld: Wie ein Virus die weltweite Bargeldnachfrage fördert, Regensburg Papers in Management and Economics No. 5, November 2020 (together with G. Rösl); zugleich erschienen als Die Hochschule im Dialog: Weidener Diskussionspapiere No. 78, November 2020
- Cash and Crises: No surprises by the virus, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability, Working Paper No. 150, February 2021 (together with G. Rösl)
- Designing a European Monetary Fund: What role for the IMF?, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability, Working Paper No. 151, February 2021 (together with T. Jost)
- Cash demand in times of crises, Die Hochschule im Dialog: Weidener Diskussionspapiere No. 83, November 2021 (together with G. Rösl)
- On the Stabilizing Role of Cash for Societies, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability, Working Paper No. 167, June 2022 (togehter with G. Rösl)
- Different Motives for Holding Cash in France: An Analysis of the Net Cash Issues of the Banque de France, Banque de France Working paper 888, October (together with Lucas Devigne & Raymond de Pastor)
- CBDC and Cash in the Euro Area: Crowding out or co-circulation?, Die Hochschule im Dialog: Weidener Diskussionspapiere No. 85, October 2022 (together with G. Rösl)
- Uncertainty, Politics, and Crises: The case for cash, IMFS Working Paper Series, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS), No. 186, June 2023 (together with G. Rösl)
- Cash for Transactions or Store-of-Value? A comparative study on Sweden and peer countries, Sveriges Riksbank, Working Paper Series 427, July 2023 (together with Carl Andreas Claussen & Björn Segendorf)
- Monetary and Macroprudential Policies with Direct and Indirect Financing: Implications for Macroeconomic Stability, Weidener Diskussionspapier No. 91, May 2024 (together with J. Bruch & U. Vollmer)
- Cash is more than a Public Good, Weidener Diskussionspapier No. 92, July 2024 (together with H. Labat & G. Lepecq)
- Resilience and the Cash Infrastructure: The Role of Access, Acceptance, Availability, and Affordability, Die Hochschule im Dialog: Weidener Diskussionspapiere No. 93, September 2024 (together with G. Rösl); zugleich erschienen als REGENSBURG PAPERS IN MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS No. 9
- Wie relevant sind die makroökomischen Standardlehrbuchmodelle: Ein Plädoyer für eine Erweiterung der traditionellen klassischen und keynesianischen Basismodelle, Weidener Diskussionspapier No. 94, November 2024 (together with J. Flemmig)