We, the team of the Students´Office, will clarify your questions regarding the application procedure, admission to studies, matters concerning examination law and the practical study semester.
Location Amberg
Opening Hours Amberg
Monday to Friday from 09:00 – 12:00
Afternoons only by appointment
Location Weiden
Hetzenrichter Weg 15
92637 Weiden
Contact: studienbuero-wen@
Opening Hours Weiden
Monday to Friday from 09:00 – 12:00
Afternoons only by appointment
Contact persons
Location Amberg
Head of study office Amberg
Dipl.-Verwaltungswirtin (FH) Cindy Häckel
Agrar-Ing. Daniela Winter
Ute Reichenwallner
Marion Schmid
B.A. Emma Krahn
Location Weiden
Head of study office Weiden and total
Dipl.-Verw.-Wirt Wolfgang Hochhuth
Diana Sommer
Kathrin Forster
Susanne Winterl
Anna Forster