Dr. Simone Orlowski, Ph.D.
Studiengangsleitung und Studienfachberatung B.Sc. Angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie, Alumni-Beauftragte WEBIS, Frauenbeauftragte der Fakultät WEBIS
Academic Staff Weiden Business School
Phone +49 (961) 382-1307
Fax +49 (961) 382-2307
Weiden, main building, Room 201
Office hours
nach Vereinbarung (per E-Mail)Subject area(s)
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Bachelor + Master), General Psychology (Bachelor + Master), Business Psychology (Bachelor + Master), Business CommunicationResearch area(s)
- Effective Leadership
- Teams and Team Leadership
- Leadership and Job Satisfaction
- Work-Family Conflict
- Occupational Stress