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Prof. Dr. med. dent. Dr. rer. pol. Stefanie Steinhauser

Professor Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare

Phone +49 (961) 382-1611
Fax +49 (961) 382-2611

Office hours

By arrangement via e-mail

Subject area(s)

Health Economy and Entrepreneurship

Research area(s)

Digital transformation and digital innovations (in healthcare), artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, (data-driven) business models, digital networks and ecosystems, diffusion of innovations

Publications and Conference Papers:

Steinhauser, S. Human-Computer Interaction: Paths to Understanding Trust in Artificial Intelligence. In P. Pape, G. Lerzynski, P. Glauner, J. Plugmann & P. Plugmann (Eds.), Transformation in Health Care - Game-changers in Digitalization, Technology, AI and Longevity. Cham: Springer, forthcoming.

Steinhauser, S., Stadler, V., & Hüsig, S. 2024. Anwendungspotentiale und Herausforderungen der Blockchain-Technologie im Gesundheitswesen. In M. Pfannstiel (Ed.), Technologien und Technologiemanagement im Gesundheitswesen: 831-847. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Müller, M.L. & Steinhauser, S. 2024. Re-Examining Innovation Ecosystem S-Curves: Network Effects and the Pace of Technology Substitution. Academy of Management (AOM) Proceedings, 2024(1): 16282, Chicago (USA), 9-13 August 2024,

Steinhauser, S. & Borst, L. 2024. Emerging National Health Innovation Systems for Artificial Intelligence: The Cases of Germany and Sweden, R&D Management Conference, Stockholm (Sweden), 17-19 June 2024.

Steinhauser, S. 2023. Artificial Intelligence Transforming Healthcare Ecosystems: A Comparative Perspective of Germany and China, International Conference on Digital Transformation and Aging Society, Beijing (China), 11-13 September 2023.

Steinhauser, S. & Stiller, L. Coopetition in the Context of Digital Technologies in the German Financial Sector: What Can We Learn through Social Network Analysis? Annual Conference of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Cagliari (Italy), 04-08 July 2023.

Steinhauser, S. & Raptis, G. 2023. Design Propositions for Nudging in Healthcare: Adoption of National Electronic Health Record Systems. Digital Health, 9: 20552076231181208.

Baumann, A.W., Conway, N., Doblinger, C., Steinhauser, S., Paszko, A., Lehmann, F., Schneider, G., Schulz, C.M., and Schneider, F. 2022. Mitigation of Climate Change in Health Care: A Survey for the Evaluation of Providers’ Attitudes and Knowledge, and their View on their Organization’s Readiness for Change. The Journal of Evidence and Quality in Health Care / Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 173: 108-115.

Tremblay, M.C., Dolata, M., Stähelin, D., Steinhauser, S., and Morana, S. 2022. A Delegation Framework for Healthcare Digital Agent Design. Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA), Washington, DC (USA), 04-05 March 2022.

Rummel, F., Hüsig, S., & Steinhauser, S. 2022. Two Archetypes of Business Model Innovation Processes for Manufacturing Firms in the Context of Digital Transformation. R&D Management, 52(4): 685-703.

Stiller, L. & Steinhauser, S. 2021. Platforms as Driver for Coopetition – A Social Network Analysis in the Financial Market. Academy of Management (AOM) Proceedings, 2021(1): 11321, 29 July - 04 August 2021.

Steinhauser, S. 2021. COVID-19 as a Driver for Digital Transformation in Healthcare. In P. Glauner, P. Plugmann, & G. Lerzynski (Eds.), Digitalization in Healthcare: lmplementing Innovation and Artificial Intelligence: 93-102. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Steinhauser, S. 2021. Enabling the Utilization of Potentially Disruptive Digital Innovations by Incumbents: The Impact of Contextual, Organizational, and Individual Factors in Regulated Contexts. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25(2): 2150015.

Steinhauser, S., Doblinger, C., & Hüsig, S. 2020. The Relative Role of Digital Complementary Assets and Regulation in Discontinuous Telemedicine Innovation in European Hospitals. Journal of Management Information Systems, 37(4): 1155-1183.

Renz, E., Steinhauser, S., Stiller, L., & Zanon, A. 2020. Can Business Model Success be Evaluated? A Mixed Method Approach with Digital Marketplaces. Academy of Management (AOM) Proceedings, 2020(1): 18728, Vancouver (Canada), 07-11 August 2020.

Steinhauser, S. 2020. Digital Transformation in Health Care: Diffusion Determinants of Digital Innovations in Incumbent Organizations. Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Frankfurt a. M., 17-20 March 2020.

Steinhauser, S. 2019. Network-Based Business Models, the Institutional Environment, and the Diffusion of Digital Innovations: Case Studies of Telemedicine Networks in Germany. Schmalenbach Business Review, 71(3): 343-383.

Steinhauser, S., Doblinger, C., & Hüsig, S. 2019. Can Incumbents' Complementary Assets Outbalance the Impact of the Regulatory Framework of Discontinuous Digital Innovations? An Empirical Analysis of Telemedicine Adoption in European Hospitals. Annual Conference of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Edinburgh (UK), 01-06 July 2019.

Steinhauser, S. 2019. Network-based Business Models, the Institutional Environment, and the Diffusion of Digital Innovations: Case Studies of Telemedicine Networks in Germany. Annual Conference of the European Health Management Association (EHMA), Espoo (Finland), 17-19 June 2019.

Steinhauser, S., Doblinger, C., Hüsig, S., & Dowling, M. 2018. Discontinuous Digital Health Innovations: Impact of Complementary Assets and Regulatory Framework. Academy of Management (AOM) Proceedings, 2018(1): 11025, Chicago (USA), 10-14 August 2018.

Steinhauser, S. & Dowling, M. 2018. Antecedents of Incumbents’ Motivation and Ability to Utilize Disruptive Telemedicine Innovations. Academy of Management (AOM) Proceedings, 2018(1): 11057, Chicago (USA), 10-14 August 2018.

Dowling, M. & Steinhauser, S. 2018. Opt-in oder Opt-out? Choice Architecture bei der Implementierung der elektronischen Gesundheitskarte. In M. T. L. Rückert & D. Pförringer (Eds.), Bei bester Gesundheit? Deutschlands E-Health im Check-up - Zukunftsplattform Bayern: Digitales Gesundheitswesen 2020: 77-79. München: Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V.

Steinhauser, S. 2018. Antecedents of the Utilization of Disruptive Innovations: An Empirical Analysis of Telemedicine Adoption and Usage by European Physicians. Annual Conference of the European Health Management Association (EHMA), Budapest (Hungary), 20-22 June 2018.

Steinhauser, S. 2018. Disruptive Technologies in Health Care: The Significance of Digital Innovations for Point-of-care Testing. Molecular Diagnostics Europe Summit, Lisbon (Portugal), 22-24 May 2018.

Steinhauser, S. 2017. The Diffusion of Discontinuous Innovations in Health Care: An Empirical Analyis of Telemedicine Adoption in Europe. Annual Conference of the European Health Management Association (EHMA), Milan (Italy), 13-15 June 2017.

Steinhauser, S. 2015. Disruptive Innovations in Health Care Systems: A Comparison of their Potential in the US and the German System. Annual Conference of the European Health Management Association (EHMA), Breda (The Netherlands), 15-17 June 2015.

Steinhauser, S., Ramin, P., & Hüsig, S. 2015. Disruptive Prescription for the German Health Care System? In S. Gurtner & K. Soyez (Eds.), Challenges and Opportunities in Health Care Management: 259-275. Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer International Publishing.

Schweikl, H., Hiller, K.-A., Bolay, C., Kreissl, M., Kreismann, W., Nusser, A., Steinhauser, S., Wieczorek, J., Vasold, R., & Schmalz, G. 2005. Cytotoxic and Mutagenic Effects of Dental Composite Materials. Biomaterials, 26(14): 1713-1719.

Hiller, K.-A., Kreismann, I., Kreissl, M., Nusser, A., Steinhauser, S., Wieczorek, J., Schmalz, G., & Schweikl, H. 2003. Cytotoxic Effects of Resin-based Filling Materials. Journal of Dental Research, 82: B309.


TRIO (University Network Transfer and Innovation Eastern Bavaria): Project management (completed)

HackADrop (Hackathon for the development of innovative ideas and solutions for the protection against infectious diseases): Project management (completed)
