Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule OTH Amberg-Weiden is part of the Erasmus KA2 project "Interadis" (International Students Adaptation and Integration) - together with eight Ukrainian universities as well as an Italian, a Lithuanian and a Dutch university. The cooperation is supervised by the KOMO (Competence Centre Bavaria - Central and Eastern Europe) of the OTH Amberg-Weiden in collaboration with the International Office.
Focus: Internationalisation of higher education institutions
Duration of the project: 15.11.2020 - 14.11.2024
Project coordinator: Netherlands Business Academy, Niederlande
Project co-coordinator: KROK Universität, Ukraine

INTERADIS - Presentation at Staff Week
One intensive week, two countries, three cities and three university locations - that was the German-Czech Staff Week 2024, which OTH Amberg-Weiden organised together with the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen for the fourth time at the beginning of June.
18 representatives from 12 European universities in seven countries experienced a varied programme in Pilsen, Weiden and Amberg. The focus was on exchanging experiences, making contacts, learning from each other and gathering ideas for their own work in International Offices or as Erasmus coordinators.
The project team from the Ukrainian KROK University, Galina Bogachenko and Andrii Lotariev, presented the Erasmus project INTERADIS, which is being implemented by eight Ukrainian universities together with European partners, including the OTH Amberg-Weiden, despite numerous challenges. Report

Students Visit at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
From 21 April to 5 May 2024, 18 students from eight Ukrainian universities visited OTH Amberg-Weiden as part of the INTERADIS project. At the beginning of their stay, they were welcomed by the President of the university, Prof. Dr Clemens Bulitta, and the team from the Competence Centre Bavaria - Central and Eastern Europe (KOMO). The KOMO team had put together an interesting and varied programme and looked after the participants during their two-week stay. The aim of the programme was for the students, many of whom were abroad for the first time, to get to know another country and its language, culture, people and university system, to take home valuable intercultural experiences and also to discuss ideas for the integration of international students with those responsible at OTH Amberg-Weiden.
The young people from Ukraine attended both OTH campuses, English-language lectures and workshops. An A1 German course taught them the basics of the German language, which they were able to put into practice at the Weiden Spring Festival, on excursions to Regensburg and Nuremberg or over lunch with German students. During a World Café with the International Office team, the students discussed ways of supporting international students throughout the entire student life cycle. A workshop organised by the university's Green Office sensitised them to topics such as sustainability and climate protection. Finally, the participants received certificates for their successful participation in the German course. After two eventful weeks and with countless adventures, valuable experiences and contacts with new friends in their luggage, the 18 young people set off on the very long journey home to Ukraine.
Comments from the participants:
- "This project was a wonderful experience for me, I’ve learned a lot of things and changed my views in some ways. The schedule was comfortable and the German course was incredible, I’m very thankful for all the work that OTH has done to welcome us."
- "I got to know a lot of good people. I have improved my English significantly and learned a lot about German culture and everyday life."
- "I am grateful to this program for helping me get out of my comfort zone, learn German, tighten my English, and make new acquaintances."
- News der OTH Amberg-Weiden – 18 ukrainische Studierende zu Besuch an der OTH Amberg-Weiden
- OberpfalzECHO – Willkommen in Weiden – ukrainische Studierende im Neuen Rathaus begrüßt
- OTV – Ukrainische Studenten im Weidener Rathaus empfangen

Study Visit at OTH Amberg-Weiden
From July 24 to 28, 2023, 37 Ukrainian professors and university employees visited the university at the Amberg site. The diverse and extensive program provided the participants with a valuable opportunity to learn about the acquisition, integration and support of international students.