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  • BHS Stipendium 2025


    Liebe Studierende,

    für das kommende Jahr wird wieder das BHS Stipendium ausgeschrieben, das für unsere Studierenden aus diversen Studiengängen eine tolle Möglichkeit bietet, um praktische Erfahrungen mit finanzieller Förderung zu verbinden.

    Näheres entnehmen Sie bitte dem angehängten PDF.

  • Application period for the BHS scholarship starting soon!


    High-achieving and professionally committed students from many degree programs are invited to apply for the BHS scholarship from 14.10. to 9.12.2024. In addition to financial support, the scholarship also offers dedicated professional support from the company.

    BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH would like to support students as an “Innovative Learning Location” of the East Bavarian Technical University of Amberg-Weiden with a scholarship to accompany their studies. In addition to material support, the specialists and managers of tomorrow are given further targeted opportunities to develop their technical, methodological and social skills.

    The scholarship will start in the summer semester 2025.
    The maximum funding period is generally 4 semesters (Bachelor) or 3 semesters (Master).

    Students from technically oriented courses of study at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology, Industry 4.0 computer science, industrial engineering, IT and automation, mechatronics and digital automation, media production and media technology or applied research in engineering sciences, etc.) as well as economically oriented courses of study such as business administration (especially with a focus on finance/marketing/HR), applied business psychology, logistics and digitization, digital technology and management, international technology management, digital business, etc.) are eligible for funding.

    Funding is provided to accompany studies at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden in both material and non-material ways.
        500 Euro monthly allowance for teaching materials and living expenses
        Payment of student union fees
        Assurance of a working student position in the relevant department *1
        Assurance of an internship position for the practical semester *1
        Assurance of a thesis topic incl. supervisor *1
        Optional stay abroad at an international location of BHS Corrugated
        Free access to the BHS Corrugated educational program
        Free access to company benefits (gym, restaurant, corporate benefits)
        Subject-related assignment of a mentor at BHS Corrugated
        Possibility of mobile working

    *1 Activity is remunerated separately from the scholarship

    To apply for a BHS scholarship, the following documents are required as PDF files:

        Curriculum vitae
        School leaving certificate
        certificate of enrollment
        current overview of grades
        Statement of motivation (max. 2 pages DIN A4)

    The application documents must be submitted exclusively via the BHS Corrugated homepage.

    When is the application period for the scholarship?

    The application period for the 2023 scholarship is from 14.10.2024 to 09.12.2024.

    Where can I find more information?

    Further information on the BHS scholarship can be obtained from Vice President Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Müller or Barbara Hauer (BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Specialist Talent Acqusition).

    Translated with (free version)

  • Grenzübergreifendes Mentoring-Programm „careerSTEPS“


    Das Mentoring-Programm „careerSTEPS“ ist ein Angebot für Masterstudierende und Promovierende der OTH Amberg-Weiden, aber auch für andere, die eine wissenschaftliche Karriere oder eine Laufbahn in der freien Wirtschaft anstreben und sich dafür noch mehr qualifizieren wollen oder sich noch nicht ganz sicher sind, was für sie der Traumjob wäre. Dabei steht den Teilnehmenden (Mentees) während des Mentoring-Zeitraumes ein*e erfahrener*e Mentor*in aus der Wissenschaft (z.B. Professor*in, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende, Promovierende) beratend zur Seite. Die Mentor*innen werden grenzübergreifend gesucht und angesprochen (für deutsche Bewerbende an der Westböhmischen Universität Pilsen, anderen tschechischen Universitäten und umgekehrt) und unterstützen die Mentees bei der Entscheidungsfindung zur Karriereplanung nach dem Abschluss in der Wissenschaft oder der Einstiegsphase ins Berufsleben.

    Das Programm untergliedert sich in die nachfolgenden Etappen und läuft über einen Zeitraum von neun Monaten (Auftakt im November und Abschluss im Juli). Für jedes Tandem aus Mentee und Mentor*in werden wir das Programm und Inhalte extra maßgeschneidert entwerfen, um spezifisch alle Wünsche und Erwartungen des Tandems erfüllen zu können. Die Zusammenarbeit im Tandem findet in englischer Sprache statt.


    Sind Sie sich nicht sicher, was Sie nach dem Abschluss machen möchten? Wäre Wissenschaft etwas für Sie?

    Schwierige Entscheidung … Was würde mich in meinem Berufsleben interessieren? Wäre Wissenschaft etwas für mich?

    Wie sieht eine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn denn aus? Gute Beispiele ziehen …

    Die Welt endet nicht nach der Grenze, ich möchte meine Berufsmöglichkeiten um eine internationale Erfahrung aus dem wissenschaftlichen Bereich erweitern …

    Wie kann man eine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn mit der Familie gut vereinbaren?

    INTERESSE GEWECKT??? Mehr erfahren Sie unter

  • Gratis Yoga-Kurs UND Stadtführungen mit Umtrunk

    University pastoral care

    nix wie hin: tu Dir was Gutes 'für Leib+Seele', treffe nette Mitstudierende, genieße Gemeinschaft

    Wir wünschen Dir nicht nur einen guten, glücklichen Start ins neue Semester -

    wir möchten auch gerne dazu beitragen, dass Du Dich hier wohlfühlst.

    Deshalb bieten wir Dir an:



    WEIDEN "von oben und unten": Exklusive Altstadt-Tour mit Turm-Besteigung + Umtrunk in einem Brauerei-Gasthof (pro Person 2 Getränke gratis bis max. 9 € gesamt), Treff: Dienstag 08.10.2024, 17:00 Uhr vor der OTH-Bibliothek [oder 17:15 Uhr am Kirchturm von St. Michael = Schulgasse 1 / Oberer Markt]  --> Anmeldung bis 07.10.24: (bitte gib an: "Stadtführung WEIDEN")

    AMBERG "von oben und unten": Exklusive Altstadt-Tour mit Turm-Besteigung + Umtrunk in einem Brauerei-Gasthof (pro Person 2 Getränke gratis bis max. 9 € gesamt), Treff: Dienstag 15.10.2024, 17:00 Uhr vor der OTH-Bibliothek  --> Anmeldung bis 14.10.24: (bitte gib an: "Stadtführung AMBERG")



    (jeweils kostenlos dank Finanzierung durch "Techniker Krankenkasse":  )

    ab Donnerstag 10.10.2024 (10 mal), 16:00-17:30 Uhr  WEIDEN Multifunktionsraum (Hörsaalgebäude) --> Anmeldung:

    ab Mittwoch 16.10.2024 (10 mal), 18:30-19:45 Uhr AMBERG MBUT 302 --> Anmeldung:

    --> zu dem Yoga-Kursen bitte eine Iso- oder Gymnastik-Matte sowie bequeme Kleidung / Sportdress mitbringen!



    Deine Hochschulseelsorger*innen an der OTH:

    - Dr. Markus Lommer (KHG Amberg-Weiden)

    - Dr. David Scherf (ESG Amberg)

    - Christiane Weber (ESG Weiden)

    - Jessica Hüttner (ESG Weiden)



  • Let's have a good start into the new semester - together, blessed and healthy! :-)

    University pastoral care

    We bring a little more joy and inspiration to the campus...

    Dear students at the OTH Amberg-Weiden,

    Welcome to the winter semester 2024/2025!

    The ecumenical university chaplaincy team will be happy to support you as you embark on your studies or start the new semester.

    Take a look at the PDF files and let them inspire you...

    At the ‘Spiritual Impulse’ on Tuesday 1 October at 08:30 (Amberg: Audimax = ‘Siemens-Innovatorium’, Weiden: Multifunctional room in the lecture theatre building) we want to pray together for God's good blessing for all those who live, study and work here at OTH - as well as for all the people who are close to our/your hearts.

    We look forward to seeing you!

    Your Protestant and Catholic university chaplains in Amberg and Weiden:

    Markus Lommer & David Scherf

    Jessica Hüttner & Christiane Weber

  • Invitation for international students to it-sa in Nuremberg

    Finding a job after graduation is often more difficult for international students than for German students. At the same time, the shortage of skilled labour does not stop at the IT sector. So why not support both sides and bring students and companies together? And where better to do this than at a trade fair?

    The state agency of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg organises joint stands with companies from Baden-Württemberg at various trade fairs in Germany and around the world. This year, they will once again have a joint stand at the IT security trade fair it-sa from 22.10.2024-24.10.2024 in Nuremberg. A trade fair is not only suitable for business contacts and the exchange of specialist topics - it is a versatile platform that can reach many target groups at the same time. That's why they want to try something new at it-sa and take the topic of recruiting. The state agency has come up with something special for this purpose: THE LÄND JOBRÄLLY.

    Job Rälly is intended to facilitate a playful encounter between (international) students and companies looking for skilled labour. A total of 11 Baden-Württemberg companies from the IT security sector have registered for Job Rälly. Stamp cards will be available at the joint stand on all days of the fair, which (international) students can use to approach the participating companies and discuss career opportunities with them. After each conversation, participants will receive a stamp from the company. If a person collects at least six stamps, they can throw them into the lottery drum at the joint stand and take part in our prize draw. Europa-Park tickets and THE LÄND merchandise await the participants. However, the main prize would certainly be a permanent position after graduation.

    Students will also receive free entry to it-sa from the Baden-Württemberg state agency. So there are many good reasons to take part in the Job Rälly.

    If you have any questions or would like to receive free admission tickets:
    Daniela Todorovic daniela.todorovic@bw-i-de
    Carina Windmüller carina.windmü

    An offer from Baden-Württemberg International / Gesellschaft für internationale wirtschaftliche und wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mbH

  • Application period for the Deutschlandstipendium has started!

    From this week on, it is possible to apply for the Deutschlandstipendium for the coming funding year. The application period will end on October 9.

    Dear students,

    The application period for the upcoming funding year of the Deutschlandstipendium has started on September 1. All students within the standard period of study can apply, including those starting their studies in the coming winter semester 2024/25.

    All further information and the link to the application portal can be found here

    Good luck with your application!

  • Application period for the Deutschlandstipendium has started!

    From this week on, it is possible to apply for the Deutschlandstipendium for the coming funding year. The application period will end on October 9.

    Dear students,

    The application period for the upcoming funding year of the Deutschlandstipendium has started on September 1. All students within the standard period of study can apply, including those starting their studies in the coming winter semester 2024/25.

    All further information and the link to the application portal can be found here

    Good luck with your application!

  • ADH University Run/ Walk 2024

    The ADH university run is entering its 5th round! No matter where you are: lace up your running or walking shoes on September 20 and collect kilometers for the OTH Amberg-Weiden!

    Dear students,

    On September 20th the annual adh-HOCHSCHULLAUF will take place again. Between 06:00am and 10:00pm you can run, walk or simply stroll for one hour.

    Please register under this link:

    On September 20, use a running app or  smartwatch to track your run/ hike/ walk/ stroll, upload a screenshot by 10 p.m. at the latest, then the kilometers run will count for our university.

    Last year, OTH Amberg-Weiden came 6th in a nationwide comparison of 91 participating colleges and universities, putting us in the top ten. Maybe we can make it into the top 5 this time?