rationalisation and new work organisation which therefore can destroy jobs,
whereas product innovation is related to the creation of new job opportunities. An earlier
investigation for West German manufacturing [...] empirical evidence for the often-quoted statement that
the introduction of process innovations destroys jobs in the enterprise.
* We would like to thank [...] process innovation is ‘labour saving’
because it increases labour productivity. Product innovation has ‘job creating’ effects as the production of new or
better products needs more employees.
S. Buscher, G. Licht, Employment, Investment and Innovation at the Firm Level,
in: OECD, The OECD Jobs Study - Investment, Productivity and Employment, Paris 1995. Die Autoren
verwenden in ihrer Studie [...] Beschäftigungsef-
fekte sind jedoch weit davon entfernt, das Bild des gefährlichen technologischen „Job-
killers“ zu bestätigen. Produktinnovationen hingegen weisen einen eindeutig positiven
LICHT, Georg (1995), Employment, Investment and
Innovation at the Firm Level. In: OECD: The OECD Jobs Study - Investment, Producti-
vity and Employment, S. 67-80.
topic of interest, Clements and Hendry (1998) have shown that VARs
in differences may do a good job. Finally, in the context of Bayesian VARs, the Minnesota prior
ensures that to the extent that random
Arbeitslosenquote bei 20
Prozent liegt.
Unternehmen können auf Grund des
Wettbewerbs nur dann Jobs schaffen,
wenn dies für sie rentabel ist. Die Lohn-
strukturen müssen daher den unter-
Development of
Electronic Money, Basle, October 1996 (http://www.bis.org).
Benito, A. (2002), Does Job Insecurity Affect Household Consumption?, Banco de España,
Servicio de Estudios, Working Paper No. [...] evidence from the EU” by A. Afonso and
R. Strauch, February 2004.
304 �Equilibrium unemployment, job flows and inflation dynamics” by A. Trigari, February 2004.
305 �A structural common factor approach [...] 2004.
317 �Fiscal policy and inflation volatility” by P. C. Rother, March 2004.
318 �Gross job flows and institutions in Europe” by R. Gómez-Salvador, J. Messina and G. Vallanti, March 2004.
Gomez-Salvador, R., J. Messina und G. Vallanti (2004), »Gross Job Flows
and Institutions in Europe«, ECB Working Paper No. 318.
Lazear, E. (1990), »Job Security Provision and Employment«, Quarterly Jour-
werden, welche die örtliche Lei-
tung der Bibliothek in Weiden übernahm.
Die Aushilfskraft Frau Job-Busche ist seit-
her wieder halbtags in Amberg tätig. Zu-
dem war in Amberg während des Sommer-
Fachhochschule Amberg-Weiden
Berufsleben informieren. Ferner
erhielten die Job-Interessierten vor
Ort in Weiden wertvolle Tipps,
Informationen und Anregungen in
insgesamt 16
co-ordination and the generosity of unemployment bene-
fits have a negative effect on job creation and the pace of job reallocation. Messina (2004) finds that
more unionized and coordinated wage-setting [...] false
/CreateJobTicket false
/DefaultRenderingIntent /Default
/DetectBlends true
/ColorConversionStrategy /LeaveColorUnchanged
/DoThumbnails false
/EmbedAllFonts true
/EmbedJobOptions true
[...] of labour market performance.
In a study for 60 countries, Caballero et al. (2004) find that job security regulation reduces the
speed of adjustment of employment to shocks and the growth rate
Jahresumsatz 2004
600 Millionen Euro
Jobs für Hochschulabsolventen
Stephan Thesing
especially the longer the forecast
horizon is. Moreover, it is obvious that the SEECM does a better job the better are
the forecaster's predicting abilities of the exogenous variables.
Table 4:
survey. Their results show that innovating firms (and innovative
sectors) have created more new jobs than non-innovating firms (less innovative sectors).
Their results suggest that, on the firm level [...] evidence, The Economic Journal 110, C1-C33.
Blanchflower, D. and S. Burgess (1998), New technology and jobs: Comparative
evidence from a two country study, Economics of Innovation and New Technology 5(2), [...] Effect of Technical Change, Oxford
University Press.
Klette, T. and S. Førre (1998), Innovation and job creation in a small open economy:
Evidence from Norwegian manufacturing plants 1982-92, Economics
Jahresumsatz (2005):
200 Millionen €
1.500 (in Auerbach)
Jobs für Hochschulabsolventen
Cornelia Hofmann
Telefon: (0
Programmierer beginnen mit der Erstellung von Platzhaltern für Großrechner.
Befi nden sich keine Jobs in der Warteschleife, fügen diese Programme eine
Kopie ihrer selbst am Ende der Warteschleife ein
Programmierer beginnen mit der Erstellung von Platzhaltern für Großrechner.
Befi nden sich keine Jobs in der Warteschleife, fügen diese Programme eine
Kopie ihrer selbst am Ende der Warteschleife ein
über 800 wel twei t
jobs für hochschulabsolventen
www.wit ron-campus.de
Theo Zei t le r
Kaufmännischer Le i ter
Te l . : (0 96 02) 600-241
job in fo@wit ron.de
[...] er. Für Studen-
ten optimale Rahmenbedingungen, um an an-
spruchsvollen Logistikprojekten »on the job«
oder neuen technologischen Konzepten mit-
zuarbeiten, die die Welt der Intralogistik
verändern. Auch
monetary policy Clemens J.M. Kool
in Germany Katharina Raabe
01 2007 The effect of FDI on job separation Sascha O. Becker
Marc-Andreas Mündler
02 2007 Threshold dynamics of short-term
Review of Economic
Studies 58, 277-297.
Blanchflower, D. and Burgess, S. (1999) ‘New technology and jobs: comparative evidence
from a two country study’, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 6, [...] Employment Effect of Technical Change, Oxford: OUP.
Klette, T. and Førre, S. (1998) ‘Innovation and job creation in a small open economy:
evidence from Norwegian manufacturing plants 1982-92’, Economics
LICHT, Georg (1995), Employment, Investment and
Innovation at the Firm Level. In: OECD: The OECD Jobs Study - Investment, Productiv-
ity and Employment, 67-80.
MUNDLAK, Yair (1978), On the Pooling
survey. Their results show that innovating firms (and innovative
sectors) have created more new jobs than non-innovating firms (less innovative sectors).
Their results suggest that, at the firm level [...] The Economic Journal 110: C1-
Blanchflower, D., S. Burgess (1998), New technology and jobs: Comparative evidence
from a two country study. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 5(2): [...] Technical Change. Oxford University
Press: Oxford.
Klette, T., S. Førre (1998), Innovation and job creation in a small open economy: Evidence
from Norwegian manufacturing plants 1982-92. Economics
survey. Their results show that innovating firms (and innovative
sectors) have created more new jobs than non-innovating firms (less innovative sectors).
Their results suggest that, at the firm level [...] The Economic Journal 110: C1-
Blanchflower, D., S. Burgess (1998), New technology and jobs: Comparative evidence
from a two country study. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 5(2): [...] Technical Change. Oxford University
Press: Oxford.
Klette, T., S. Førre (1998), Innovation and job creation in a small open economy: Evidence
from Norwegian manufacturing plants 1982-92. Economics
monetary policy Clemens J.M. Kool
in Germany Katharina Raabe
01 2007 The effect of FDI on job separation Sascha O. Becker
Marc-Andreas Mündler
02 2007 Threshold dynamics of short-term [...] Jörn Tenhofen
Evidence from an expectation augmented VAR Guntram B. Wolff
15 2007 On-the-job search and the cyclical dynamics Michael Krause
of the labor market Thomas Lubik
16 2007 H
co-ordination and the generosity of unemploy-
ment benefits have a negative effect on job creation and the pace of job reallocation. Messina
(2004) finds that more unionized and coordinated wage-setting [...] indicators of labour market performance.
In a study for 60 countries, Caballero et al. (2004) find that job security regulation reduces the
speed of adjustment of employment to shocks and lowers the growth [...] Economic
Review, 2 (4), 367-384.
Gomez-Salvador, R. Messina, J. And G. Vallanti (2004), Gross Job Flows and Institutions in
Europe. ECB Working Paper No. 318.
Gregg, P. and A. Manning (1997),
co-ordination and the generosity of unemploy-
ment benefits have a negative effect on job creation and the pace of job reallocation. Messina
(2004) finds that more unionized and coordinated wage-setting [...] indicators of labour market performance.
In a study for 60 countries, Caballero et al. (2004) find that job security regulation reduces the
speed of adjustment of employment to shocks and lowers the growth [...] Economic
Review, 2 (4), 367-384.
Gomez-Salvador, R. Messina, J. And G. Vallanti (2004), Gross Job Flows and Institutions in
Europe. ECB Working Paper No. 318.
Gregg, P. and A. Manning (1997),