to demand, this page provides templates for the creation of theses or presentations in corporate design in addition to the LaTeX courses offered at the faculty. Template for a Bachelor's/Master's thesis [...] building using "make" of the document master.pdf Presentation template according to the corporate design The following template provides the OTHAWbeamer.cls class derived from Beamer, which was developed [...] Contents of the git repository: OTHAWbeamer.cls : Class file that enables presentations in the corporate design of OTH Amberg-Weiden oth-aw-beamer.tex and oth-aw-beamer.pdf : Example to illustrate the use of the
Formula Student racing car that is powered purely by electricity. The team not only independently designs and manufactures the competitive speedster, but also regularly takes part in national and international
includes the following modules: Machine Elements Strength of Materials / FEM Product Engineering and Designing with Plastics Project Management Mold Making Laser Materials Processing Digital Production Innovation [...] comprises the following modules: Thermodynamics – Fundamentals Technical Fluid Mechanics Calculation and Design of Unit Operations in Process Engineering Process Engineering – Fundamentals Chemical and Biological [...] Biological Reaction Technology Chemical and Biological Process Technology Computational Fluid Dynamics Design of Experiments (DoE) Air Soil Water Recycling and Waste Management Process Engineering – Deepening
you a wide range of opportunities in almost all areas of research, project planning, development, design, production, assembly and commissioning of machines and entire production plants in internationally
Techno and the typical production means of this genre Eric Anderson Leschnik: Master's thesis: The Design of an Interactive, Multi-Sensory and Multimedia Retail-Experience for the Fashion Industry Patrick [...] Hospital of Regensburg) Further information about my musical projects and my work in the field of sound design can be found at
Automobiles (PRYSTINE): Final results after Year 3. In: 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2021, Virtual Event / Palermo, Sicily, Italy, September 1-3, 2021 , pages 268–277, IEEE. DOI
structure of the research situation & structure of the theoretical part , structure of the research design & structure of the empirical part and presentation and defense of the thesis . Bachelor's and Master's [...] theoretical framework? 4.4. & 11.4.2024: 17 bis 18:30 Uhr - (3) How do I create a feasible research design? How do I structure and write a suitable results/empirical part? 18.4. & 25.4.2024: 17 bis 18:30 [...] 2 Single selection * 4.4. & 11.4.2024: 17 bis 18:30 Uhr - (3) How do I create a feasible research design? How do I structure and write a suitable results/empirical part? no interest in topic 3 Single selection
Warschau, Polen, September 2017, DOI H. Zatocil , H. Nannen, "Objektorientierte Laborautomatisierung", Design und Elektronik , August 2017 H. Nannen, H. Zatocil , "Sensorless start-up of soft starter driven
algorithms. The use of optimization algorithms is known from the field of combustion engines and from the design of electrical machines. In the calibration of thermal models for traction drives, however, such
reduced cost-effectively. The principles of the control methods have hardly changed in their basic design over the past decades. However, they have been extended to include additional functions such as
behavior, the task is to implement it on the low-cost control system and validate it using a specially designed engine test bench. Following successful validation, the measurement procedure is to be examined
Completed research projects CV Awards Publications Patents Team Decentralized electric drive Project goal Design of a demonstrator for a decentralized electric drive. In contrast to the currently preferred system [...] electronics with drivers, is to be built from evaluation boards that can be purchased freely. The design of the controller firmware and the software for motor control will be implemented using the two software
prototypically designed and investigated. For this purpose, existing motors are to be measured in the laboratory for electrical machines and drives and, based on this, the concept is to be designed within the [...] Balanced and unbalanced three-phase and single-phase loads will be tested as possible loads. The design of a simulation model adapted to the application, including the development of the specific control
Decoding the Disciplines & JSXGraph - an approach to resolve learning obstacles in energy balancing Designing graphical physics problems with JSXGraph Empowering African STEM Education: A Journey from Intern
for you to work with e-portfolios Templates: useful templates and inspiring examples to help you design and structure your e-portfolios Tutorials: screencast tutorials on all important areas of the Mahara [...] watch videos from any location and at their own pace. Further information and tips and tricks for designing learning videos can be found in the overview below. If you are interested or have any questions
can create multimedia portfolios and have them assessed. While the learning platform is primarily designed by trainers and teachers, an e-portfolio is learner-centric and a learning and workspace for pa
OnCampus offers an online course "Pronunciation training for Syrian learners of German". The course is designed to teach people who speak Syrian Arabic how to pronounce German by means of short videos: http://mooin
to be addressed preemptively and measures for this need to be thought of at the design stage. Therefore, we have designed monitoring & operations processes from the beginning, which allow us to monitor [...] have prior experience using AI? The developers working on AI are specialized in it. 11. How did you design the deployment? We use a micro-service architecture for the individual elements. These are deployed [...] failure or a wrong decision/misclassification must be evaluated and considered accordingly in the design. With RL, there was also the fact that, unlike trivial use in video games for example, one cannot
them Webtechnologies & Technical Language: Design of web pages and relevant technical terms and their meaning Computer Science: building computers, designing programs, excerpts from theoretical computer [...] with AI? I have a degree in Communication Design as well as a Master's in Computer Science and a PhD in Computer Science. For a few years I worked as a media designer, software developer and as an independent [...] lectures do you currently give and what do students learn in them? Cyberphysische Systems: Applications, design and modeling of cyberphysical systems using the example. Project management: methods for agile project
Medienformatik, Fakultät EMI, OTH Amberg-Weiden, Amberg, 2023. Schmidt, Ferdinand: Konzeptionierung, Design und Implementierung einer Frontend-Applikation zur Abwicklung von Lagerlogistikprozessen in der SAP
Medientage München on 26.10.2012 at the invitation of MedienCampus Bayern e. V. Lecture: Generative Design with Processing. Medientage München on 21.10.2011 at the invitation of MedienCampus Bayern e. V. [...] form for future educators and students. The main objective is to optimize the didactic and media design of the historical content and to use the latest intelligent technologies for this purpose. Through [...] development project of the OTH-AW and the BHS came in. The subject of the project is the analysis, design and development of new user interfaces for the control of industrial plants. The core objective is
1985–1989 Education as technical designer 1992–1993 Free study at the Institute of Art and Design in Neustadt a.d. Waldnaab 1994–1998 Graduated with a degree in communication design (Diploma) 2002–2007 Study
Multimedia Systems Interactive presentations Usability Interaction design Computer art Aesthetics 3D visualization Communication design An important characteristic of the fields of interest in the teaching [...] Prof. Dr. Dieter Meiller General areas of interest of Prof. Meiller (teaching & research) are: Web design, web engineering Mobile applications Information visualization visual analytics Machine Learning [...] in such a way that they can understand it cognitively efficiently. The area of interplay between design and computer science is in the focus of interest. Contact me also at Xing or LinkedIn Kontakt Prof
You may use the software for non-commercial purposes, including teaching and research, and/or in designing, developing and testing projects as part of course assignments, exams or personal projects. You
responsible for preparing the internal accreditation of degree programmes and supports the faculties in designing new degree programmes. Quality Management System The quality management system at OTH Amberg-Weiden