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Online semester abroad at ICMS - An experience I would recommend to everyone

I have always wanted to study abroad, and studying online at ICMS was a great way to get this experience at the time of the pandemic.

Taking the Marketing Course at ICMS for a semester was really exciting. Even though it was online, we could experience what it is like to study in another country. During the lectures, many different topics were addressed. However, the focus was not only on theoretical lessons. In the second part of the lectures, we could practically apply what we had learned. The lecturer has much experience in marketing and managed to explain the topics in a very understandable way. She also showed us a lot of cases where we could see how she applied the theory in her work.

Many thanks to the OTH Amberg-Weiden, their International Office and ICMS for making this possible. For me, the time I studied at ICMS was a lot of fun and I would gladly do it again. I would recommend that everyone should try it.


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