Lecturers & teaching staff

Name Role/Position/Department
Adam, Franziska Lecturer Language center
Adunka, Robert Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Alqattaa, Ahmed Lecturer Weiden Business School, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Amini Hajibashi, Anahita Lecturer Weiden Business School
Andrii, Verstiak Lecturer Language center
Anselstetter, Reiner Lecturer Weiden Business School, Professor im Ruhestand
Antoniuk, Dmytro Administrative Staff Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare, Projektmitarbeiter
Apelt, Holger Lecturer Weiden Business School
Banke, Bernd Lecturer Weiden Business School
Bärnreuther, Brigitte Lecturer Weiden Business School
Batz, Sascha Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Bauer, Alexandra Lecturer Language center
Bauer, Matthias Lecturer Weiden Business School
Baumgartner, Fabian Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science, Administrative Staff Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science, Laboringenieur, Lehrbeauftragter
Bäumler, Johann Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Becker-Stoll, Fabienne Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Bedi-Visschers, Marion Lecturer Weiden Business School
Bernsdorf, Peter Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Boeckh, Katrin Lecturer Weiden Business School
Breunig, Stefan Administrative Staff Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science, Lehrbeauftragter Fakultät EMI
Brittner, Alexander, LL.M. Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Brünke, Peter Lecturer Weiden Business School
Bucher, Andreas
Buckenlei, Erwin Lecturer Weiden Business School, Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Buhl, Sebastian Professor Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Cordes, Anne-Kristin Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Dammert, Wolfgang Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
De Vour-Schön, Amy, M.Sc. (UK), M.A. (USA) Academic Staff Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare, BA Study Programme Head, Project Lead WIGCares Programme, Women's Representative WIG Faculty, Internship Officer TM
Dietlmeier, Otto Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology, Honorarprofessor
Dörrzapf, Klaus Academic Staff Weiden Business School, Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Dr. Beyer, Richard Lecturer Weiden Business School
Eckl, Ina Lecturer Weiden Business School
Edenharder, Markus Lecturer Weiden Business School, Trainer & Dozent
Eicker, Kerstin Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Eirich, Robert Lecturer Weiden Business School
Elgas, Joachim Lecturer Weiden Business School
Ernst, Alexandra Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Erzberger, Arno Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare, Lehrbeauftragter Fach Sensors for Smart Systems
Fasel, Christoph Lecturer Weiden Business School
Fischer, Matthias Lecturer Weiden Business School
Fischer, Marko Lecturer Weiden Business School
Fiss, Olaf Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Freudenthaler, Kurt Lecturer Weiden Business School
Friedl, Majorie Lecturer Language center
Fröhlich, Anja Lecturer Language center
Glombitza, Katinka Lecturer Language center
Gmeiner, Andreas Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Götz, Knuth Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Götz, Ines Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Gradl, Andreas Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Grafberger, Georg Lecturer Weiden Business School, Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Greven, Gunther Lecturer Weiden Business School
Grosser, Markus, Master of Mediation (MM) Lecturer Weiden Business School, Lehrbeauftragter (nebenberuflich)
Gruber, Hans Ulrich Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Gruber, Armin Lecturer Weiden Business School
Grün, Sigrid Lecturer Weiden Business School
Grünewald, Guillermo Lecturer Language center, Lehrbeauftragter Spanisch
Gsell, Klemens Lecturer Weiden Business School
Güner, Tamer, M.A. Lecturer Weiden Business School
Haas, Susanne Academic Staff Weiden Business School, Fachlehrkraft Englisch, Französisch
Haimerl, Bernhard Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Häring, Nina Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology, Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare, Lehrbeauftragte
Hauer, Michael Lecturer Weiden Business School
Haupt, Christian Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Haupt, Anett Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Heilmeier, Bernhard Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Helmes, Tim Lecturer Weiden Business School
Herding, Urs Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Hergenröder, Elmar Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Herr, Claudia Lecturer Weiden Business School
Herzner, Alexander Lecturer Weiden Business School, Institute for Sustainability and Ethics, Head of Institute for Sustainability and Ethic
Heß, Wolfgang Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Hesse, Thorsten Lecturer Weiden Business School
Hirl, Andreas Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Hofmann, Monika Lecturer Weiden Business School
Hofmeister, Stefanie Lecturer Weiden Business School
Holfeld, Andreas Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology, Professor im Ruhestand
Hubmann, Sebastian Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Jattke, Andreas Lecturer Weiden Business School
Kaiser, Sabine Lecturer Weiden Business School
Kaltenecker, Stefan Lecturer Weiden Business School
Kasberger, Barbara Language center, Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Katzer, Anna Lecturer Weiden Business School
Kellner, Magdalena Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Khanam, Tahmina Lecturer Weiden Business School
Kießlich, Alexander Lecturer Weiden Business School
Kirschner, Richard Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science, Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Klages, Anna-Lisa Lecturer Weiden Business School
Klampfl, Georg Alfred Lecturer Weiden Business School, Administrative Staff Weiden Business School, Institute for Sustainability and Ethics, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Klar, Stefan Lecturer Weiden Business School
Kleffel, Philipp Lecturer Weiden Business School
Kleinschroth, Stefanie Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Klos, Martin Lecturer Weiden Business School
Klotz, Verena Language center, Lehrkraft f. besondere Aufgaben
Knorr, Ricarda Lecturer Language center
Koehl, Philipp, MHBA Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Koenig, Holger Lecturer Weiden Business School
Kögel, Ralf Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Konrad, Peter, M. Sc. Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Kraemer, Christa Lecturer Weiden Business School
Kraus, Michael Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Kraußer, Andreas Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Kröber, Susan Lecturer Weiden Business School
Krohs, Ludger Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Kronen, Maximilian Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science, Stellvertretender Amtsleiter ADBV Weiden i.d.OPf.
Krueger, Malte Lecturer Weiden Business School
Kuchenbecker, Stephanie Lecturer Language center
Kunkel, Gerhard Lecturer Weiden Business School
Lang, Maximilian Lecturer Weiden Business School
Lehmeier, Patrick Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Lehner, Stefan Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Lehr, Sebastian Lecturer Weiden Business School
Lepke, Heike, M.Eng. Administrative Staff Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science, wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiterin
Liedl, Fabian Lecturer Weiden Business School
List, Thomas Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Loew, Matthias Lecturer Weiden Business School
Marrè, Patrick Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Mayer, Gebhard Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
McCubbin-Vollath, Jennifer Language center, Lehrkraft f. besondere Aufgaben
Meier, Thomas Lecturer Weiden Business School
Meier, Tobias Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Meier, Andreas Lecturer Weiden Business School
Meindl, Anna Lecturer Weiden Business School
Merkwitz, Ricarda Lecturer Weiden Business School, Dozentin
Methfeßel, Christian Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Meuler-List, Simone Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Mora, Lisa Academic Staff Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare, Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Münch, Christopher Lecturer Weiden Business School
Murry, Gabriele, M.B.A. (USA), M.H.R. (USA) Professor Weiden Business School, Centre for Gender and Diversity, Studiengangsleitung M.Sc. Angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie, Wiss. Leitung Business Innovation Lab, stellv. Hochschul-Frauenbeauftragte, Internationalisierungsbeauftragte WEBIS
Nicolson, Alice Lecturer Weiden Business School
Nitsch, Ladislava Academic Staff Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare, Language center, Sprachenzentrum, wissenschaftliche Leitung, Fachlehrkraft Tschechisch
Nitsche, Marion Lecturer Weiden Business School, Centre for Gender and Diversity
Nitsche, Eva Lecturer Weiden Business School
Noel, Ruhul Amin, M.A. Lecturer Weiden Business School, Administrative Staff Weiden Business School, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Nordmeyer, Corbinian Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Novikova, Anastasiia Lecturer Language center
Olive, Strawberry-Blue Lecturer Weiden Business School, Lehrbeauftragte WEBIS
Olma, Christine Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Orlowski, Simone, M.A., M.H.R. (USA) Academic Staff Weiden Business School, Studiengangsleitung und Studienfachberatung B.Sc. Angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie, Alumni-Beauftragte WEBIS, Frauenbeauftragte der Fakultät WEBIS
Oszlonyai, Cornelia Academic Staff Weiden Business School, Centre for Gender and Diversity, Studiengangsleiterin und Studienfachberaterin B.A. Studiengang International Business, Hochschulbeauftragte für Diversity und Studierende mit Beeinträchtigung
Ott, Michael Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Paulus, Christian Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Peetz, Lars Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Perzl, Willi Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Pilca, Ana-Irina Lecturer Weiden Business School
Pilkowski, Simon Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science, Dozent
Popp, Heribert Lecturer Weiden Business School
Pötzl, Peter Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Prechtl, Stephan Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Preis, Anton Lecturer Weiden Business School
Preis, Bianca Lecturer Weiden Business School
Prucha-Wittmann, Julia Language center, Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Prusikin, Olena Language center, Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Pscherer, André, M.Sc. Lecturer Weiden Business School, Policy Matters and University Development, Projektmanager Digitale Gründerinitiative Oberpfalz (DGO) | Leiter der Digitalen Gründerzentren (DGZ) in Amberg und Weiden | Lehrbeauftragter für Unternehmensgründung
Pulaczewska, Hanna Lecturer Weiden Business School
Raabe, Julian Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Rabenstein, Klaus Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Rahn, Harald Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Ramin, Philipp Lecturer Weiden Business School
Rank, Julia, M.Sc. Lecturer Weiden Business School, Teaching Assistant
Reichert, Marcelina Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Reiner, Stephanie Lecturer Weiden Business School, Aktuell als Juniorprofessorin für Innovative Didaktik an der Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Neu-Ulm (HNU) tätig
Reinhardt, Stefanie Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Renninger, Wolfgang Lecturer Weiden Business School, Quality Management and Accreditations, Wiss. Ltr. Systemakkreditierung, Prof. i.R.
Riedl, Leonhard Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science, Professor of Educational Technology
Ritter, Christian Lecturer Weiden Business School
Röhrer, Wolfgang Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Sàdlovà, Zuzana Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Samhammer, Norbert Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Sauer, Jan Professor Weiden Business School, Professor of HR Management
Schädler, Philipp, M.A. Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Schafberger, Jürgen Administrative Staff Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology, Leitung Zentralwerkstatt / Labor für Akustik und Schallanalyse (LAuS)
Schäfer, Cornelia Academic Staff Weiden Business School, Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Schafferhans, Michael, M.Sc. Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Scharf, Rüdiger
Scharf, Michael Lecturer Weiden Business School
Schilcher, Anton Lecturer Weiden Business School
Schindler, Matthias Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Schmeller, Carl-Philipp Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Schmid, Andreas Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Schmid, Saskia Lecturer Weiden Business School
Schmidl, Elisabeth, M.Eng. Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology, Administrative Staff Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Schneider, Chloe Lecturer Language center
Schöler-Niewiera, Florian Administrative Staff Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science, Laboringenieur
Schünke, Fabian Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Schwarm, Phillip Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Schweitzer, Sascha Professor Weiden Business School, Professor
Seidel, Bianca Administrative Staff Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Simon, Kristin Lecturer Language center
Skrzydlo, Simone Lecturer Weiden Business School
Spuhler, Gregor Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Staerker, Ronny Lecturer Weiden Business School
Stahr, Martin Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science, Sachgebietsleiter Land- und Dorfentwicklung
Stangl, Ilona Academic Staff Weiden Business School, Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Steup-Ritz, Susanna Administrative Staff Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology, Safety Engineer Laboratories MB/UT
Stock, Hortencia Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Stolarczyk, Patrick Administrative Staff Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Striepling, Ingo Lecturer Weiden Business School
Strunz, Manuel Academic Staff Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Stumm, Andreas Lecturer Weiden Business School
Tannebaum, Wolfgang Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Trenz, Stefan Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Trippner, Christian Lecturer Weiden Business School
Uebelacker, Stefan Lecturer Weiden Business School
Veraja, Pavle Lecturer Weiden Business School
Vilsmeier, Gerhard Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Völkl, Laura, M.Sc. Lecturer Weiden Business School, Institute for Sustainability and Ethics, Research Assistant
von Rhein, Wolfram Lecturer Weiden Business School, Professor i. R.
Wagner, Ursula Lecturer Weiden Business School
Walbert, Tobias Academic Staff Weiden Business School, Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Walczak, Xandra Language center, Lehrkraft f. besondere Aufgaben
Wald, Veronika Lecturer Language center
Wameser, Florian Lecturer Weiden Business School
Wanzek, Matthias Lecturer Weiden Business School
Wawrejko, Krystian Lecturer Language center
Weber, Hui Academic Staff Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare, Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben Chinesisch
Weber, Christoph Lecturer Weiden Business School
Weber, Wolfgang Institute for Applied Research, Policy Matters and University Development, Vizepräsident Forschung und Entwicklung, Transfer; Leitung Institut für Angewandte Forschung (IAF); Professur Wirtschaftsgeographie und Makroökonomie
Weber, Harald Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Wedlich, Alexander Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Weig, Markus Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Weinfurtner, Markus Lecturer Weiden Business School
Weisman, Elisa Lecturer Weiden Business School
Weiss, Wolfgang Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Weissová, Simona Lecturer Language center
Wilke, Felix Michael Lecturer Weiden Business School
Wimmer, Jörg Lecturer Weiden Business School
Windscheid, Julian Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Winkler, Olga Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Wintermeier, Martin Lecturer Weiden Business School
Witt, Andreas Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Witt, Sabine, Bachelor of Science Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Witthauer, Hans-Christian Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Wittmann, Markus Lecturer Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Wolf, Joachim Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Ziesler, Andrea Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science
Zinnbauer, Markus Lecturer Weiden Business School
Zitzmann, Immanuel Lecturer Weiden Business School
Zügge, Pola Lecturer Weiden Business School
Zylfiu, Bahtije Lecturer Weiden Business School