Sie suchen Fachkräft e, die sich trittsicher und souverän
auf internationalem Parkett bewegen. Dein Job?
Das Ticket für deine internationale Karriere löst du bei uns. Im
Studiengang International Business
Berufseinsteigende und Young
Professionals haben eine Einstellung gemäß „Jobs follow People“ anstelle
von „People follow Jobs“: Die Bereitschaft, sich an die äußeren
Bedingungen von Arbeitgebenden [...]
Bin, A. S. (2015). The relationship between job satisfaction, job
performance and employee engagement: An explorative study. Issues
in Business Management [...] 19.02.007
Shaikh, S. H., Shaikh, H., & Shaikh, S. (2019). The Impact of Job
Satisfaction and Job Dissatisfaction on Herzberg Theory: A Case
Study of Meezan Bank Limited and National
Berufseinsteigende und Young
Professionals haben eine Einstellung gemäß „Jobs follow People“ anstelle
von „People follow Jobs“: Die Bereitschaft, sich an die äußeren
Bedingungen von Arbeitgebenden [...]
Bin, A. S. (2015). The relationship between job satisfaction, job
performance and employee engagement: An explorative study. Issues
in Business Management [...] 19.02.007
Shaikh, S. H., Shaikh, H., & Shaikh, S. (2019). The Impact of Job
Satisfaction and Job Dissatisfaction on Herzberg Theory: A Case
Study of Meezan Bank Limited and National
2With the appropriate choice of modules,
graduates of the program can therefore find a wide range of job opportunities, especially in the
areas of digitally supported or data-based after-sales, in key account
read texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language (e.g. basic professional
communication, personal and job or study-related information, basic topics on culture, everyday
service and support functions. 2 Graduates of
the degree programme will therefore find a wide range of job opportunities if they choose
the right modules, especially in the areas of digitally supported or
OTH Amberg-Weiden - Digital Technology and Management - Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl
1Job opportunities
…in almost all corporate functions in the value
chain of manufacturing companies [...] knowledge that you will gain during your studies
will become even more important few years into the job.
Digitalization is a global phenomenon that affects companies
across all industries.
OTH Amberg-Weiden - Digital Technology and Management - Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl
1Job opportunities
…in almost all corporate functions in the value chain of
manufacturing companies, [...] knowledge that you will gain during your studies
will become even more important few years in the job.
Digitalization is a global phenomenon that affects companies
across all industries.
world is open to you.
With your interdisciplinary specialist knowledge and skills,
a wide range of job opportunities in companies of
all industries await you.
„The "iStudy" among the degree programmes
technisches Vokabular aufgebaut (describing mechanisms), allgemeines
Business-Englisch vermittelt (job interview, business conversation, telephoning) und Besonderheiten der englischen Grammatik soweit nötig
über den Umgang mit der
Krankheit im Job wissen sollten.
(Zugriff am 07.01.21) [...]
Außerdem wären spezielle Kampagnen für den Berufsstand wichtig, bei
denen die Vorteile des Jobs hervorgehoben werden, um die Wahrnehmung
darüber positiv zu beeinflussen. Weitere konkrete Umsetzungen [...] levels and depression
scores. Furthermore, a segmentation preference of employees in a home office job
has a negative effect on stress levels. On the other hand, employer measures to
Management (Master)
General Information
With the dynamic economic situation and the ever-changing job market in
mind, the importance of internationalization is quite noticeable. Most
companies are globally
the state of knowledge
Topics: Travel; shopping; technology and devices; life events; work and job search; environment and protection of the en-
vironment; forecasting the future.
Grammar: repetition
industry and administration. 2 Graduates of the degree programme will
therefore find a wide range of job opportunities in the areas of research and development,
production, logistics, controlling, management
Medical Engineering
Research and Development
Mechanical and Plant Engineering
And more…
1Job Opportunities and Business Areas
Development engineer
Project manager
Industrial Engineer [...] inary topics.
…you want to have contact with German
industry and you would like to have good
job prospects there.
…you are excited about interdisciplinary and
intercultural projects.
• Faktoren: Zufriedenheit, Commitment, Identifikation
• Maßnahmen: Arbeitsgestaltung (z.B. Job Enrichment, mobiles Arbeiten), Führung (z.B. Feedback, Partizipation),
Bezahlung (z.B. leistun [...] räch
• Faktoren: Zufriedenheit, Commitment, Identifikation
• Maßnahmen: Arbeitsgestaltung (z.B. Job Enrichment, mobiles Arbeiten), Führung (z.B. Feedback, Partizipation),
Bezahlung (z.B. leistun [...] räch
• Faktoren: Zufriedenheit, Commitment, Identifikation
• Maßnahmen: Arbeitsgestaltung (z.B. Job Enrichment, mobiles Arbeiten), Führung (z.B. Feedback, Partizipation),
Bezahlung (z.B. leistun
nicht gewährt, wenn der/ die Studierende älter als 25 Jahre ist oder einen „anspruchsschädlichen“ Job ausübt.
Private studentische Krankenversicherung
Auch private Krankenvollversicherer (PKV) buh-
of enrolment
and confirmation of health insurance.
Step 4:
Maybe you are considering a side job during university?
The HR office of your company will need a German
social security number. It is
standard (name, job title, tel., fax, e-mail)
standard as training supervisor for the student. This person also acts
standard (name, job title, tel., fax, e-mail)
standard as training supervisor for the student. This person also acts
standard (name, job title, tel., fax, e-mail)
standard as training supervisor for the student. This person also acts
standard (name, job title, tel., fax, e-mail)
standard as training supervisor for the student. This person also acts
standard (name, job title, tel., fax, e-mail)
standard as training supervisor for the student. This person also acts
nities” as one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the increas-
ing number of job vacancies, and the formation of special departments
focusing on urban health issues in institutions [...] staff members of these leading global health institutions
and learn about the nature of their jobs and employment opportunities.
In addition, there are excursions to Strasbourg, France, as well
information about the precise field of your studies and, if applicable,
description of job experience
• acquired university degrees *
(please attach an explanation of the grading system)