Technical Supervisor
Technical supervisor of the Laboratory is Gerd Mandel.
More detailed information plus a "virtual lab" can be found at the Lab pages.
The laboratory for digital signal processing comprises equipment for 16 students. Each site contains
- PC including software for developing and testing DSP programs
- Two fully accessible and programmable DSP systems
- A Digital Oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS210)
- A Function Generator WG-1220
- Four of the sites include in addition a real-time Video-Signalprocessing system DaVinci (Texas Instruments) including camera and monitor.
- Linear Rail with driven (double) pendulum, accessible via network (digital control systems)
In addition, there is a site for student projects and research work with the following equipment:
- Real Time Spectrum Analyzer 14 GHz (RSA 6114A Tektronix)
- Channel and Fading Generator (SMU 200A Rohde & Schwarz)
- Spectrum Analyzer FS300 (Rohde & Schwarz)
- Mixed Signal Scope (Agilent 54622D)
- Signal Generator (Agilent 33220A)
- USB Measurement System (Agilent U2542A)
Lab assignments are found at the moodle platform.