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  • Praktikum Computer Vision - II7, MI7, GI7 - Prof. Ivanovska


    Am Montag findet nur die Vorlesung Computer Vision statt. Das Praktikum fällt erstmals aus. 

    gez. Prof. Ivanovska

  • Reminder: Kein Semesterticket mehr!

    Students union


    Studierendenausweise sind keine gültigen Fahrkarten mehr. Ohne gültiges Ticket fahrt ihr schwarz!

    Liebe Studis,

    wir möchten euch noch einmal daran erinnern, dass das Semesterticket mit dem Ende des letzten Semesters am 30.09.2024 ausgelaufen ist.

    Seit Semesterbeginn benötigt ihr im ÖPNV also wieder einen regulären Fahrschein. Der Studierendenausweis stellt demnach keinen gültigen Fahrschein mehr dar und ihr fahrt ohne gültigen Fahrschein schwarz! Dabei müsstet ihr mit der erhöhten Beförderungspauschale von 60€ rechnen. Auch das vergünstigte Deutschlandticket kostet euch nun monatlich den Vollpreis von 29€, welches ihr ausschließlich über die Netinera App kaufen könnt.

    Euer Studentischer Konvent

  • Practical seminar - Prof Neumann


    Hello dear students,

    Students in the 5th semester are hereby receiving information about the practical seminar (PS) as part of their PRX module. This affects the five degree programmes II, MI, EI, IPE and GI and now also the two degree programmes KI and IK, starting on 15 February 2022.

    We currently offer the practical seminar in the winter and summer semesters. It takes place as a two-day block event at the end of the respective lecture-free period:
    WiSe ⇒ beginning/mid-March
    Summer semester ⇒ July/August following the exams

    This means you can theoretically complete your internship semester in the 5th semester. (This was not possible in the past, as the practical seminar was previously only offered in the summer semester and fell in the 6th semester).

    However, we hope that the participants will be spread over both semesters and that the dates in the winter semester will not be overrun. The last two cycles were very unbalanced. For this reason, a strict participant limit of 40 participants has now been decided for the winter semester.

    This winter semester it will probably be these days:
    Tue, 11.03.2025
    Wed., 12.03.2025

    If you would like to take part, please join the following Moodle course:

    (First-Come-First-Serve and change requests/exchanges WiSe⇋SoSe exclusively managed between the students themselves).

    Please follow the further instructions in the Moodle course. There is currently no info session planned during the lecture period.

    Best regards
    Christoph Neumann

  • Infos for discounted Germanyticket

    Study office


    • All courses

    Attached, you will find an initial guide in both German and English on how to purchase your discounted Germany Ticket through the NETINERA Tickets App.

    From Oktober 1, 2024 a renewed Shibboleth verification is required to purchase the Germany ticket for Oktober.

  • Updated timetables for the winter semester 2024/2025

    Dear students,

    Please take note of the updated timetables, which have changed again in some semester groups.

    Dean's Office EMI


    Language center


    The Language Centre offers the following language courses in the coming winter semester:


    • Business Spanish A1 - Wed., 15.30 - 18.45, starts on 02.10.2024 
    • Italian A1 - Mon., 16.00 - 19.15, starts on 07.10.2024 in MBUT 024


    • Business Spanish A2 - Tues., 15.45 - 19.00, starts on 08.10.2024 in BW 205

    Enrolments here

  • Information for the start of the semester WiSe 24/25

    Dear students,

    the new semester is knocking on the door! Therefore, in order to clear up any confusion and ambiguity, we would like to point out once again that Tuesday, 01.10.24, is reserved for first-year students and their welcome. Start of the regular lectures for students
    in the 1st semester and for all students in the higher semesters is Wednesday, 02.10.24.

    We would also like to point out that Friday, 04.10.24, is not a lecture-free day according to the semester schedule.
    Enclosed you will find an overview of the semester times for the winter term24/25.

    We wish you all a good start to the semester and a successful semester!

    Your Dean's Office EMI

  • Staffing of the dean`s office during the lecture-free period

    Dear students

    During the lecture-free period, the EMI Dean's Office is not staffed
    from THURS, 15.08.24, to FRI, 23.08.24, and
    from MON, 09.09.24, to FRI, 20.09.24.

    From MON, 26.08.24, to FRI, 30.08.24, Mrs Renner will be there for you.
    From MON, 02.09.24, to FRI, 06.09.24, Mrs Weiß will be there for you.

    From MON, 23.09.24, the dean's office will be staffed continuously again.

    We wish you a pleasant and relaxing lecture-free period!

    Your Dean's Office EMI

  • Vorlesung BWL (und Projektmanagement) - Kerr Kirschner - WiSe 2024/2025


    Liebe Studierende,

    die Termine für die Vorlesung "BWL" (Studiengänge II, GI und MI) und "BWL und Projektmanagement" (Studiengänge EI und IPE) (jeweils praxisbegleitende Lehrveranstaltungen) haben sich geändert und finden im kommenden Wintersemester als Blockveranstaltung in Präsenz im Hörsaal 313 an folgenden Terminen statt:

    Samstag, 08.02.2025 - 08.00-14.15 Uhr

    Freitag, 21.02.2025 - 08.00-14.15 Uhr
    Samstag, 22.02.2025 - 08.00-14.15 Uhr

    Freitag, 07.03.2025 - 08.00-14.15 Uhr
    Samstag, 08.03.2025 - 08.00-14.15 Uhr

    Fr., 14.03.2025, 14.00 Uhr bis 15.00 Uhr voraussichtlicher Prüfungstermin (Wird im regulären Prüfungsplan mit festgelegt!)

    Bitte berücksichtigen Sie die Termine bei Ihren Planungen!

    Dekanat EMI

  • Review of exams for KI1, KI2, II6, MI6, EI6, GI6, MKI, MAI - Prof. Ivanovska


    Dear students,

    the review of exams of Prof. Ivanovska will take place on 12 August 2024 from 09:00 to 12:00 o`clock.

    We kindly ask for your attention and consideration!

    Your Dean's Office EMI


  • Stundenplan Wintersemester 2024/2025 - Fakultät EMI

    Dear students,

    The timetables for the winter semester 2024/2025 of the EMI faculty are available under the respective degree programme and under the link

    can be viewed immediately.

    However, please check the timetables again before the start of the winter semester, as there may still be minor changes.

    Deanery EMI

  • Notes on the use of the Deutschlandticket

    Study office


    • All courses

    Notes on the use of the Deutschlandticket

    Dear Students,

    Please note that from 01.10.2024 a new verification via Shibboleth is necessary to purchase a discounted Deutschlandticket in the Netinera app.

    The Student Union of the OTH Amberg-Weiden has decided not to extend the semester ticket any further. Therefore, the price for a discounted Deutschlandticket will be 29.00 euros per month from the winter semester 2024/2025. Please note that no refunds will be made if you have forgotten the Shibboleth verification!

    We wish you all a successful examination period!

    Your Students´ Office in Amberg and Weiden